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ROH: Резултати от 7/27 и 7/28


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ROH show report 7-27 Deer Park

In the preshow, Alex "Sugarfoot" Payne and Shane Hagadorn defeated Mitch Franklin and Ernie Osiris

Also a preshow match, Shimmer champion Sara Del Ray and Porsche Portez, with Larry Sweeney, defeated Daizee Haze and Ariel.

In the opener of the main show, BJ Whitmer lost a first-round tournament match to Pelle Primeau. Rhett Titus was at ringside, working on crew, and he took BJ's shirt off of the bottom rope as BJ was getting ready to go up top. BJ got distracted by Titus allowing Pelle to get the win. After the match BJ beat the hell out of Rhett, then interrupted Pelle's crowd surfing to beat the hell out of him too.

In another first round match, Davey Richards defeated Jigsaw in a short match that saw little offense from the Chikara talent.

Claudio advanced to the second round of the tournament by defeating Hallowicked in a competitive match.

"Lightning" Mike Quackenbush defeated Matt Sydal. Before the match, Larry Sweeney talked up how Sydal was one of the hottest free agents in wrestling right now, talking to Dragon's Gate, TNA, and WWE.

Erick Stevens lost to Chris Hero in their first round match. This had a lot of heel stalling from Hero and a lot of work on the outside from Sweet and Sour Inc., who kept interfering. The end came when Stevens, sick of the interference, chased all of Sweet and Sour Inc around the ring. He finally caught Bobby Dempsey, and was about to get his revenge, but Hero hit the Hero's Welcome to advance.

Roderick Strong successfully defended the FIP title against Gran Akuma, Jimmy Rave, and Austin Aries. Aries was mega-over and got a "welcome back" chant. He was the first eliminated when all three men dog-piled. Roderick won the match via submission.

After intermission, El Generico defeated Delirious in their first round match, after a couple of big boots into the corner (think MVP) and a Brainbuster.

Brent Albright squashed Matt Cross in their first round match. Crowd was so slow to get into this one but it wound up getting over.

In the final, and best, first round match of the night, Jack Evans defeated Kevin Steen. A lot of near falls here, and Jack got the win with a splash where he turned so many degrees that I lost count.

In the main event, and match of the night, the Briscoes defended the ROH tag titles against Nigel McGuinness and Bryan Danielson. A ton of sick spots in here, a lot of "ROH!" chants, and an even a "this is awesome!" chant or two. The finish came when Danielson inadvertently nailed Nigel, and the Briscoes scored the pin. After the match Danielson shrugged off his mistake.

ROH will return to Long Island on February 22



I Just returned home from tonight's ROH show in Deer park, the venue was The Deer Park Community Center which was a late replacement due to ROH"s normal Long Island Building Sports Plus closing. The venue was small and extremely hot, people were packed like sardines in there. There was only about 4 feet from the guardrail to the ring so the fans were really on top of the action. The Show was another really strong ROH effort with nothing even close to a bad match and many very good ones including a main event which was absolutely fantastic, I saw the PPV the other day and people have been raving about the tag match with the Briscoes I would say this match was significantly better.

1. Pelle Primeau upset BJ Whitmer to advance in the Tourny with a small package

2. Davey Richards beat Jigsaw via submission to advance, real good stiff match

3. Claudio Castignoli beat Hallowicked with the Ricola Bomb to advance, fun match

4. "Lightning" Mike Quackenbush beat Matt Sydal to advance, Real good match

5. Chris Hero over Erick Stevens to advance in the tournament

6. Roderick Strong retained his FIP Title in a 4 way elimination over Austin Aries, Gran Akuma and Jimmy Rave in that order, strong match although shorter than I expected

7. El Generico eliminated Delirious in the tourny, fun match alot of good comedy from these two

8. Brent Albright over Matt Cross via submission, short stiff match

9. Jack Evans beat Kevin Steen to advance in the best match of the first round by far, real strong match with Steen killing Evans and Evans keep fighting back, Steen is impressive he hit a perfect senton bomb, which for a guy his size is amazing. Jack won with the 630

10. The Briscoes defeated Bryan Danielson and Nigel McGuiness to retain there ROH Tag Titles in a Unbelievable match, I cant remember the last time I cringed so much watching a match in person. Jay was busted open hardway above his eye and it looked like he possibly had some swelling too. Just one stiff exchange after another, Nigel was killing both Briscoes with lariats, truly a great match worth going out of your way to see. The finish was Nigel holding one of the Briscoes while Danielson came charging for a roaring elbow, Briscoe ducked and Dragon creamed Nigel and he was pinned. They continued the dissension between Dragon and Nigel, after the match Dragon was disgusted with Nigel and quickly left the ring.

Отново така както гледам солидно шоу.По начало винаги съм се кефел на такива tournament-и,които се разиграват,защото накрая ясно може да се види кои ще бъдат големите играчи в ROH.Така че засега нещата изглеждат повече от добре преди разбира се едно от най-важните и значими шоута на годината Death Before Dishonor 5

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Тъй като гледам нещата отиват към финал Hero vs Claudio и вероятен победител Hero.Радващо е че във втория кръг ще видим Quack vs Claudio,наскоро гледах няколко мача помежду им,включително и този от IWA-MS - TPI 06,който си беше абсолютна класика и останах меко казано впечатлен.

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е, какво мога да кажа - Браян мачка ;) Мачът с Го Шиозаки от японското турне е истински пример за това до какво съвършенство може да бъде доведен един мач, когато Браян има нещо общо ;) Турнирът изглежда средна работа така на хартия погледнато, обаче мене друго ме стресна неприятно... това означава ли(този турнир) че няма да има Survival of the Fittest Six-Way тази година*ужЪс*?!?!?!?!?!?!? Иначе искам да отбележа, че не съм особено въодушевен от начина, по който Гейб третира Хироу, откакто мениджър му стана Суийни(впрочем, The Palamino кърти...). Ще е кофти ако Хироу продължава да бъде голяма работа в индитата и трета цигулка в РОХ...

Бтв, може би говоря смело, обаче... Олбрайт го рекламираха на първото ППВ, получава тих пуш, има мач на DBD-Night 2 с Шима и му се дава толкова отрано промо тайм по повод това, че е `фърлил око на пояса, пък и имам някакво старнно предчувствие... дали няма да видиме "Гънър Скот" със среброто около кръста? Надали, но това все пак е РОХ - тук все още се случват изненади!

[color="#990000"]HAIL SABIN[/color]

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Бтв, може би говоря смело, обаче... Олбрайт го рекламираха на първото ППВ, получава тих пуш, има мач на DBD-Night 2 с Шима и му се дава толкова отрано промо тайм по повод това, че е `фърлил око на пояса, пък и имам някакво старнно предчувствие... дали няма да видиме "Гънър Скот" със среброто около кръста? Надали, но това все пак е РОХ - тук все още се случват изненади!

Не ми се вярва,но все пак има едно НО :) Според мен следващия шампион е Nigel като накрая той ще успее да победи Shima и да се окичи с титлата!Иначе шоутата са рулирали от всякаде и нямам търпение да излязат за да ги гледам.

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Второто шоу всъщност е тази вечер.Иначе по Олбрайт,не смятам,че е готов за титла и то толкова рано.Според мен дори даването на title shot е леко пресилено не толкова заради уменията на Brent,ми заради това че все още много хора го асоцийрат с Гънър Скот.Също така не смятам,че финишъра му трябва да бъде просто един суплекс,както примерно на Моришима(и именно това е нещото,които не харесвам в него,защото за мен финишъра има наистина голямо значение).Иначе за Survival of the Sickest - да наистина има традиция да се провежда такъф турнир,но през 2006,а дори и 2005 нещо мачовете въобще не се получават.Кой може да забрави класиката от 2004,когато наистина всичко беше на ръба,а на ринга бяха най-големите звезди.Така,че ако питате мене,нека си останем с добрите спомени и да го заменят с някаква друго шоу.

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Online World of Wrestling Results - Edison, NJ

SHIMMER 4-WAY DARK MATCH: Daizee Haze defeated Sara Del Rey and Portia Perez and Alicia..

6-MAN TAG DARK MATCH: Mitch Franklin & Ernie Osiris & Gran Akuma beat Rhett Titus & Alex Payne & Shane Hagadorn.

2ND ROUND: El Generico defeated Chris Hero to advance..

2ND ROUND: Davey Richards defeated Pelle Primeau to advance..

2ND ROUND: Jack Evans defeated Brent Albright to advance..

2ND ROUND: Claudio Castagnoli defeated Mike Quackenbush to advance..

IN THE RING: American Dragon and Nigel McGuinness picked their team-mates for the main event..

3RD ROUND: El Generico defeated Davey Richards to advance..

3RD ROUND: Claudio Castagnoli defeated Jack Evans to advance..

6-MAN MAYHEM: Erick Stevens defeated B.J. Whitmer and Kevin Steen and Matt Cross and Jigsaw and Hallowicked..

$10,000 SINGLE FALL 8-MAN TAG TEAM MATCH: American Dragon's Team defeated Nigel McGuinness's Team..

Team Dragon: "American Dragon" Bryan Danielson, Austin Aries, Matt Sydal, and Mark Briscoe..

Team McGuinness: Nigel McGuinness, Roderick Strong, Delirious, and Jay Briscoe..

The Briscoes both turned on their teams and left, while Delirious and Strong brawled leaving Nigel McGuinness alone..

RACE TO THE TOP FINALS: Claudio Castagnoli defeated El Generico to win the Race to the Top Tournament!

позволих си да постна най-суровите резултати. Клаудио взима турнира! Предполагам, че това е с цел да билднат по-добре мача с Шима на DBD-N1. Иначе да се надяваме, че 8-MAN Tag-a се е получил солидно и дълго, защото с всичките тия разврати лъха на съмнителност. Всъщност нека ги има, но дано да са станали в рамките на последните минути в мача и преди това всичко да се е развивало в реда на нещата без handicaping.

[color="#990000"]HAIL SABIN[/color]

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