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ROH Japan - Резултати от 16 July 2007


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1) Delirious came out to welcome the Japanese fans to ROH. NRC jumped him until Jack Evans & Suzuki made the save. Evans challenged Romero & Richards to have their match right now. Romero & Richards defeated Evans & Suzuki after Romero kicked Evans in the head several times. This was a hot opener.

2) In a suprise NOAH match Taniguchi defeated Ito.

3) Jimmy Rave defeated BJ Whitmer

4) Bryan Danielson defeated Go Shiozaki in a long match that was an absolute classic. The Tokyo fans were chanting "ROH" after the match and gave Danielson a huge ovation. Danielson challenged the main event winner to a title match in the future.

KENTA came out right after intermission and told the crowd he injured his leg last night at Budokan Hall and would be unable to compete. The crowd was very understanding.

5) Delirious defeated Roderick Strong in a Fight Without Honor that saw the crowd really cheer Delirious and boo Strong. This was the best match between these two and they both agreed.

6) Naomichi Marufuji, Jay & Mark Briscoe defeated Matt Sydal, Ricky Marvin & Aoki. Let me just saw this match was amazing.

7) Takeshi Morishima defeated Nigel McGuinness in another outstanding match. This had Budokan main event title match heat. At the end of the match Bryan Danielson entered the ring with the belt. He told Morishima it was his belt. Danielson then acted like he was going to hand Morishima the belt but instead slapped him. Before Morishima could kill Danielson, he tried to run off. However, Danielson ran right into Nigel who hit him with an uppercut. Nigel then picked up the belt and Morishima extended his hand. In a show of respect they shook hands and Nigel handed Morishima the belt to end the show.

On another note, Naomichi Marufuji will replace KENTA in Osaka.

Както гледаме поредното яко шоу на ROH.Dragon Отново е направил класика,като вече такива мачове от негова страна дори не ме учудват.Има ли мач името Bryan Danielson в него,то има голям шанс да се превърне в класика или MOTYC.Не ми са мисли на 28 август в NYC какво ще става,когато Dragon се бие срещу 'Shima за титлата.Може би един от най-чаканите мачове на годината..И btw ако някой има някакъв подробен Live Report да го пусне....

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I just got back from the ROH in Japan Tokyo show and just wanted to send a report to you before I crash.

ROH might have sold out Differ Ariake. They didn't announce the total attendance, but the place was packed from where I was sitting. It looked like they drew a lot of high school kids. There were a couple sections of them and they were really loud. Cary Silkin was stalking foreigners prior to the show. He came up to me in line and pretty much just said thanks for coming. The entire staff looked nervous.

Delirious gave the welcome promo, which fit because it didn't matter that no one understood him anyway. He eventually got jumped by the No Remorse Corps but Jack Evans and Kotaro Suzuki made the save, which became the first match.

Rocky Romero & Davey Richards beat Jack Evans & Kotaro Suzuki

-The crowd was really into it, mostly because they love Jack. Evans got most of his signatures in before Romero kicked him in the head three times. A real good opener though nothing spectacular.

NOAH Exhibition: Shuhei Taniguchi beat Akihiko Ito

-This was pretty much a chance to give two young NOAH guys some ring time and it was a straight up puro style match. Thus, the crowd mostly sat on its hands except for the few big moves. I thought it came off really well, though it was pretty obvious that the crowd wasn't supposed to care. They both looked the same and had matching black tights, which didn't help. A good outing for these two though. Taniguchi won with an avalanche style german suplex.

Jimmy Rave beat BJ Whitmer

-Fun, but not a great match. The crowd liked both guys, but Jimmy was more entertaining. Proof that Japan has its share of ROH faithful as Rave was welcomed by toilet paper and a really small "Die Jimmy, die" chant. I know the tp isn't allowed anymore in the States, but it looked like something the Japanese fans had been waiting a long time to do. Rave won with the Pedigree.

Bryan Danielson beat Go Shiozaki

-Match of the Night. Danielson is clearly the face of ROH now as the crowd went nuts for him. It's one thing for New York or Philly, but a foreign crowd goes to show how over he is. Someone even busted out the "You're going to get your fucking head kicked in" chant. Shiozaki looked great against Danielson and really gave him run for his money. He survived the cross-face chicken wing, Cattle Mutilation, and the MMA elbows and even managed to hit his finisher, Go Flasher. He finally went down to the Cattle Mutilation. Right before intermission Danielson got on the mic and demanded a title shot.

Fight Without Honor: Delirious beat Roderick Strong

-A good brawl between these two. Crowd was into both guys, though one kid was having a seizure over Delirious. The fans enjoyed it when they broke out the hardware, though it wasn't used as much. Strong brought a couple of chairs to the ring while Delirious got a ladder. Biggest spot came when Strong back body dropped Delirious from the apron through the ladder propped up between the apron and guardrail. Delirious won with the Chemical Imbalance. Ending kind of came out of nowhere.

Six Man Tag: Naomichi Marufuji & The Briscoes beat Matt Sydal, Ricky Marvin, & Atsushi Aoki

-KENTA was pulled from the match due to an injury he got, presumably from his Budokan match the night before. So the crowd lost a lot of interest in the match unfortunately. The popped big time for Marufuji and The Briscoes. Marvin got his signature spots in, but didn't do much. Aoki got beat down for awhile before tagging out. Finish came when Sydal got hit with the Double Impact.

ROH World Title: Takeshi Morishima retained against Nigel McGuinness

-Great, hard-hitting match. There were an awful lot of pro-Nigel fans which surprised me. I don't know how this match will stack up to their last encounter, but this was just awesome. Nigel hit a Tower of London from the apron all the way to the floor while Morishima sidewalk slammed him to the floor later. McGuinness came close a couple of times. We thought he had it with the Jawbreaker Lariat, but Morishima just kicked out. He finished it with a sick Backdrop Driver.

After the match Danielson hit the ring and took the belt. He told Morishima the belt was his until Nigel threw chased him out of the ring. He handed the belt to Morishima and that was the end.

Not every match was all it could have been, but the point was to entertain the Japanese crowd. They pulled it off amazingly well. The crowd was hot for most of the event and actively chanted in ways I've never seen a crowd here do before.

Доста добро шоу наистина,кофти за контузията на Кента,беше предвиден и за двете шоута в Japan.A някой има ли инфо Morishima докога ще е на разположение на ROH.Това общо взето ще даде отговор и кога ще сдаде титлата.Иначе Nigel вероятно при третия опит ще победи Morishima.Не ми се вярва Danielson да си я върне още през август,а и като че ли е дошъл ред на Nigel да бъде шампион.Иначе Dragon си мачка,не се и съмнявам,че мача в NYC ще бъде лудница,а и през август се очертава и друг dream match на Dragon - срещу Mike Quackenbush.

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шоуто ще се гледа задължително дори и само заради МЕ. Иначе и от другите мачове има доста, които са били очевидно добри, така че падне ли ми свалям!



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Получило се е поредното добро шоу и задължително ще се гледа.В Япония явно хвърлянето на toilet paper е разрешено и Rave е бил засипан като нямам търпение да видя този момент,тъй като не съм го виждал отдавна :) Мача между Delirious и Dave май е бил добър и като цяло на това шоу враждата между двата стейбъла е продължила развитието си по един много добър начин.Bryan е получил необходимото време и е дал заявка за титлата като явно мача му с Go е бил най-добрия на шоуто.Mori за пореден път е размазал Nigel,но аз поне се надявам накрая Nigel да стане шампион :)

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Ето и рeзултати от второто шоу на ROH в Japan.Подробно review не успях да намеря,но изглежда е било поредното добро шоу.Както се вижда първото шоу в Tokyo е работено с NOAH,а на второто с Dragon Gate като изключение прави Marufiji,който не беше предвиден да участва,но след контузията на Кента се наложи да го замести.

1. ROH World Tag Team Championships: Jay & Mark Briscoe defeated Jimmy Rave & Genki Horiguchi after Jay pinned Jimmy Rave with a Spike Jay Driller in 9:22

2. Nigel McGuinness defeated BJ Whitmer after a jawbreaker lariet in 9:14

3. Jack Evans defeated Roderick Strong after a 630 Splash in 14:47

4. Matt Sydal & Dragon Kid & Ryo Saito defeated Delirious & Masato Yoshino & Naruki Doi after Sydal hit a Shooting Star Press on Delirious in 21:01

5. ROH World Tag Team Championships: Jay & Mark Briscoe defeated SHINGO & Susumu Yokosuka when Mark pinned Yokosuka with a springboard doomsday device in 17:55

6. CIMA & Bryan Danielson & Naomichi Marufuji defeat Rocky Romero & Davey Richards & Masaaki Mochizuki when CIMA pinned Romero in 25:01 with the Schwein (side tombstone driver)

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