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2-16/Manhattan Center

- ROH announces that tickets for tonight's event have sold out.

1) Takeshi Morishima defeats Pelle Primaeu. Pelle came out to begin the show, issuing an open challenge. Samoa Joe's music hit, but Morishima came out. Morishima destroyed Pelle in seconds, getting the victory. Nigel McGuinness then comes out to calm Morishima down.

2) Delirious defeats Adam Pearce. Pearce had a foreign object, went to hit Delirious with it, but hit Shane instead. In the confusion, Delirious picked up the object, and put it in his mask. He then hit a headbutt on Pearce, knocking Pearce out.

3) Sara Del Ray & Allison Danger defeat Alexa Fisher & Daizee Haze. Del Ray pinned Fisher after a double underhook suplex.

4) Four Way Fray: Xavier vs Jack Evans vs Jimmy Jacobs vs SHINGO

- Jack Evans eliminated Xavier after reverse hurricanrana.

- SHINGO eliminates Jimmy Jacobs

- Jack Evans pins SHINGO after a 630 splash from the top turnbuckle.

- Samoa Joe came to the ring to thank the New York ROH fans. He called out Morishima, but Nigel came out instead. Nigel and Joe exchange words, then brawl. Refs and students break it up.

5) Tables Match: B.J. Whitmer defeats Brent Albright. BJ Whitmer took a Razor's Edge through two doublestacked tables...and kicked out! Match is still going, said to be brutal and intense. BJ Whitmer wins the match after an exploder from the top turnbuckle through two tables.

- So far, ROHPhilly has said "great match" after both the Four Way and the Tables match.

6) ROH World Tag Team Championship Match: Matt Sydal & Christopher Daniels defeat Austin Aries & Roderick Strong. Roderick has a widely visable black eye, stemming from his PWG action last weekend. Midway through the match, Austin Aries suffers an ankle injury. Aries apparently went for a top rope springboard, missed the rope and landed badly. He can barely stand. Sydal hits the Shooting Star Press on Aries, following by Daniels hitting the Best Moonsault Ever.

- After the match, Roderick Strong attacks Austin Aries, hitting a backbreaker. Davey Richards comes to the ring. Davey and Roderick are now a team known as the No Remorse Core. Jack Evans made the save for Aries, who was hurting badly.

7) Nigel McGuinness & Colt Cabana defeat Jay & Mark Briscoe. Nigel pinned Jay after a lariat.

8) Samoa Joe defeats Takeshi Morishima. Joe choked Takeshi out. Morishima was locked in the choke, and his arm dropped three times for the defeat.

9) ROH World Championship: Homicide defeats Jimmy Rave. Homicide won via pinfall after a copkilla.

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уха.... Фоур Уей мача и Мача с масите ги чакам на нокти, както и предателството на Стронг.... това шоу ми звучи като 10 от 10 ;)

[color="#990000"]HAIL SABIN[/color]

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Ае хванете новия шампион :)

Ring of Honor Presents: Interesting Preshow Names

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Saturday, February 17

Event Results: Provided by ROHPhilly, Head-On, The Philadelphia Inquirer, and PETA.


1) Rhett Titus & Pelle Primaeu defeat Bobby Dempsey & ???. Pelle pins Payne after a stunner.

2) ROH Top of the Class Trophy: Shane Hagadorn defeats Alex Payne. Hagadorn won by forcing Alex to submit.

3) Sara Del Ray defeats Mitch Franklin. The American Angel won via submission.

ROH 5th Anniversary - Event 2

1) Nigel McGuinness defeats TJ Perkins. Nigel pins Perkins after the lariat. Said to be a great opening match.

2) Austin Aries defeats Claudio Castagnoli. Aries said to be walking fine to the ring, but showing pain during the match. Austin won after hitting a 450 splash.

- Austin called out Roderick after the match, but Jack Evans comes out instead. He's against taking sides. Roderick and Davey come to the ring. "Roddy is awful on the mic"... Roderick calls out Jack to pick sides, but he doesn't decide anything. End of segment.

3) Street Fight: Colt Cabana & BJ Whitmer & Daizee Haze defeat Adam Pearce & Jimmy Jacobs & Lacey. Whitmer pins Jimmy after "super exploder". Very bloody match, with chairs being thrown all over the place, including into the audience.

4) Jay Briscoe & Mark Briscoe defeat El Generico & Kevin Steen. Briscoes get the win after hitting a combo Shooting Star Press-Guillotine Leg Drop combo on Kevin Steen. "Unfuckingbelievable" match, with the crowd chanting "Please Come Back" at Generico and Steen afterwards.

5) Samoa Joe defeats Jimmy Rave. Samoa Joe pins Jimmy Rave, and is now giving a goodbye speech. "Match was nothing special"...um, except that it was JOE'S LAST ROH MATCH IN PHILLY!

- Crowd near 1,000.

6) FIP Championship: Roderick Strong vs Delirious. Aries tried to attack Strong before the match, but never got to him. Match is ongoing now. During the match, Delirious was knocked out cold. The ref made the 'x' sign, as Roderick dragged Delirious out of the ring. Strong gave Delirious a powerbomb on the outside and went back to the ring. Ref made the 20 count. Delirious looked badly injured. Aries tried to attack Roderick again after the match but doesn't get to him again.

7) ROH World Tag Team Titles: Sydal & Daniels defeat SHINGO & Evans. Sydal gets the victory over Jack after a top rope doubleteam Angel's Wings on Jack. Fun match.

- After the match, Austin Aries comes out demanding that Jack Evans picks which side he will be on. Jack refuses. Aries says that he's going to find the next generation of stars and begin his own group. Evans vows to do the same, thus making this weekend the weekend of factions.

8) ROH World Championship: Takeshi Morishima defeats Homicide. Three suplexes and a strong lariat later, ladies and gentlemen, we have a new ROH World Champion!

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Лично аз не съм доволен от това развитие на нещата,защото вече става пределно ясно,че TNA няма да пускат повече Homicide в ROH.Същата е и ситуацията с Джо,както и може би Даниелс и Aries.При подобно стечение на обстоятелствата,ситуацията наистина е жалка.Лично аз не се сещам за друга причина,която би довела до смяна на шампиона и то толкова рано след като е спечелил титлата.Отгоре на всичко Homi беше граден за шампион през цялата 2006 и не може да го направят просто един transitional champ.Поне яко се кефя,че дадоха титлата на кечист,който съм сигурен,че ще направи жестоки dream мачове за титлата.Иначе така от това,което чета шоуто е къртило мивки.Много ми е интересно докъде ще доведат всичките тези неща с Aries и Strong,но определено ще е към изграждането на нови звезди благодарение на ветеранският им опит.Доста солидно шоу,което ще се гледа.

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УАУ!УАУ!УАУ!Двете шоута са били наистина страхотни,а новия шампион ме изненадва мега много като не знам дали да се радвам,тъй като Homicide беше шампион за прекалено кратко време :( но от друга страна Takeshi F'N Morishima кърти от всякаде!

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Ъмммм, сериозно ли някой е очаквал Homicide да държи дълго титлата? Из нета народа се чудеше дали няма да я пусне още в първия defence срещу Hero... Идеята за Morishima като ROH шампион не ми харесва особено, ама все пак ROH трябва да дадат нещо на NOAH в замяна на всичката помощ ;). Това със новите групи звучи интересно - gang warfare is fun! И дам, доста се радвам да видя Generico & Steen отново в ROH!

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Гледам че още никой не ги е постнал

ROH 2-24 results from Chicago Fifth Year Anniversary Night 4

Well, tonight was a great show. I'd say the best live show I've seen since Better than Our Best. A couple of mediocre matches and blown spots really prevent it from being that great of a show, but tonight was definitely something special.

First of all, hats off to all six guys in the mayhem match during the pre-show. I really enjoyed it a lot. Mike Elgin's DVD was tremendous and I wish this could be put on the DVD because it was damn entertaining and got a surly crowd going.

The reason the crowd was surly cause the Windy City Fieldhouse sucked. Maybe if ROH got the whole thing, then it would be okay. But they didn't so we were all stuck together like sardines. There were no awkward silences at least with the whistles but it was still damn annoying. And what the hell are people playing volleyball on a Saturday night at 10:00 P.M. for? The chants were very appropriate

The new lighting is excellent. The sound is clearer and the ring looks great.

Onto the show itself:

Claudio Castagnoli vs. Brent Albright: An okay match. My friend gave Claudio some static as he came through the crowd so that was fun. This would have fit better in the middle of the card as opposed to the opener. I thought 4CS should have been the opener to get things rolling right away. **1/2

Allison Danger and Sara Del Ray vs. MsChif and Serena: Call me a pig but Serena is hot. Sara Del Ray is a damn good wrestler and MsChif has a great character. This is the first time I've ever seen a live Shimmer match, and it was okay at times. I just enjoyed watching real women's wrestling as opposed to the other garbage on television. **

Shingo vs. Matt Cross vs. Trik Davis vs. CJ Otis: I was stunned that Trik didn't job in this match. Needless to say Matt Cross got the perfect reaction to justify what would happen after the match. I was surprised Shingo didn't pick up the win, but he has still gotten a lot better then even when I saw him back in December. ***

BJ Whitmer vs. Jimmy Rave: The crowd was quite dead for this match which I take to be a bad sign since these guys are both top level ROH veterans. Other than the usual "Die Jimmy Die" and other assorted chants the crowd wasn't really into this match at all. And I wasn't either except for some of the chops. **

Christopher Daniels and Matt Sydal vs. The Briscoes: People can criticize Christopher Daniels for some of his work and they'd be justified to a certain extent, but he was on tonight. Matt Sydal' heel shctick was great and The Briscoes wrestled their best match since coming back to ROH. Best tag match I've ever seen live and the crowd was ecstatic about the title change. Match of the night. ****1/2

Roderick Strong and Davey Richards vs. Austin Aries and Matt Cross: It was weird seeing Aries and Strong on different teams and booing Strong just felt so wrong. Cross did look like he seriously injured himself and the front row people of my section got to have a bleeding wrestler on their hand. A solid match marred by the injury. ***

Jimmy Jacobs vs. Colt Cabana: After this match I had to seriously consider whether this match or the Homicide/Cabana match was more violent. The fact that I had to ask this shocked the hell out of me. Jacobs put on what I believe is his best singles performance in ROH. It was everything you wanted in a match like this. The thing I love about this company is when they do violence, they do it all the way. Jacobs' putting Cabana through the table was the clear highlight and I marked out thinking Jacobs would win at this point. Great job by Cabana as well. ****

Takeshi Morishima and Nigel McGuinness vs. Samoa Joe: People can say whatever they want about whether or not Morishima should be the champion or not but after seeing him tonight, I wasn't impressed. Maybe it was the fact that it was a tag match, but I wasn't impressed by Morishima in the ring at all. This was still a great match, but I thought Joe and Nigel really carried it. And Joe's speech was really good too. I'm not sure how similar it was to the other venues but I thought it was great just the same. ****

Overall, it was a great show. I'm glad to be going back to the Frontier Fieldhouse even though it is in the middle of nowhere. The Morishima as champ worries me. Hopefully Nigel wins the belt in April. I do love the direction ROH is headed with the new factions and the tag teams formed from those factions. I also think tonight was a breakthrough for Jimmy Jacobs. And MAN UP, cause the REAL TAG CHAMPS ARE HERE!!!


1. Challenge: Brent Albright over Claudio Castagnoli in 11:38 with a half-nelson german.

2. SHIMMER: Allison Danger & Sara Del Ray over Serena & MsChief in 7:27.

3. 4 Corner Survival: Matt Cross over C.J. Otis & Shingo Takai & Trik Davis. Awesome

4. Challenge: Jimmy Rave over BJ Whitmer in 10:52.

5. For vacant titles: The Briscoes over Matt Sydal & Christopher Daniels in 24:50 to win the ROH tag team championship. Outstanding

6. Matt Cross & Austin Aries over Davey Richards & Roderick Strong in 14:35. Cross over Richards with a 450.

7. Colt Cabana over Jimmy Jacobs in 22:55. Awesome match with double juice and a spot that saw Jacobs come off the top of a ladder with a senton onto Colt, who was laying on a table outside the ring.

8. ROH Champion Takeshi Morishima & Nigel McGuinness over Samoa Joe & Homicide in 23:10, after Nigel pinned Joe with a lariat. As expected, the place was crazy for Joe, who was working his final American date for ROH.

Judas Priest, this show was awesome. Ive been to every Chicago show except one, and this one may have been the best top to bottom yet.

Coupla thoughts:

That building sucked. Best chants of the night were "This place sucks" and "Fron-tier Field-house!" I understand an MMA group was at the other building tonight, lets hope this was a one time experience.

Mike Elgin in the dark match was over like grover. Elgin and a wrestler named Ash have been at a few IWA shows of late, one local one on Fri nite. Apparently recommended to IWA by Whitmer, so the shot here seems reasonable. The 3 man stacked DVD was impressive.

MDogg landed in the front row on a dive, scraped up his leg and back pretty badly. And THEN proceeded to take the slam on the rail. Damn.

Joe caught his foot on the rope during his dive, crashed down in a very frightening manner. He looked up at the crowd with a "man, I just dodged a HUGE bullet" look when he was OK.

Briscoes were HUGE faces tonight - that crowd REALLY wanted that title change. Great, great match.

Jimmy and Colt BOTH hit a gusher. The veritable crimon mask, times two.

Looked like Punk was in the house, overlooking the proceeding from the balcony. Not 100% sure, but certainly looked like him from a distance.

This was a blowaway show.

ROH in Dayton 2/23/07 Fifth Year Anniversary Night 3

Wooooow! All I'll say is, next time you have the chance/ability to go to a live ROH show... damn it motha f'er, GO!!!!!! Here's my review.

Note: This is my first ever live event, so I may be biased. The following are the results, followed by my thoughts. There will be some spoilers, so if you don't want to know, don't read it.

The dark matches were pretty decent. A tag match with Bobby Dempsey and Rhett Tidus vs some team I don't know unfortunately (Dempsey and Tidus won), Sara Del Ray vs Jocie? (Holy crap Sara is awesome), and Shane Hagadorn vs one of the other students. Hagadorn got heat with the crowd saying it was a bowling trophie. Also I think some people were chanting that he borrowed his robe from his grandma.

Starts with Takeshi Morishima's music but Nigel McGuinness comes out instead. He cuts a promo for tonight's main event and tomorrow's as well until Irish Airborne come out. Soon after Morishima comes out and he & Nigel beat down Airborne. Then Lacey, Brent Albright, & Jimmy Jacobs come out. Soon after Jimmy Rave also comes out for 3-on-1 beatdown on Nigel until Colt Cabana comes out for save. This leads to...

Awesome's Thoughts: This was a pretty cool segment. Irish Airborne got destroyed by Morishima (including the backdrop driver), and then 'Shima left the ring. Some were really booing him good, but most were rooting for him. Jimmy Jacobs, Lacey, and Albright came out at this point I believe and Lacey yelled at Nigel on the mic how he's tagging with Colt Cabana. Nigel called her a slag and got a pop. Rave then came out and applied the Heel Lock on Nigel. Cabana's music hit and he came out to get Rave out of the ring as well as begin the tag match.

Cabana & McGuinness beat Jacobs & Albright.

Awesome's Thoughts: A pretty good match to get the show going. They worked on Nigel's knee/ankle for most of the match. One of the highlights was when Jimmy pulled a guitar out and ripped a string from it. He then began to choke Cabana (I believe) while Sinclair (who got TONS of heat. Someone had a "Sinclair ate ROH's B-Day Cake" sign. Just lots of heat, normal for a Dayton show involving Sinclair though) was distracted. Nigel gave Jimmy a Tower Of London and Jimmy landed right on his head. It was pretty brutal, but it didn't end the match. It was later when Cabana and Nigel did the double Tower Of London move on I believe Albright.

Jimmy Rave beat Sterling James Keenan by submission. Before the match a couple of people threw toilet paper at Rave, they got a "Throw them out!" chant (TP is still banned, only streamers are OK).

Awesome's Thoughts: Yeah I was shocked that they actually threw TP. Pretty funny though. Just shows how much people hate him lol. SJK looks A LOT different from the last time I saw him. He's now wearing red short tights and has his hair cut.

Lacey beat Daizee Haze after Jacobs interfered.

Awesome's Thoughts: Very good match. Lacey and Daizee (as well as Allison) are even prettier in person. It was really good with some cool spots. Daizee almost landed in my lap. Jimmy interfered and speared Daizee while Sinclair was distracted. Once again he got more heat lmao.

Homicide beat Christopher Daniels & Jay Briscoe in a 3-way match.

Awesome's Thoughts: This was pretty cool. Daniels has a full beard now (thin though) looks kind of bad tbh. But eh, he's still awesome. The match was a tribute to the Triple Threat at EOHB. It was a good match, but could have been better IMO. I think it was this match, or the one before it that Delirious appeared. He was sitting in the crowd behind us, just sitting there looking PISSED. Bayless interviewed him, but from my position he didn't say anything. We couldn't hear Bayless either. Must only be for the DVD release. More on Delirious later... and a lot more lol. Oh also, god damn Allison Danger was wearing a hot outfit! But I'll say no more, hehehe.

Matt Sydal beat Austin Aries to retain the Dragon Gate Open The Brace Gate Title. Post-match saw Roderick Strong & Davey Richards come out to beat down Aries until Delirious made save.

Awesome's Thoughts: This was a very good match. Don't really know any other way to put it. Roddy came out after the match and beat down Aries while Richards beat down Sydal. Sydal was thrown out of the ring and he was like, "I GOTTA HEADACHE!" Roddy beat up Aries, then all hell broke loose. Everyone turned to see Delirious going crazy. He then runs right next to us, and takes my brother's freaking chair lol. He then made the save for Aries. If you don't know, Roddy gave Delirious a legit concussion, so it looks like they're playing off it. Delirious may become apart of Aries' stable then. Not saying that, but it's possible. During intermission, my bro got another chair and it collapsed lmao. The next chair didn't work either unfortunately. Finally he got one that did though. ROH's chairs aren't exactly great lol.

Larry Sweeney introduced Tank Toland as Chris Hero's new personal trainer (Hero is still in Japan touring with NOAH). This led to...

Toland beat Mitch Franklin in a squash.

Awesome's Thoughts: Sweeney's awesome. Toland isn't. Period.

Claudio Castagnoli won 6 Man Mayhem over Roderick Strong, Shingo, Mark Briscoe, Matt Cross, and Pelle Primeau.

Awesome's Thoughts: This probably stole the show. TONS of action. You just have to see it. Pelle got the **** kicked out of him. SHINGO probably gave him the loudest chop I've ever heard. CRAZY. Pelle didn't just get beat up though, he did a couple of awesome moves. This match was awesome. Just awesome. Claudio got tons of heat. I thought he was a babyface, so I was looking towards the entrance stage. All of a sudden he's like right next to me lmao. Lots of HEY!'s. Also someone in a Vince mask was yelling at Claudio from the crowd. Thought that was funny. It was awesome.

Samoa Joe beat Davey Richards. After the match, Joe thanked the crowd. He said that even though Dayton was not one of the best and most profitable markets for them, everyone in the back loved the hot crowds that were always here.

Awesome's Thoughts: This was crazy. Very stiff. Joe kicked Davey right in the back of the head and at one point we thought Davey was OUT. He had to go to the outside. We were chanting "Joe killed Davey." It looked like it too. We should have chanted it at the end of the match though... because that was when Joe gave the most crazy Muscle Buster ever. RIGHT ON THE APRON! *bleep*ing crazy. I don't think that's ever happened. I can't wait to see how that turns out on the DVD. It was a good match, and at the end Davey refused to shake Joe's hand, instead he spit on him. Joe said, "Well we all know when you slap your bitch he'll spit on you." I thought that was hilarious. It was something like that, but you get the picture. ;)

Main Event: ROH World Champion Takeshi Morishima beat BJ Whitmer to retain the title. Said to be a boring match and a bit of a squash. This means Morishima's next title defense is March 4 in Japan against KENTA.

Awesome's Thoughts: I want to know who said it was boring. It was very good, I thought. It wasn't amazing, since it was more of a squash, but it certainly wasn't boring. Morishima was STIFF AS HELL. As usual, but in person it's like times ten. People were making fun of him because he's fat (including a Yokozuna chant) then he proved us all wrong by doing a cartwheel move in the corner. BJ mainly got the crap kicked out of him, but hey, what can you do, ROH needs a monster at the moment. And god damn Morishima is *bleep*ing monster.

Overall Thoughts: I may be overrating it just a bit since it was live, but God damn I think it was a great show, and a buy for any ROH fan. Solid show through and through. I have a lot more respect for the wrestlers. The camera is very deceiving. In person the wrestlers have so many bruises before the matches, and you should see them after. The camera just doesn't pick a lot of those up. But I don't think I could handle that many bruises and do what they could do. Damn. The ring was also damn loud. That was surprising lol. Being at ROH live is awesome. I say if you ever have the opportunity to go, damn it, GO! Anyway, get the show fools. Plus I'm on camera like 90 times lol. (I'm wearing the brown and orange polo shirt) I hope they didn't get this one shot. I made an ass out of myself. Morishima was going to whip Whitmer into our guardrail, and I dodged out of the way like a bullet was coming at me lmao. I thought Whitmer was coming over, thankfully he didn't though. Eh it will be good for DVD =P. Awesome show IMO. Thank you ROH, I'm definitely coming back for another event whether it by Dayton or Detroit.

Няма какво да кажа освен че ROH наистина явно са си наумили,че трябва да надминат 2006 откъм качество.Нямам грам търпение тези DVD-та да се появят за да видя дали наистина е възможно Milestone-a да бъде надминат като качество.Иначе станахме свидетели на още една смяна(исках reign-a на Даниелс и Мат да е по-дълъг,но и Брискотата не са лош вариант.Така че казавайте си мненията

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Излгежда и последните две шоута са били много добри и както каза Diamond_Dog явно ROH ще опитат да минат 2006 по качество,но това ще бъде адски трудно и не знам дали ще успеят.Явно за сега Morishima се представя добре като шампион,но ми е много интересно дали reign-а му ще продължи дълго или ще завърши след 1-2 месеца като предполагам,че следващия шампион ще е Nigel,тъй като няма друг който да има build-нат образ за титлата.Между другото къде е American Dragon?Другото което ме изкефи мега много е новите шампиони по двойки.Определено Briscoes го заслужават и правя евала на Gabe,че им даде титлите.

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честно казано не вярвам да бъде надминат Майлстоун периода, нито пък 06та(ако качеството е същото, каквото беше през края на 06тата). Сега, качеството на РОХ лееекичко спадна, не винаги успяват да събудят публиката вече, при все че преди в залите непрекъснато се крещеше като в бар. Такеши Моришима ми е оставил добри впечатления от изявите му в Япония, но честно казано въобще не съм във възторг от факта, че взе титлата. Не ми е кофти че Хомасайд я дропна, ама не съм и оптимист за Моришима. Още повече - на второто си шоу в РОХ той взе титлата... надявам се скоро да се адаптира към стила на РОХ, ако ли не - по-бързо да пуска титлата, от този момента насетне Гейб да му мисли.... Впрочем на хартия кардовете изглеждат АДСКИ добри, не съм очаквал и друго от Саполски, надявам се шоутата да са качестевни също. Двамата гамени беше редно да вземат титлите на двойки, след толкова много класически мачове, пък и са далеч по-солиден отбор от Даниелс/Сайдал, които бяха чисто и просто скърпени.

о, да... хм, невежа съм, знам, ама къде е АмДраг? :(

[color="#990000"]HAIL SABIN[/color]

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Danielson лекува контузия, а като се върне (май през Април) първо ще ходи на турне с NOAH и след това ще се върне в ROH. Поне това е последното, което чух.

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Пасва с темата, така че... Da Meltz:

The decision to switch the ROH Title to Takeshi Morishima was actually made by Gabe Sapolsky and NOAH officials in September last year. The original plan was for Homicide to hold the belt until March and drop it back to Bryan Danielson, although the severity of Danielson's shoulder injury altered things.

Homicide was never intended to be a long-term champion, which had little if anything to do with his TNA contract. The opinion was that even though he was over as a big local star in the New York area he just didn't come across as a champion in other cities. The idea is for Morishima to be a Stan Hansen styled, aggressive, fast-paced, brawling champion, taking things in a different direction from the great technical matches of Danielson's reign. There was some negativity about the move, especially from Homicide as Morishima was told to run over him similar to how Hansen and Bruiser Brody would run over everybody in the '80s. There were even spots set up for him to no-sell Homicide's offense.

NOAH's plan is for Morishima to become a singles champion outside of Japan at first. NOAH is going old-school, feeling it's better to have their stars established outside the domestic market to gain credibility as international stars within the promotion. The best recent example was when NJPW sent Keiji Muto to the USA for several years, so that when he returned home the former prelim guy was accepted as a top star. Last year's NOAH project was KENTA and this year they are working on Morishima and Naomichi Marufuji via ROH.

Also, ROH is planning to build their tag team ranks around three groups. There will be the No Remorse Corps of Roderick Strong and Davey Richards, while Austin Aries and Jack Evans will also lead groups. The Aries group will included people getting their first major push. The booking is based on doing lots of tags, trios and three-ways, taking a cue from Dragon Gate.

The decision to pull Samoa Joe was made in early December, with Sapolsky giving him four months to finish up. Christopher Daniels will also be finishing with ROH soon. It was partially a money issue, which is why A.J. Styles is no longer being used, as Daniels and Joe, due to their long relationship with ROH, were working there for cheaper prices than TNA usually charges for their appearances. People in TNA management were also unhappy about Joe not getting permanent main event spots in ROH, not understanding the rotation system used and just seeing it as diminishing Joe's value. There are no concrete plans for Homicide and Austin Aries to finish as of yet.

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Благодаря за последните новини.Определено ме заинтригуваха и ми подсказаха добри причини защо Morishima е станал шампион и защо Homicide държа титлата толкова малко.Надявам се reign-на Morishima да се получи МНОГО интересен,макар че се съмнявам да надмине като качество този на American Dragon.Иначе идеята за отборното разделение ми хареса много и определено очаквам поредната доза добри tag team multipreson matches!!!

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