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ROH 12/8 Show Results


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* Bobby Dempsey & CJ Otis Def. Ernie Osiris & Mitch Franklin in a dark match.

* Chandler McClure & Eric Priest Def. Alex Payne & Rhett Titus in a dark match.

* Pelle Primeau Def. Angel Armoni in a dark match. Primeau took the mic after the match and challenged Shane Hagadorn to defend the Top of the Class Trophy against him tomorrow night.

* Tank Tolland Def. Kikutaro. After the match, Tolland snapped and attacked Kikutaro, stomping his head into the mat.

* Jay & Mark Briscoe Def. Irish Airborne (Dave & Jake Crist).

* Homicide Def. Brent Albright by Disqualification. Albright locked on the Crowbar, but Homicide got to the ropes. Albright refused to break the hold, and was DQ'd. He still wouldn't break the hold, so Samoa Joe ran out to make the save. As Albright left he was met by Bryan Danielson, who paid him, presumably to for taking out Homicide before Final Battle.

* BJ Whitmer Def. Christopher Daniels, Davey Richards and Matt Cross in a Four Corner Survival match, when he pinned Cross.

* Jimmy Rave Def. Nigel McGuinness by submission. After the match, Rave asked Nigel to apologize for throwing toilet paper at him in NJ. Nigel refused, and Rave attacked him.

* Ace Steel & Delirious Def. Adam Pearce & Shane Hagadorn

* Colt Cabana Def. Jimmy Jacobs by Disqualification when Lacey threw powder in the eyes of Cabana. Daizee Haze ran in to attack Lacey, but was speared across the ring by Jacobs. BJ Whitmer came out to make the save, but was attacked by Lacey's hired gun, Brent Albright. Albright took out Whitmer and Cabana and dragged Jacobs off.

* Delirious came out for a promo and announced that Nigel McGuinness & BJ Whitmer would be his partners tomorrow night against the team of Bryan Danielson, Jimmy Jacobs & Jimmy Rave.

* Austin Aries & Roderick Strong Def. Matt Sydal & Shingo in a Dragon Gate Rules tag team match.

* Bryan Danielson Def. Samoa Joe to retain the ROH World Title in a Steel Cage Match. Danielson tried to escape but Joe caught him with a choke on the top of the cage. Danielson passed out, and when Joe released the choke, Danielson was dead weight and fell to the floor, winning the match.

[b] tvoite rimi na bokluka, toten kato pika kliuka
Borko e paraliq, she si namaja s med i maslo az filiq
ViChiX za pari ubiva, Phil e sliva mirizliva[/b]

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Както обикновенно очаквам шоуто с нетърпение и задължително ще го гледам.Май мача между Danielson и Joe не е бил толкова добър колкото участвах,но какво да се прави.Какво представлява "Dragon Gate Rules" мач?Иначе чувам,че публиката е била адски тиха,а трябва да се има впредвид,че event-а е в Чикаго,където по принцип публиката по принцип е доста добра.

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Какво представлява "Dragon Gate Rules" мач?

Мач, в който не е нужно да направиш смяна, за да влезеш на ринга.

Иначе шоуто не ме впечатлява много. Мисля, че ROH са имали много по-добри шоута от това.

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И аз очаквам добър event.Най-ми стана интересно ето това:

As Albright left he was met by Bryan Danielson, who paid him, presumably to for taking out Homicide before Final Battle.

Homicide vs. Danielson - now that...that`s f`n cool!

Мачовете дано да оправдаят очакванията ми,както обикновено.



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