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the Ultimate Warrior


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Chris Johnson reporting:

Mike Johnson reports that the Ultimate Warrior's lawsuit against Andruw Wright was thrown out last week. Wright was hired by Warrior to film a documentary on him in response to the WWE Self Destruction of the Ultimate Warrior DVD. Warrior wanted the DVD to make him seem like a normal nice guy with no ego. Wright told Warrior that no matter what he did with the footage he would come off as an idiot because well he is. This obviously angered Warrior so he decided to sue Wright for what he felt was a breech of their contract and for the rights to the footage that had been filmed.

The judge in the case ruled to throw it out because it was filed in the state of New Mexico a place where Wright has never even visited. Wright's home state is New Jersey so the case should have been filed there from the start. No word yet on if Warrior will re-file the case or not.

Credit: Gerweck.net.

пича определено не страда от липса на его :rolleyes:

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Тоя Wright направо е разбил Warrior като му е казал, че каквото и да прави с материала накрая той пак ще изглежда като идиот, защото... си е такъв :lol: Иначе за другото няма какво да кажа. Свикнал съм да чета подобни неща. Американците постоянно се съдят за някакъви глупости, ама този път не се е получило :)

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