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ROH Results from St. Paul (August 25th)


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I have been a wrestling fan for 30 years and have always tried to make an effort to see other promotions. Although, Ring of Honor has been in existence since 2002, I have probably only seen two of their shows on DVD, so I made the effort to go see their live show since they only come to Minnesota once a year.

It was held in the St. Paul Armory, which is much smaller than the WWE would ever run in, but the Armory used to hold boxing matches, so it still is a good size venue. I would have to guess maybe 450-550 people were there. All the the seating is folding chairs around the ring, so not really a bad seat in the house. Their lighting effects are simple, but all of their athletes do have entrance music and flashing lights. They also bring great ROH merchandise and a large selection of DVDS.

I consider myself a wrestling fan, but I have not followed ROH deeply. Of course, i know guys like Samoa Joe, Homicide, and Chris Daniels, but it was nice to actually see the other guys who i have only read about like Colt Cabana, Jimmy Rave and the Briscoes.

1) Briscoes beat Irish Airborne.

I have heard of the Briscoes, but it was good to actually see them in action and they are good. It was a hot opener with lots of flying moves. The Briscoes did some double team move on one of the Airborne and one of the Briscoes (I cannot tell them apart), put some kind of keylock on one of the Airborne for the tapout. The announcer was not always clear on their mike system, so i did not get the individual names of the Airborne.

2) Homicide beat Jimmy Jacobs

Homicide got a superstar reaction and is a face in this promotion. Good back and forth action with Homicide winning after a running lariat.

3) Chris Daniels beat Claud Castagnoli

Daniels of course got the superstar reaction. Castagnoli has a strange gimmick where he comes out in a long robe and carring a suitcase. His gimmick seemed like a cross between Waylon Mercy and the old blue blood triple HHH. He would wave to the crowd and the crowd would all yell back "aaaayyy" to him. First time I seen that, but regular ROH fans would understand this reaction. There was not a lot of high flying moves and it almost came off like a WWE-style match, but the crowd was forgiving because of their respect for Daniels. Still a solid match with Daniels getting the roll up pin.

4) Jimmy Rave/Sal Rinauro vs Colt Cabana/Davеy Richards

Rave and Rinauro got rolls of toilet paper thrown at them, similar to the way Japenese Streamers are thrown, so ROH fans will understand that reaction. Cannot quite remember the finish, but Cabana and Richards won.

5) Matt Sydal beat Delirious

Good solid match. The first half of the match seem overshadowed by Delirious' gimmick. He is a masked guy with long tassels attached to his match. He speaks in unintelligable dialect and goes for comedy, although his dialect is no worse than the Great Kahli. The second half of the match picked up and Sydal won with a top rope over the head suplex.

6) Austin Aires/Roderick Strong beat Samoa Joe/BJ Whitmer to retain ROH Tag Titles.

Aires and Strong were treated like opening-match guys in TNA, but are they loved in this environment. Joe, of course, gets a great superstar reaction Very solid tag match with tons of back and forth action and a surprise finish was Strong double arm suplexing Joe into a backbreaker for the pin. Kind of surprised Joe did the job here, but it was nice that he helped the ROH regulars look strong instead of trying to pull the "I am the star and should win" attitude. Great match.

7) Bryan Danielson vs Nigel Mcginnes for ROH World Title goes to a 60-minute draw.

This match was the slowest-paced of the night, but it was a great wrestling match with great psychology. Danielson makes a great old-school heel champion. I have only seen Danielson a few times before, once on an ROH Tape in 2002 when he wore the white tights and long white boots and once on WWE Velocity doing a job for John Cena even though he got in a lot of offense. Now he wears a crew cut and wears the maroon trunks and boots. He came out with both the ROH title and I believe the Pure Title. I always thought that when Kurt Angle debuted in WWE, I thought that gimmick is what a heel Bob Backlund should have been when the WWE tried that gimmick, but after seeing Danielson, he is what a heel Backlund should be. It is a shame because of his size and look that he will probably never get a chance in WWE, but Danielson is a solid worker and heel that the WWE wishes they could produce. Fans throw the Japanese-style streamers during the ring introductions. This was an old-school style match with 2 out of 3 falls. Danielson, in an effort to both get heel heat and pace the long match spent the first 10 minute repeatedly putting Mcginnes in a side headlock and at first some of the crowd tried to crap on it. Someone yelled "boring" and Danielson looked at the fan, smiled, and said "all my offense is boring, so shut the fuck up", which got a huge pop from the crowd and after that the crowd would pop huge everything Danielson slowed the match down by overusing the side headlock. Fans were actually chanting for the headlock. Only in ROH can a side headlock become the most over move of the night, but that was only because the crowd understood Danielson's character and the psycology behind it. Daniels won the first fall by pinfall. Mcginnes won the second fall after a monster clothesline and a keylock-type move for the tap out. The last fall picked up the pace with lots of near falls and more flying moves. They went the time limit for the draw. Great match that really focused on wrestling and something you would never see in WWE or even TNA for that matter.

Great show. ROH does not have an extensive tour of cities, but they do travel and if anyone gets an opportunity to see them live or even on DVD, it is worth your while, but they do provide solid action and seeing a world title match go three falls for a legit 60 minutes and focus on wrestling and not run-ins or gimmicks was a nice change and brought back memories of the classic Brisco-Funk matches from the seventies or Flair-Steamboat matches from the eigthies.

Не изглежда толкова добре колкото последните,но ROH за пореден път правят много солидно шоу.Само ми е чудно Bryan как издържа на това темпо,защото тази нощ ще защитава пак в 2/3 falls срещу Colt Cabana в Chi-Town,а и в неделя му предстои още една защита на титлата на "Ballpark Brawl VII."(ако е шампион разбира се).Иначе другите резултати не ме учудват хич.

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Bryan Danielson vs Nigel Mcginnes for ROH World Title goes to a 60-minute draw

Господи това трябва да го видя на всяка цена! Със сигурност е било страхотно зрелище. :)



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Шоуто изглежда доста добро и ще го гледам с удоволствие.Main Envent-а трябва да е бил страхотен,но ми се струва,че нещо много мачове се насъбраха между Danielson и Niglel,но все пак си следва последователност в тях,така че няма голям повод за недоволство от това.

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