UltraMadd Posted August 10, 2006 Share Posted August 10, 2006 Информацията е от www.pwinsider.com PRO WRESTLING XPLOSION TO HOLD DEBUT SHOW ON SEPT. 13 th IN PHILLY AT THE NEW ALHAMBRA Are you ready for the next revolution in professional wrestling...? On Wednesday, September 13th at the New Alhambra in South Philadelphia, the former ECW Arena, a new era of professional wrestling begins when PRO WRESTLING EXPLOSION has its debut show, Lighting the Fuse! A veritable powder keg of wrestling excitement is coming your way featuring a top-to-bottom card stacked with the best talent in professional wrestling today, PWX makes a promise to all the fans that we will deliver the hard hitting, high flying, crazy intense matches that will have the entire industry buzzing! Talent from all over the independent scene in America is coming to South Philly to participate in dream matches along with competitors who want to test themselves and push their limits. This is the one show you absolutely can not miss! TEDDY HART vs. STEVE CORINO – The third generation of the legendary Hart family steps into the ring with the wily ring veteran, former ECW, NWA, AWA World Heavyweight Champion, Steve Corino in what is shaping up to be a classic contest and the ideal first main event of Lighting the Fuse! Teddy Hart and Steve Corino have had their differences, both in and outside the ring, and on September 13th their feud comes to a boil! Wrestling insiders will remember that several years ago, the hatred between these two men became so great that they were going to settle their differences in an empty dojo match. Unfortunately, the fans never got to see that match and that hatred remains festering to this day. Finally, after several years of anger and rage, this will come to a head and PWX will deliver the goods! The cocky aerial artist versus the King of Old School will meet in a one-on-one match and there's only one place to see this type of dynamite in the ring, PWX! MANA vs. IAN ROTTEN vs. NEW JACK – What happens when you put three of wrestling's most notorious hardcore wrestlers together in one ring? ABSOLUTEL MAYHEM! Will even the blood thirsty Philly fans be ready for this type of carnage? The savage Samoan Mana, the monster who eats bulldozers for breakfast, doesn't need anyone to explain his destructive capability. Ian Rotten and New Jack, former ECW legends, are also renowned for their hardcore style. Who knows what plunder these men will bring to the ring as ALL WEAPONS ARE LEGAL and this fight might go all the way to a finish. Someone get a drop cloth, this match is gonna be a mess of sickening gore, weapons, blood, and adrenaline pumping excitement! New Jack called the PWX office, and while we can't repeat se what New Jack said due to decency laws, we were able to learn the Original Gangsta will be bringing a valet with him to the New Alhambra for the first time ever. Word on the street is that Jack's valet is well known in the industry. Stay tuned for more details! "THE NOTORIOUS 187" HOMICIDE vs. AJ STYLES – What else can we say about these two men? Homicide and Styles are two of the finest workers in America today. They've had great matches in the past, but in the New Alhambra, for their PWX debut, these two promise to have an all time classic and steal the show from all the other talented wrestlers and fantastic match-ups on this show. "THE FALLEN ANGEL" CHRISTOPHER DANIELS vs. JAY LETHAL – PWX is proud to deliver a match-up involving wrestling's elder statesman versus one of its hottest prospects! Current NWA World Tag Team Champion, and former X-Division Champion Christopher Daniels has been everywhere while becoming one of wrestling's most charismatic stars. Jay Lethal has the tools, but not the experience. Will being in the ring with a legend like Daniels bring Lethal up to the next level??? RHYNO vs. ABYSS – Fans in attendance may need to sign a release waiver as PWX is almost afraid of the consequences of putting these two monsters together! These two monsters are well known for their ability to destroy their opponents. Will Rhino be able to cut Abyss in half with his Gore, or will Abyss break the back of Rhino after delivering the Black Hole Slam? Don't go to the bathroom and get ready to move at a moment's notice, because Rhyno is coming home to South Philly and wants to show Abyss his hardcore roots… as well as his fists! SONJAY DUTT & RUCKUS vs. THE S.A.T. – Get ready for some wild tag team action as only PWX can provide! The S.A.T. is back in full effect, and they're taking on an junior dream team of the "playah from the Himalayas" and the impressive Ruckus. Get ready to watch men fly and don't take your eyes off the ring for a second during this one, as you may miss some moves you possibly have never seen before! CHRIS HERO vs. DAVEY RICHARDS – A true dream match putting two of independent wrestling's brightest young stars on their biggest stage yet. Chris Hero, the most controversial wrestler in pro wrestling today, squares off against Davey Richards, 2006 Super 8 Cup champion and the definition of blue chip talent. You read that right. Davey Richards. Chris Hero. FIRST TIME EVER! One company finally has the guts to bring these two together, wrestling fans rejoice! SIX MAN CHIKARA MATCH featuring MIKE QUACKENBUSH - Witness the incredible high flying action and fine wrestling CHIKARA pro is known for. CHIKARA's six men tag team matches are known for being the best combination of insane action and hilarious goofiness north of Mexico. Not only will the CHIKARA stable be brining the fun, they also want to prove themselves to the PWX roster! For more information: www.PWXplosion.com or contact PWXpress@gmail.com PROMOTER RONNIE LANG TALKS ABOUT PWX Pro Wrestling Xplosion (PWX), holding its debut event at the New Alhambra (formerly the ECW Arena) on Wednesday, September 13th, has been a long time coming for promoter Ronnie Lang of Atlas Security. Lang, a visible presence throughout ECW's historic run, was looking forward to getting into the wrestling business after feeling let down after a certain wrestling show earlier this summer. "I worked the show at the New Alhambra on June 24 th," said Lang, "and I felt the same disappointment that the fans in the building had that night. I had a foul taste in my mouth. Something was just terribly wrong. The place was right, some of the familiar faces were right, but everything had changed… and changed badly." Instead of just being angry, Lang decided it was time to do something. "I had been approached over the years about getting more involved in the wrestling business, but there was always too much on my plate at the time." Lang continued, "This was something that I wanted to do right the first time, as I have been on the other side and been a part of the empty promises made by promoters more concerned with their bottom line rather then giving the fans the best show they possibly can." With a plan in place, Lang wanted to run his first show at the former ECW Arena to give the Philadelphia fans something they can actually get excited about watching. "The show on June 24 th was an insult to the loyal fans of Philly, and by kick starting PWX in the same building, we hope to provide everyone what they didn't see the last time. Don't get me wrong, this isn't an ECW reunion, but it is an alternative to the crap they are seeing with zombies, vampires, bad strippers, tarot card readers and all that other nonsense during the week." PWX enters a crowded playing field in Philadelphia, but PWX will differentiate themselves from the rest of the field through their unique vision of delivering the finest wrestlers, exciting match-ups, and great storytelling. The vision of PWX also includes providing a fan friendly environment that a former extreme wrestling company also delivered. "From the moment the doors open, I want the fans to be immersed in the PWX experience. The hard work ethic by the crew is going to deliver in the ring, but I want to make every part of PWX something special. The commitment to the fans is our number one priority at PWX. The fans wanted New Jack, so we're getting New Jack. The fans want the action that young, hard working guys like Chris Hero and Davey Richards provide, so we'll provide it. The fans desperately want to see Steve Corino and Teddy Hart finally settle their differences, and in PWX, we'll be the only company that can deliver that match. We've even acquired the services of Charlie Bruzzese, who was in charge of the old ECW TV show. Charlie is going to bring the type of gritty look and feel that wrestling fans worldwide remember with great fondness. We're looking for the look you would get with old ECW shows, but with the stars of today and the improvements in technology over the last five years." Lang wants every PWX fan to voice their opinion, as the shows are truly for them. "Listen, I didn't get where I am today, and earn the credibility and respect that I have, because I refused to listen to others. The fans know what they want to see. I'm just a guy that can hopefully give it to them in an entertaining way. I tell everyone that works for me to never dismiss the fans because when it comes down to it, we need them, they don't need us." The fans are priority number one in PWX, and providing them with memorable shows, great wrestlers, and a fantastic night is a goal that Lang does not take lightly. While running a wrestling show on a Wednesday is certainly unconventional, Lang believes it was the best alternative he had. "The competition on the weekends is getting pretty fierce. I've seen fans have to decide between going to one show to see one guy, or another show to see a different wrestler they enjoy. By running on a Wednesday, PWX can get the pick of the litter so to speak, and bring in everybody that we want. Top to bottom, I can't think of a better card in wrestling. We have a great mix of ECW legends, TNA stars, and the best wrestlers in independent wrestling today. Combined, these guys are gonna tear down the house. I also feel that Wednesday is an ideal night for everyone, as it's the middle of the week, and we all need to get the taste out of your mouth after what we see on TV Monday and Tuesday. And by the way, some wrestling shows vary between extreme rules and non-extreme rules. That's absurd. PWX will have an anything goes attitude for every match on the card." A strong believer in the philosophy of "a show starts when the doors open," Lang promises fans will be entertained from the minute they walk into the arena. "We plan to have wrestler meet and greets for the fans who buy front row tickets, and an opportunity to meet and take pictures with the lovely Cherry Bombs ( PWX's gorgeous women) for everyone. We want to go all out to make sure each and every person has a great time." The last thing Lang wants as a promoter is confusion for the fans, because, "if the fans are confused, we're doing something wrong. My only worry with PWX is the idea that every match try to outdo the last one… that a lot of the conflict within the locker room will be 'who's stealing the show tonight?' We have a locker room of hungry workers known for great matches, when you put them all in the same room, you're going to have some trash talking, but most of the trash talking will be done in the ring. We want to develop the type of family atmosphere in the locker room that the old ECW had. There are so many talented wrestlers out there, including Teddy Hart, Mana, and Steve Corino, that I would love for them to think of PWX as their home." When it comes down to it, Pro Wrestling Xplosion is going to have to prove itself by the product it delivers. "I want to be proud of our first show," said Lang, "I want the fans to walk out of the building like I did so many times during my career. I'm in contact with some of the biggest names available and want to provide the fans with the very best in-ring action in wrestling today. A show involving wrestlers like New Jack, Mana, Chris Daniels, Homicide, Teddy Hart, Steve Corino and Chris Hero is one that I know I want to see, and hopefully the fans will as well. One wrestler I personally wanted on the show was Kronus, but unfortunately John is having knee surgery over the next few weeks and won't be able to make it. I'd like to wish him good luck in recovery and am greatly looking forward to working with him in the future. Meanwhile, I'm working by watching DVDs and tapes to find the next stars of the wrestling business, and bring them into PWX as I'm not thinking about just Wednesday, September 13th, I'm thinking a few shows and years ahead." Pro Wrestling Xplosion's debut show, Lighting the Fuse, will be held at the New Alhambra, in South Philadelphia , on Wednesday, September 13th. For more information: www.PWXplosion.com or contact PWXpress@gmail.com TEDDY HART vs. STEVE CORINO MANA vs. IAN ROTTEN vs. NEW JACK "THE NOTORIOUS 187" HOMICIDE vs. AJ STYLES "THE FALLEN ANGEL" CHRISTOPHER DANIELS vs. JAY LETHAL RHYNO vs. ABYSS SONJAY DUTT & RUCKUS vs. THE S.A.T. CHRIS HERO vs. DAVEY RICHARDS SIX MAN CHIKARA MATCH featuring MIKE QUACKENBUSH Според мен дебютното шоу изглежда доста добре. Поне на хартия де. Promoter-а да федерацията има интересни идеи и дава много обещания. Ако изпълни повечето от тях, PWX може и да има успех. Quote Link to comment
BORKO_10 Posted August 10, 2006 Share Posted August 10, 2006 Наистина много интересно.Надявам се тази федерация да има успех защтото идеите околко нея са много добри,а card-а за първото шоу е страхотен. Quote Link to comment
Shawn_Michaels Posted August 10, 2006 Share Posted August 10, 2006 Ква е тая федерация с кечистите на TNA :) Quote "Doin' what I want to do, When I want to do it." Link to comment
nWoHulkster Posted August 10, 2006 Share Posted August 10, 2006 ^ Викаме му инди федерация . Иначе изглежда добре, но в крайна сметка си е просто поредното инди и не е нещо особено. Поне засега де, пък после кой знае. Quote Link to comment
Diamond_Dog Posted August 10, 2006 Share Posted August 10, 2006 Може да е поредното инди,но с дебютно шоу с много солиден кард.Лично според мен няма да излезе кой знае какво,но колкото повече кеч има за нас феновете толкова по-добре.Иначе идеите наистина са добри,но трябва да мине време,за да осъзнаем дали са постижими.Иначе и пожелавам да пребъде и някакси си да се издигне(поне малко) Quote Link to comment
D-Generation_X Posted August 11, 2006 Share Posted August 11, 2006 Аз по принцип много не си падам по такива федерации,но не мога да отрека,че дебютното шоу определено ще е на ниво...Ама все пак нищо не се знае отсега - пилците се броят наесен. :) Quote [img]http://img245.imageshack.us/img245/4378/robertnirouserbarwk8.png[/img] [img]http://img79.imageshack.us/img79/2844/nwolm3.gif[/img] [img]http://img179.imageshack.us/img179/8237/dxfanrj3.gif[/img] [img]http://img237.imageshack.us/img237/3686/milan8smqo8.png[/img] [img]http://img237.imageshack.us/img237/6718/friendsbarzq9.jpg[/img] [img]http://img117.imageshack.us/img117/2398/malcolmns5.png[/img] [img]http://img237.imageshack.us/img237/6393/proudtobebulgarianpd8.gif[/img] Link to comment
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