totenkopf Posted August 4, 2006 Share Posted August 4, 2006 Main Event Samoa Joe vs. AJ Styles Tag Team Challenge Match KENTA & Davey Richards vs. Jay & Mark Briscoe Non Title Match Bryan Danielson vs. Jack Evans ROH World Tag Team Title Ultimate Endurance Match Austin Aries & Roderick Strong vs. The Embassy vs. BJ Whitmer & Adam Pearce vs. The Rottweilers Pure Title Match Nigel McGuinness vs. Delirious Challenge Match Colt Cabana vs. Claudio Castagnoli Tag Team Action Christopher Daniels & Matt Sydal vs. Irish Airborne ROH World Title Match Bryan Danielson defends against Samoa Joe First Time Ever Match KENTA vs. Davey Richards ROH World Tag Team Title Ultimate Endurance Match ROH Tag Team Champions Austin Aries & Roderick Strong vs. Jay & Mark Briscoe vs. Matt Sydal & Jack Evans vs. Irish Airborne The first fall with all four teams is Tap Out rules only. The second fall with the three remaining teams will be under Tag Team Scramble rules. The final fall with the remaining two teams will be for the Tag Titles. Grudge Match Homicide & Mistery Partner vs. Adam Pearce & Steve Corino Four Corner Survival ROH Pure Champion Nigel McGuinness vs. Christopher Daniels vs. Jay Lethal vs. Claudio Castagnoli Special Attraction Colt Cabana vs. Sal Rinauro И двата карда изглеждат изродски и се очертават АДСКИ добри неща. Няма да ви лъжа имам ОГРОМНИ очаквания за тея шоута.Така като гледам при добри обстоятелства тоя уикенд може да роди поне 4-5 MOTYC-а, въпреки че се съмнявам. Верно, че от това което чета Davey Richards рулира (още не съм го гледал в ROH), ма все си мисля, че можеха да намерят по-добри вариaнти за съперник за KENTA. Малко гадно, че първото шоу е в Long Island тая година на всичките шоута там публиката беше ужасна! Quote [b] tvoite rimi na bokluka, toten kato pika kliuka Borko e paraliq, she si namaja s med i maslo az filiq ViChiX za pari ubiva, Phil e sliva mirizliva[/b] Link to comment
PyroHunter Posted August 4, 2006 Share Posted August 4, 2006 Наистина се очертават невероятни шоута. Честно казано съмнявам се да има чак 4-5 MOTYC-а, но не е невъзможно при тези кардове. Аз лично с най-голямо нетърпение очаквам Four Corner Survival мача, защото в него участват трима от мойте любими кечисти и нямам търпение да видя какво ще ни предложат. Мейн ивентите не се нуждаят от коментар, а честно казано и малко от другите мачове имат нужда от такъв. Направо нямам търпение да гледам тези шоута. :) Quote [img][/img] [b]R.I.P. EDDIE GUERRERO! YOU LIED, YOU CHEATED AND YOU STOLE OUR HEARTS![/b] Link to comment
BORKO_10 Posted August 4, 2006 Share Posted August 4, 2006 F'N Awesome!Последните няколко шоута на ROH се очертават невероятни.Нямъм търпение да гледам тези шоута.С най-голямо нетърпение очаквам мача между Bryan Danielson и Samoa Joe и си мисля,че ако им дадат време може да се получи невероятен мач.AJ vs Joe също се надявам да бъде много добър.Но мисля,че най-добрите мачове ще са tag team мачовете,защото tag дивизията на ROH в момента е феноменална.Надявам се Homicide vs Pearce да се получи добър braw. Quote Link to comment
totenkopf Posted August 5, 2006 Author Share Posted August 5, 2006 Ring of Honor returned to Lake Grove, Long Island tonight with the following results: *ROH Champion Bryan Danielson defeated Jack Evans via submission after stretching him one of the sickest looking submissions ever. They worked well and had a good match, including some fun aerial moves by Evans. *KENTA came to the ring to confront Danielson and build their 9/16 title match in New York City. Danielson said he has a lot of guts confronting him after wrestling and he should worry about his own match tonight. Danielson guaranteed he'll be champion come September and KENTA has "other things to worry about." The Briscoes attacked KENTA. Danielson walked off. Davey Richards hit the ring for the save. Richards introduced himself and said he was handpicked to be KENTA's American protйgй. He promised the Briscoes would get a beatdown later. It was a good segment designed to set up the background of the match to the live crowd. *Christopher Daniels & Matt Sydal defeated Irish Airborne after Daniels hit the BME. Really god tag match. Alison Danger has shorter hair and a really good new look, dressed like a sexy schoolgirl. Notes: The crowd is in the 700 range...The wrestlers and front office are all really excited about the company's UK debut next week. Colt Cabana pinned Claudio Castagnoli. Cabana told Castagnoli that since he wasn't running with the CZW crew anymore, he was giving him the benefit of the doubt and said he wanted to have a great wrestling match. There was a lot of back and forth mat work early. They put a lot of good comedy into the bout as well. Cabana finally got the pin with a rollup, although Claudio argued it was only two. A good solid bout. ROH announced a return here for Friday 11/24. In a Ultimate Endurance bout, ROH Tag Team champs Austin Aries & Roderick Strong outlasted Jimmy Rave & Sal Rinauro (with Prince Nana and Daizy Haze), Homicide & Rocky Romero (with Julius Smokes), and Adam Pearce & BJ Whitmer. The first fall was a Scramble, which ended when Homicide pinned Rinauro with a lariat. Rave was being protected since he had 7 staples. Fun scramble portion. The second fall was a Tap Out bout, which saw Pearce get disqualified for using a chain. Pearce and Whitmer had words. The final fall was for the Tag Straps with Homicide and Reyes challenging. Strong worked over Reyes. Homicide rallied the crowd. Homi made the hot tag. Steve Corino, wearing dress clothes, interfered, hitting Homicide, allowing Strong and Aries to get the pin and score the pin. Corino watched from the entrance then walked off. Aries said he didn't know what happened but knew they were still Tag champions. Aries then said that someone stole the ROH Tag Team belts and accused the Briscoes. He warned them they had better be returned in time for their match tomorrow. ROH is going to intermission. *Steve Corino, who has dropped some weight, came to the ring and laid out an ROH student. He took the mic and ripped on the ROH fans for being spoiled. He said that he didn't want to come back from ROH but his good friend Jim Cornette told him "Homocide" was calling him out. Corino called out Homicide who hit the ring. They brawled. Adam Pearce hit the ring, making it two on one. BJ Whitmer came out and asked Pearce what the hell he was doing after Homicide did for ROH. Pearce said he only works for Cornette and if Cornette wants Homicide destroyed, that's what he's going to do. Homicide laid out Pearce and faced off with Corino. They brawled around ringside and back into the ring. Corino and Pearce powdered. Homicide took the mic and asked the fans if they wanted to see a new chapter in the Homicide-Corino feud. Corino walked out, warning Homicide to never call him out. *ROH Pure champion Nigel McGuiness defeated Delirious in a good match that won over the crowd, who really got into the false finishes. *Expect Steve Corino & Adam Pearce vs. Homicide & a partner of his choice to be added to tomorrow's event in Edison, New Jersey. *The Briscoes defeated KENTA and Davey Richards in a really hard hitting match with lots of cringe inducing slaps, stomps, and chops as they worked this like a snug NOAH style tag bout. Jay pinned Richards after a spike Jay Driller. Richards missed a shooting star press before the finish. Best thing on the show yet. *Samoa Joe pinned AJ Styles in a short but good match. Styles pulled out his big flip dive. Joe cinched in the choke and dropped Styles on his head with a suplex, then scored the pin. Joe then promo'd his ROH title shot tomorrow in Edison, NJ telling the fans to come and support ROH and win the title. Прилично шоу, както чувам не е било кой знае какво, но то си се очакваше де (въпреки че съм си вечния оптимист) с оглед на днешното! Като казах днешното се прибавя още един мач Adam Pearce & Steve Corino vs. Homicide & Mystery Partner(BJ Whitmer???) HOLY FUCKIN SHIT!!! SHOW OF THE YEAR!!! Quote [b] tvoite rimi na bokluka, toten kato pika kliuka Borko e paraliq, she si namaja s med i maslo az filiq ViChiX za pari ubiva, Phil e sliva mirizliva[/b] Link to comment
totenkopf Posted August 6, 2006 Author Share Posted August 6, 2006 Ring of Honor returned to the Inman Sports Center in Edison, New Jersey tonight with the following results: *Colt Cabana defeated Sal Rinauro (with Prince Nana and Jimmy Rave) via submission. The fans toilet papered the ring for The Embassy's entrance, which never gets old. The fans chanted "Brokeback Tarzan" at Rave. They did a lot of funny comedy stuff, even involving ref Mike Kehner. Cabana did the old Al Perez Whirlybird, then locked on a reverse Boston Crab for the tap out. Your typical fun opening match. *In a match for the ROH Wrestling School Top of Class Trophy, Shane Hagadorn defeated Bobby Dempsey via submission in 10 seconds. Hagadorn knocked out Dempsey with brass knuckles at the bell as they shook hands and locked on a submission. Adam Pearce came out and congratulated Hagadorn in winning the quickest match in ROH history. Hagadorn took the mic and the fans chanted "Change the channel." Pearce said Hagadorn was well on his way. It appeared Hagadorn is going to end up a lackey for Pearce. He left the ring. Pearce announced that Steve Corino returned last night and noted the tag match tonight. He asked BJ Whitmer to come out because he needed "to be straight with him." Whitmer came out and Pearce said last night, Homicide laid him out and Whitmer did nothing. He said that they just won the war with CZW and Whitmer needed to remember that they didn't do this for the fans, they did it for Cornette. He asked where Whitmer stood. Whitmer said that he respected Pearce, but he also respected Homicide for standing up when they needed him. Corino came out and blindsided Whitmer. They left him laying. *In a Four Corners match, ROH Pure champion Nigel McGuinness defeated Christopher Daniels, Claudio Castagnoli and Jay Lethal. The crowd was all over Claudio and Nigel. Good match with a really hot finishing sequence. *In an Ultimate Endurance Match for the ROH Tag Team championship, champions Roderick Strong & Austin Aries retained against Irish Airborne, The Briscoes and Matt Sydal & Jack Evans. The first fall was a Scramble, which saw the Brisoces eliminated. Crowd didn't like that. The second fal was under Tap Out Rules. Strong forced a member of Irish Airborne to tap out. The final fall was for the ROH Tag Team straps. Evans and Sydal pulled out a few dives. Aries pinned Sydal after a 450 splash. Aries noted on the mic that someone stole their Tag belts and promised that when they found out who did it, they will teach them about respect and honor. Both teams shook hands after. *Homicide & BJ Whitmer went to a no contest against Adam Pearce & Steve Corino when the Briscoes attacked Homicide. *KENTA defeated Davey Richards in an amazing match. ROH champion Bryan Danielson fought Samoa Joe to a 60 minute draw. Danielson was trapped in a choke but the time limit expired before his arm could fall three times. От това което чета като reports и впечатления на хора, които са били на шоуто KENTA vs. Davey е бил страхотен мач, а Joe vs. Daniels е MOTYC като и двамата са дали най-доброто от себе си(само това е достатъчно да разберете). Yeah ROH did it again B) EDIT: Ето едно мнение на някакъв пич от официалния форум на ROH I've seen Flair/Funk in a Texas Death Match I've seen Kobashi/Misawa in Tokyo (thanks to student loans) I've seen HBK/Hart I've seen Kobashi/Joe and many many other five star matches but I rank Joe/Danielson on 8/5 as the very best. And I really mean this. As the minutes passed I kept thinking - damn it this is a beautiful match - more time would pass and I'd keep thinking this is so damn beautiful please please keep going - and then we all leapt into the final 20 minutes which were the most ecstatic brilliant minutes I've ever seen in pro wrestling. По всяка вероятност не е баш така и човека го е overhype-нал малко, но без съмнение мача е бил един оъ най-добрите за тази година. Quote [b] tvoite rimi na bokluka, toten kato pika kliuka Borko e paraliq, she si namaja s med i maslo az filiq ViChiX za pari ubiva, Phil e sliva mirizliva[/b] Link to comment
Diamond_Dog Posted August 6, 2006 Share Posted August 6, 2006 Божичко мили можете ли да си представите-60 min draw.60 минутен мач,който съм сигурен,че ще е нещо специално.Просто нямам търпение тези две шоута да се появат по тракерите,защото наистина ми се гледат повече от всичко.Само едно не ми харесва-че мача между Joe и AJ е бил кратък и долу-горе добър.Според мен вече не трябва да правят мачове между тях,защото покрай TNA вече ми убиха интереса(все пак какви мачове направиха помежду си там). Samoa Joe d Bryan Danielson 60:00 with Danielson keeping the title. Joe had the choke as time expired. Great match, but slow in the middle. Joe wanted five minutes but Danielson bailed. Danielson and KENTA fought to the back. Briscoes attacked Joe and Homicide came out. In New York it'll be Homicide & Joe vs. Briscoes. Awesome,Awesome,Awesome!!!!!!! Quote Link to comment
Diamond_Dog Posted August 6, 2006 Share Posted August 6, 2006 Eто и подробни коментари за шоуто в Едисън: ROH house show report 8-5 Edison,NJ by Michael Kingston/Greg Chornomaz/Bill Treadway From Michael Kingston: ROH Edison NJ Est attendance around 800 people Colt Cabana over Sal Rinauro Pretty much a straight comedy match. Both Rave and Nana slapped Rinauro at various times. Fun match. Shane Hagadorn beat Bobby Dempsey in literally 3 seconds. When they went for a handshake, Hagadorn pulled a foreign object out and clocked Dempsey and pinned him. Adam Pearce came out as dep. commisioner and congratulated Hagadorn. He then called out BJ Whitmer to see if he was on his side against Homicide. Steve Corino came out and both jumped Whitmer. Nigel McGuiness won a 4 corner survival over Jay Lethal, Claudio Castagnoli, and Christopher Daniels. Most of the match saw Daniels going after Claudio. Nigel pinned Claudio after a stiff lariat. Really good match that the crowd was way into. Ultimate Endurance Match- Strong and Aries over Briscoes, Irish Airborne, Evans/Sydal. First fall was scramble rules and Irish Airborne eliminated the Briscoes with their finisher. Second fall was tap out rules and Strong made Dave tap to the Stronghold. Finally, Aries pins Matt Sydal in an exciting match with the 450 to retain the titles. Homicide and BJ Whitmer over Pearce and Corino by DQ. A wild brawl all over the building. Corino did some hysterical mic work before the match ripping on the fans. Decent brawl until Briscoes ran in for the DQ and "Pillmanized" Homicides arm in a chair. Kenta over Davey Richards with the Go 2 Sleep. Awesome match....brutally stiff. Both guys just kicked the hell out of each other. In my opinion a star making match for Richards. This match got over great with the crowd. Joe/Dragon went the 60 minute time limit draw. Another great match. It was pretty slow at the beginning with Danielson doing a fair amount of bailing out of the ring which pretty much signalled they were going long. Joe sold about as much as you will ever see him sell as Danielson really wore him down with extensive legwork on the mat. The last 10 minutes were really heated as there were a ton of near falls and reversals that had the crowd on their feet. Joe had Danielson in the choke at the bell. After the match, Joe wanted 5 more minutes. Dragon teased it and then bailed. Kenta came out to stare down Dragon. The Briscoes came back out and jumped Kenta. Homicide followed. Dragon and Kenta brawled to the back while the Briscoes doubled on Homicide until Joe made the save. Joe told Homicide he repsected him for his help in the CZW war and they challenged the Briscoes for 9/16 in NYC. Overall a great night of wrestling...not a bad match on the card and several great ones. Return date is Thanksgiving weekend. 11/25. From Greg Chornomaz: ROH Edison, NJ- 'Fight of the Century' August 5th, 2006 Attendance: 650 Report by Greg Chornomaz Special Attraction 1.) Colt Cabana beat Sal Rinauro w/ Jimmy Rave & Prince Nana by submission. Crowd threw toilet paper at Rave and Rinauro. Lots of comedy from Cabana. Rave interfered a couple times in the match. There were chants of “Brokeback Tarzan” at Rinauro. Crowd was into Cabana. 2.) Shane Hagadore beat Bobby Dempsey in 5 seconds. Afterwards Adam Pearce came out and spoke to Hagadore. B.J. Whitmer then came out to confront Pierce. Steve Corino then came out jumped Whitmer. Homicide finally came out and made the save. This set up the tag match later on. Four Corner Survival 3.) ROH Pure Champion Nigel McGuinness defeated Christopher Daniels, Jay Lethal and Claudio Castagnoli in a non title match. Good Match. The four worked well together. Daniels and Lethal were the most over as you would expect. Nigel won with a closeline on Claudio for the win. Lots of “Fallen Angel” chants after the match. ROH World Tag Team Title Ultimate Endurance Match 4.) ROH Tag Team Champions Austin Aries & Roderick Strong defeated The Briscoes, Matt Sydal & Jack Evans, and Irish Airborne. The Briscoes were the first team eliminated, by Irish Airborne, which surprised the crowd. Strong made one of Irish Airborne submit to the Stronghold in the next fall. The final fall had Aries hit the 360 splash off the top rope onto Sydal for the pin. The two ex-Generation Next teams made the match. An okay match overall, but at one point when all 8 wrestlers were in the ring there was a communication breakdown. All 8 stopped for a minute. This seemed to be because there were two many guys in the ring at once, making it too crowded. Irish Airborne missed a couple moves throughout the match. A 20 minute intermission was next. Grudge Match 5.) Homicide w/ Julius Smokes & B.J. Whitmer beat Steve Corino & Adam Pearce by DQ when the Briscoes interfered. Homicide was super over. Corino insulted the fans before the match. He knows how to get to the fans. All four brawled outside into the crowd. Corino had good heat with the fans. Briscoes ran in at the end and attacked Homicide. The put his arm into a steel chair and jumped off the top rope onto the chair with Homicides arm in it. Smokes ran them off with a steel chair. First Time Ever Match 6.) KENTA pinned Davey Richards in a brutal match. Awesome match. KENTA and Richards worked really well together. Both guys kicks were brutal. Great intensity by both wrestlers. A very physical and believable match. Crowd was into the match. KENTA won with a gutbreaker, a reverse backbreaker. Crowd cheered for both men after the match. ROH World Title Match 7.) Bryan Danielson and Samoa Joe went to a 60 Min. time limit draw. Joe was the most over wrestler of the night. Danielson had his fans also, but was nowhere near as over as Joe was. Match started out slow, which kind of gave away that they were going the full 60 minutes. Back and forth chants for both guys, but Joe’s were always louder. Danielson was great here as an old school type of heel. He must have been watching a lot of old Ric Flair matches, because a lot of what he did in the match was reminiscent of how Flair used to be. Danielson worked on Joe’s leg and knee for the bulk of the match. Danielson also did a lot of bailing out of the ring whenever Joe gained some offense. Crowd was all over Danielson when he did this. Danielson also did a couple of Joe’s moves on him, such as the face wash and the Ole’ Ole’ on the outside. A good match that certainly did not meet or exceed expectations. It seemed like the two never got out of second gear, save for one great dive by Joe onto Danielson on the outside, and one awesome dive by Danielson onto Joe who was in the audience at that point. The end came when Joe had Danielson in the rear naked choke, and the referee was raising Danielson’s arm to see if he had passed out when the bell rang. The ref seemed to be behind as he was only lifting Danielson’s arm for the second time when the bell was rung. The crowd chanted for “5 more minutes” Joe agreed with the fans. Danielson quickly shook Joe’s hand and then went up the ramp where he was met by KENTA and the two fought to the back. The Briscoes then ran in and attacked Joe. Homicide ran in and made the save. Joe told ‘Cide’ that he had his back. Homicide then told the fans that he would be teaming up with Joe against the Briscoes at the Manhattan show. Overall an enjoyable show. The main event was not amazing, but each match had something different to offer, and all the wrestlers as usual worked hard and put on a good show. Return date to Edison is Nov. 25th. From Bill Treadway Dave, Not one of their better cards. Two really strong matches, but the show felt spotty and all over the map. The Inman Sports Arena was really hot inside (not as hot as the ECW Arena, but it wasn't comfortable). Even worse was a bratty kid who never shut the hell up, screaming and acting like a kid who hadn't taken his does of Ritalin or whatever they use for ADD these days. (Even more disgusting was that his parents were encouraging his horrid behavior. If that kid had my mother for a parent....) There was some good stuff, but when it all was over, I just didn't feel as satisfied as I usually do at an ROH show. 1) Colt Cabana defeated Sal Rinauro. Total comedy match. Before the match, the ring announcer mentioned that throwing toilet paper and streamers were allowed and encouraged (but anything else would get you thrown out of the arena). Rave got crowned by a roll of TP and sold it bigtime for some major laughs. Cabana and Rinauro had a fast paced match with some good comedy thrown in. **1/2 2) Shane Hagadorn defeated Bobby Dempsey in a Top of the Class Trophy Match. Wasn't really a match as Hagadorn clocked Dempsey with a foreign object seconds into the match. Lt. Commissioner Adam Pearce came out and praised Hagadorn to the hilt, much to the fans' dismay. Pearce called out BJ Whitmer and said that while he had the utmost respect for BJ, he wondered why BJ didn't come to his defense against Homicide at the last card. Before BJ could finish his answer, Steve Corino jumped him from behind and laid him out which brought out Homicide. Pearce dared Homicide to find a tag partner to face him and Corino later in the evening. 3) Nigel McGuinness won the Four Corner Survival match over Claudio Castagnoli, Jay Lethal and Christopher Daniels. Daniels shook hands with McGuinness and Lethal before the bout but when Claudio extended his hand, Daniels bitch slapped him to start the match. Daniels proceeded to beat the total crap out of Castagnoli before Claudio tagged in McGuinness. The match itself was a ***3/4 slugfest with lots of high spots, excellent mat wrestling from all four and good storytelling. McGuinness won after hitting Castagnoli with the Lariat. While it may be more logical to have one of the other 3 pin McGuinness to set up a Pure Title match, I liked the touch of having the Pure Champion pin the traitor clean. 4) Next was Ultimate Endurance between ROH World Tag Team champs Austin Aries and Roderick Strong, the Briscoes, Irish Airborne and Matt Sydal/Jack Evans. First fall was Tag Team Scramble rules with no tags necessary. Briscoes were eliminated first by Irish Airborne in a major upset (it made my mouth drop in shock). Second fall was Submission Only. Ended when Aries made one of the Crist boys tap out. Final fall was a traditional tag match with the titles at stake. Evans and Sydal did lots of wild aerial stunts, Aries and Strong did lots of great mat work, the four men just clicked and put on one hell of a tag team match. Lots of back and forth moments, even building up such suspense that a tag title switch seemed plausible. Finish came when Aries hit the 360 on Sydal for the win. ****1/4 5) Homicide and mystery partner BJ Whitmer (Stevie Wonder could see this coming a mile away) beat Adam Pearce and Steve Corino via DQ. I didn't get to see some of the brawling outside of the ring since they were at the far end of the arena. (and I was a little miffed at no blood- you don't need blood in every match but a brawl involving Corino and Homicide seems to call for it). Some good moments, some sloppy. The DQ finish SUCKED. It was set up and executed very poorly with the Briscoes coming out of nowhere to assault Homicide. The Briscoes' interference made no sense, but the whopper was having the Briscoes and Pearce run away like cockroaches exposed to light when Julius Smokes came running in with a chair. Don't tell me that your three top heels are scared of a less than imposing manager. Bullshit! The three should have ganged up and laid Smokes out in a bloody mess. The match itself was worth about ***. 6) KENTA defeated Davey Richards. The match of the night, easily ****1/4. Match started slow but built up into a fantastic 20 minute match. Richards held his own with one of the supreme junior heavyweights in the world and showed that he is a great worker and then some. They had a back and forth match, with each man kicking out of the other's major moves. KENTA finally won when he blocked Richards' attempt to give him a Death Valley Driver and instead hit him with the Go to Sleep. 7. ROH World Champion Bryan Danielson and Samoa Joe went to an one hour draw. Was I crushed by this match. On paper, this looked like a real winner. We know Danielson is great. We know Joe is awesome. They laid a big egg in the ring. The first 35 minutes were the most excruciating and boring- nothing but constant stalling, restholds and submissions. No excitement, no action, not even any decent storytelling. Yeah, we get that Danielson is a bit afraid of the massive Joe. So what? Who isn't scared of Joe? They didn't really get going until the 35 minute mark when they took it outside. Danielson threw Joe over the guardrail (and I got a front seat view- Joe was deposited in the front row- I was in the second row. Joe landed on a folding chair- the poor chair never had a chance) The two did some good back and forth brawling through the crowd. Then things got back into the ring. Joe and Danielson each attempted several finishers, pins and submissions. Danielson gave Joe the reverse chickenwing THREE times and Joe managed to escape. Joe choked out Danielson twice but Danielson refused to tap. Joe attempted the Muscle Buster twice and managed to get Danielson into it once but Danielson kicked out. Joe finally got the choke out in the final minute but the bell rang, signalling the time limit draw. The final 20 minutes were actually very good. It's a shame they dragged it out to such a long match. If it had been 30 minutes, it would have been in the ****+ range. As it is, I have to give it **3/4. The first 35 minutes are a waste of time. The final 25 were quite good. Maybe on DVD with some decent commentary and not having to hear that fucking brat scream incessantly, it could be in the *** range. I've been going to ROH shows since 2003. August seems to be the time of the year when they don't put on their best stuff. Last year's August card in Morristown was a disappointment too, with booking that wasn't as sharp. Still, even a so-so ROH card is far better than anything WWE has been barfing out lately. And I know ROH will bounce back with the next card as they always do. Bill Treadway Quote Link to comment
totenkopf Posted August 6, 2006 Author Share Posted August 6, 2006 OFF/ Хмм да пак стигаме до момента със скучните 60 минутни мачове. А именно такива мачове без restholds and stalling са неосъществими и в такива мачове е много важна psychology, не може да знаеш, че един мач ще е толкова дълъг и да очакваш spot after spot, а в продължение на цял ден чета навсякъде че този мач е бил изпипан идеално отък psychology в началото и точно последните 15-20 минути са били fuckin awesome. не знам какъв "action" е очаквал в 60 минутен мач лол, като се сети за такъв мач от началото до края "action" да се обади.Такива хора, които си вярват и на черното казват бяло за да бъдат различни са ми честно казано смешни. OFF/ Quote [b] tvoite rimi na bokluka, toten kato pika kliuka Borko e paraliq, she si namaja s med i maslo az filiq ViChiX za pari ubiva, Phil e sliva mirizliva[/b] Link to comment
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