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ROH:Card for "Best in the world" show 25.03.06


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Ей за това шоу бих си платил,без значение колко!!!!

1.Dream Tag Team Main Event

GHC Junior Heavyweight Champion KENTA & Naomichi Marufuji vs. ROH World Champion Bryan Danielson & Samoa Joe

2.Special Attraction

Christopher Daniels vs. Alex Shelley with Prince Nana

3.Tag Team Challenge Match

Roderick Strong & Jack Evans vs. Jay & Mark Briscoe

4.Pure Title Match

Nigel McGuinness defends against Claudio Castagnoli

5.Generation Next vs. Rottweilers

Austin Aries vs. Ricky Reyes with Julius Smokes

6.SHIMMER Four Corner Survival Match

Lacey vs. Daizee Haze vs. Allison Danger vs. Mercedes Martinez

Имам да наваксвам доста,понеже от Файнал Батъл насам не съм имал време да изгледам шоутата въпреки,че са мина пс-то,но това веднага щом се появи без значение качеството ще го пусна веднага.Карда не изглежда кой знае колко привлекателен като цяло,но мейн ивента е просто СМАЗВАЩ!!!



A и плюс това щоуто ще е в Ню Йорк,където по принцип публиката е страхотна,така че очаквайте феноменален crowd reaction ;)

[b] tvoite rimi na bokluka, toten kato pika kliuka
Borko e paraliq, she si namaja s med i maslo az filiq
ViChiX za pari ubiva, Phil e sliva mirizliva[/b]

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Малко късно де,ама все пак :)

**** РЕЗУЛТАТИ!****

The main event featured Pro Wrestling NOAH's KENTA & Naomichi Marufuji defeating ROH champion Bryan Danielson & Samoa Joe in an unbelievably fun match. The crowd was chanting for Joe from the moment he came to the ring, seeing him as a superstar. The entrances for the match had a big time feel as well, with Danielson and Joe coming out to Danielson's theme song "Final Countdown" by Europe. KENTA was aggressive in a major way, slapping and kicking at Joe early while was in the corner waiting for a tag. Lots of hot back and forth wrestling with KENTA finally scoring the pin. The crowd loved it. KENTA promised he would return soon, while Joe reminded him that he had yet to beat he or Danielson in singles bouts.

In a match that was on the level of the main event and completely stole the show, Roderick Strong & Jack Evans defeated The Briscoe Brothers. The Briscoes have put on size since their last run here and look completely snug and solid in all of their offense. Strong continues to improve. I sometimes hear criticism of Jack Evans as a worker, but when I see him work all I do is stand in complete amazement of what he can get his body to do. He is as innovative in 2006 as Sabu was in 1993. Just an amazing flyer. The Briscoes spent a lot of time working over Evans leg, until Strong finally got the tag in. Strong chopped Mark Briscoe's chest until it was speckled with broken blood vessels.

Other results from the show:

*Jimmy Rave pinned Pelle Primeau with a Pedigree in a short but solid opener. Rave was showered with toilet paper by the fans. Prince Nana ranted on the mic, claiming Rave should be the ROH champion and that there was no one in the building who could take him. He turned his attention to martial artist Taimak Guarriello (Bruce Leroy from "The Last Dragon") saying that not even he could take Rave. Tamaik called out Jimmy Yang, leading to....

*In another solid match, Jimmy Yang pinned Jimmy Rave. Nana and Rave put the boots to Yang after the match, which led to Tamaik hitting the ring and hitting a kick on Rave, then scaring off Nana. Yang and Rave celebrated afterwards. The crowd chanted "Leroy" when Yang asked on the mic, "Who is the Master?" They left to the theme from Last Dragon. For those wondering how this cameo came out, Taimak trains with Yang.

*In the pleasant surprise of the evening, Allison Danger won a Four Way Bout over Lacey, Mercedes Martinez and Daizee Haze in a match announced as representing Women's promotion SHIMMER. Haze looked great while Martinez really won over the crowd with her offense and fire. At one point, Lacey tagged out by slapping Martinez. That's an awesome heel move. Martinez decimated Lacey but Danger, who was really busting her rear and has improved, blind tagged in and rolled up Lacey in a pinning combination to get the victory.

*Jason Blade and Kid Mikaze came out for their open challenge match. As the lights were down for their entrance, Chris Hero and Necro Butcher hit the ring. This was set up by ROH announcing at the start of the show that they had a free pass to face anyone in the locker room. Hero chose the tag match and sent Necro to "Kill!" After decimating the team, Hero called out "someone else who has been running their mouth." The crowd chanted for Joe and Hero responded, "Wrong, *ssholes", which was pretty funny. It was Adam Pearce, who jumped him from behind. Necro and Pearce brawled through the crowd. Pearce gave Necro a running powerslam through a table. It ended up with Pearce being beaten down. Hero called for his "best friend and tag team partner" Claudio Castagnoli. Claudio hit the ring but began unloading on forearms against the CZW stars, running them off. Claudio said, "F*** CZW!" on the mic. Pearce challenged them to come back but they didn't.

*Christopher Daniels pinned Alex Shelley in a good bout. Shelley played heel. They did a lot of mat work here. Daniels turned a backslide attempt into Angel's Wings for the pin.

*ROH Pure champion Nigel McGuinness defeated Claudio Castagnoli in a good Pure Wrestling match. McGuiness tried to win over the referee with compliments during the match intructions, but Claudio cut him off with an uppercut to the mush. McGuiness had some really good and unique stiff offense. I liked this a lot because it swayed from the usual Pure formula as it wasn't about who lost what rope breaks. Castagnoli hit a great corkscrew dive. Decent.

Austin Aries defeated Ricky Reyes by DQ. This was the first match after intermission. Julius Smokes managed Reyes and did his usual good job riling up the crowd. After some good back and forth work, Reyes locked on his choke. Aries got the ropes and Reyes refused to let go. After several warnings, the referee counted to five and called for the DQ. The crowd chanted, "Bullsh*t" as they hate those type of finishes. Reyes refused to let go, so Generation Next hit the ring for the save. The Briscoes attacked, immediately setting up the next match, which was brilliant because it allowed for a screwjob finish but immediately distracted the crowd so they didn't come down because of it.

I thought this was one of the stronger top to bottom ROH efforts in some time. The crew was really on and this will make a fun DVD to check out when it's released.


[b] tvoite rimi na bokluka, toten kato pika kliuka
Borko e paraliq, she si namaja s med i maslo az filiq
ViChiX za pari ubiva, Phil e sliva mirizliva[/b]

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Лол доста добро шоу е паднало :). Въпреки че American Dragon & Samoa Joe паднаха, но нищо като цяло доста добре. Ако имам шанс ще го гледам 100%...

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