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New Japan Pro Wrestling - card + РЕЗУЛТАТИ за 19 Февруари


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NJPW, 2/19/06 (WPW/PPV/NJ+IWTV Internet)

Tokyo Ryogoku Kokugikan

1. Koji Kanemoto vs. GENTARO

2. Jushin Thunder Liger, Jado & Gedo vs. Kintaro Kanemura, BADBOY Hido & Tetsuhiro Kuroda

3. Takashi Iizuka & Naofumi Yamamoto vs. Togi Makabe & Toru Yano

4. Yuji Nagata vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi

5. IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Tag Team Title: Minoru & Hirooki Goto © vs. El Samurai & Ryusuke Taguchi

6. IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Title & NWA Jr. Heavyweight Title: Black Tiger (c²) vs. Tiger Mask

7. Riki Choshu & Akebono vs. Brock Lesnar & Shinsuke Nakamura

8. IWGP Tag Team Title: Masahiro Chono & Hiroyoshi Tenzan © vs. Manabu Nakanishi & Giant Bernard

Доста интересно шоу се очертава и buildup-a беше доста интересен. Сега New Japan като махнаха тлъстините, тоест ненужните кечисти, нещата са много по-добре. Определено ще се гледа, но да се изкажа по-подробно:

1. Koji Kanemoto vs. GENTARO - Още бъдещото на Kanemoto не е известно. Ще остане ли в компанията? Ще се махне ли? Ще се пенсионира поради много контузии? Не се знае, но имам чувството, че ще разберем след този мач. GENTARO е аутсайдър, тоест не е от New Japan. Той е по хардкора по принцип. Забавен мач ще да е; Kanemoto печели.

2. Jushin Thunder Liger, Jado & Gedo vs. Kintaro Kanemura, BADBOY Hido & Tetsuhiro Kuroda - доста забавната вражда между CTU & Аpache Army продължава! Аpache Army са хардкор аутсайдъри, а CTU са главния хийл стейбъл на леката дивизия. Ако този мач е забавен колкото предишните им ще остана доволен. CTU печели мача и враждата!

3. Takashi Iizuka & Naofumi Yamamoto vs. Togi Makabe & Toru Yano - през последните два месеца Naofumi Yamamoto получи МЕГА-пуш! От човек, който се биеше в първите мачове (тоест young lion) получи 4 мейн ивент мача с Shinsuke Nakamura като партньор. Вярно, загуби всеки един от тези мачове, но в процеса се издигна много в очите на феновете, толкова много че вече се спряга като бъдеща голяма звезда. Хийловете Togi Makabe & Toru Yano също се позасилиха малко. Тук букинг може да отиде в много насоки, но аз лично бих дал победата на Makabe & Yano;

4. Yuji Nagata vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi - ето това вече ще е много яко! Tanahashi беше в много голям спад през последната половин година, но след мачовете в ТНА пак е във възход! Най-после взе победа над Shinsuke Nakamura в третият мач помежду им и сега предполагам ще бие и Nagata. Мисля, че го гласят за опонент на Леснар и затова ще му дадат няколко големи победи, след което ще загуби от Леснар. Типичен японски букинг и добър при това. Дано да съм прав :)

5. IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Tag Team Title: Minoru & Hirooki Goto © vs. El Samurai & Ryusuke Taguchi - може би мача с най-интересен строеж. Не ми се обяснява, защото е много дълго, но първоначално мача не трябваше да е това. Но легендата El Samurai започна огромен възход, станаха едни други интересни работи и сега това е мача. Предполагам, El Samurai (ветерана) & Ryusuke Taguchi (новата звезда) ще спечелят титлите и ще прекратят едногодишното царуване на Minoru & Goto. Мачът със сигурност ще е добър;

6. IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Title & NWA Jr. Heavyweight Title: Black Tiger (c²) vs. Tiger Mask - третият мач помежду им. Засега резултата е 1:1. Надявам се Черния Тигър да спечели, но предполгам че Тигровата Маска ще лапне и двете титли;

7. Riki Choshu & Akebono vs. Brock Lesnar & Shinsuke Nakamura - много интересен букинг тук. Предполагам целта на този мач е да се направи строеж за Леснар срещу Акебоно и отделно да се развие историята около Накамура/Леснар. Нямам си идея кой ще бъде туширан - във всеки един вариант има много логика;

8. IWGP Tag Team Title: Masahiro Chono & Hiroyoshi Tenzan © vs. Manabu Nakanishi & Giant Bernard - еха! Един от най-великите отбори в историята на Япония срещу новосформирания отбор от "чудовища". Предчувствам нови отборни шампиони и забавен мач!

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Доста интересно шоу се очертава. Сега New Japan като махнаха тлъстините, тоест ненужните кечисти, нещата са много по-добре. Определено ще се гледа :)

Наистина се очертава интересно шоу. Последните три мача ми правят най-голямо впечатление, но и другите далеч не са за изхвърляне.

П.С. Какви тлъстини са махнали не знам, но ако Акебоно не е свалил 20 кила поне то ще има още да се потрудят! :D



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По време на ежегодното подновяване на договорите (всички договори в New Japan са за една години и всяка година Януари месец се правят нови) доста кечисти (около 10) или напуснаха по собствено желание, или поради голямото орязване на заплатите за тази година, или бяха уволнени. Говорим основно за lower-midcarder-и, мидкардъри и young lion-и, които в общи линии само пълнеха дупките. Eдинствените по-сериозни загуби бяха:

= Akiya Anzawa - талантлив нов junoir heavyweight, който се пенсионира от кеча, за да стане готвач;

= Osamu Nishimura - един от най-добрите технични кечисти в бизнеса, но човек, който вече близо десетилетие се лута из мидкарда и не може да пробие. По-добре ще му е другаде, тъй като в New Japan повече от upper-midcard и да иска не може да стигне;

= Yutaka Yoshie - определено най-голямата и изненадваща загуба. доста over кечист, който имаше голям потенциал за мейн ивентър. Той се раздели с компанията в добри отношения и е възможно пак да се бие в нея, но като freelancer, a не като New Japan contracted wrestler. В момента е залят от оферти за работа от други федерации (AJPW, Hustle, ZERO-ONE MAX) и вече подписа договор за 5 мача с ZERO-ONE MAX, но аз лично се надявам и предполагам, че ще се върне в New Japan.

Като цяло с това орязване на тлъстините New Japan се подобри и вече се вижда явна насока на компанията. Освен това Леснар, Бернард и Акебоно, Riki Choshu (кеч легенда и един от главните сценаристи на New Japan през 90-те, а и сега) освежиха мейн ивент сцената. Освен тях има и други скрити козове, които незнайно защо федерацията спря да използва често: Мат Морган, Марк Джиндрак и донякъде Скот Нортън (легенда в Япония), но при него възраста му не му позволява да се бие толкова често. Иначе аз си оставам на мнението, че в момента има прекалено много федерации и бизнеса страда от това. Една трябва да се разпадне и кечистите и да се преразпределят по другите федерации. Стискам палци това да е ZERO-ONE MAX :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

New Japan's first tour of 2006 ended today at Sumo Hall and many interesting developments went down, raising questions and possibilities for upcoming months. Of the three titles defended today, only one was successfully defended and it was the unbreakable ChoTen who pulled it off. Chono & Tenzan's V2 defense of the IWGP Tag Team Title headlined today and they were able to defeat the new team of Nakanishi & Bernard by a narrow margin. The match went back and forth for a while, before friendly fire from Bernard allowed ChoTen to control Nakanishi for a period. After 15 minutes, the ChoTen Torpedo was presented to Sumo Hall, Bernard the victim. More friendly fire from the challengers ended not only their chances, but their short-lived alliance. The two argued, ChoTen capitalizing and finishing off Nakanishi with their Shining Yakuza kick/lariat combination! This was called a solid and stable, but cold main event, as it had the problem of following up on two much hotter matches. More arguments after the match, before Bernard shook hands with Chono, recruited into Chono's army, which seems to be being rebuild now! CTU also appeared, shaking hands with ChoTen and reviving their old alliance with him. Chono cut a promo and was booed, but then turned his attention to ring announcer Hidekazu Tanaka, calling all wrestlers to enter the ring to farewell him, and all fans to join in. Tanaka's 25 years of service to New Japan were recognized, despite his objections (he wanted the attention on wrestlers and not on himself), and he was tossed up and down by wrestlers from both sides, handed a bouquet of flowers, and farewelled by the fans. Tanaka bowed to all four sides of the crowd and now the duty of ring announcing will be left to newcomer, Toshimasa Shiowaki, who begins full duties on the next series. Hidekazu Tanaka has been the voice of New Japan for years, the man who bowed submissively and broke down into tears as he apologized and tried to control fans when Sumo Hall went into a riot state many years ago (getting New Japan thrown out of there for a while), who has been there through so many eras. Goodbye Kero!

New generation ace team, Brock Lesnar & Shinsuke Nakamura, took on Riki Choshu & Akebono in the biggest match of the show, the "true main event" as it was called, so big that all four got individual entrances. Choshu struck Lesnar with two Riki lariats in the opening stage... to no effect, Brock barely budging! He managed to backdrop Lesnar to the mat, which did have some effect. Lesnar tried to tackle Akebono, but the monster didn't budge either. In the middle stage though, Lesnar backdropped Akebono's huge frame! Not to be outdone, Choshu hit a plancha to the outside, 54-year-old Power Hall flying at Nakamura! Nakamura skillfully cut back Choshu's Scorpion Deathlock with a heel hold and also showered kicks at Akebono, which caused Akebono's bulk to wobble. There were many moments like this and unsurprisingly, the crowd was hot throughout, the match called a big success. The most anticipated moment came when Lesnar went for the Verdict on Akebono, the question being could he or couldn't he lift the former Yokozuna? The answer is no... because Choshu cut him off, so the fans were teased and may have to wait for another day to see if he can do it. The finish saw Nakamura trap Akebono in a sleeper, leaving Choshu to a hungry Lesnar. Choshu took the Verdict full-on and was pinned for the second day in a row, he and Akebono unable to follow up on their huge win over ChoTen in Sapporo. Lesnar and Akebono stared at each other post-match, then shook hands, praising each other on a good fight. The question is now, will this lead to a singles battle between them in a month's time back at Sumo Hall? Today's confrontations between them won some comparisons to Hansen vs. Andre and was said to be very exciting, just to see what would happen next.

Akebono's contention for a shot at the IWGP Heavyweight Title is at risk, due to Hiroshi Tanahashi's biggest push for main event status yet. "Sunday Hiroshi" completed three big Sunday wins (vs. Nakamura, vs. Yamamoto, vs. Nagata) in a row, defeating the wall of the third generation, Nagata! It was an important match for both men and progressed very well, a real New Japan match, Nagata the main aggressor but not so much as he once was. Many of their big moves were thrown out later on, as they headed towards the finish. Nagata won a battle of slaps, then dropped Tanahashi with an avalanche-style Exploder, following with the Thunder Death Driver for a near fall. Tanahashi's own Dragon suplex was used against him, as Nagata cast him away with one, followed with a right high kick, left middle kick, and backdrop. Tanahashi saved himself by catching another kick and hitting a dragon screw. Tanahashi landed a Shining Wizard and the Sling Blade, but Nagata kicked out of the resulting cover. A second Sling Blade followed, before Tanahashi hit a release Dragon suplex and then used a cradle-style cover for the three count! Nagata accepted complete defeat, praising Tanahashi and shaking his hand, meaning Nagata no longer saw himself as a "step" for Tanahashi and instead accepts him as a fellow top wrestler. This could become a very important match in the long-running generation war, as it is the first time that Tanahashi has beaten a senior in such a decisive manner, and he showed his growth by being able to pin Nagata decisively. The only other time he managed this was in an IWGP Tag match last year, but that was only after Tenzan had been injured and Nagata had fought alone for 20-something minutes against Tanahashi and Nakamura. Tanahashi's big wins this month put him in heavy contention for his third shot at the IWGP Heavyweight Title, but the question is now who gets to challenge Lesnar next?

Three titles left CTU today and headed to New Japan's three man regular army! Tiger Mask, for now at least, won the feud with Black Tiger, coming out on top in their decisive singles match today. Not only did he begin his third IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Title reign, but lived out his other dream of capturing the historic NWA Jr. Heavyweight Title, becoming a 2-crown champion. This feud failed to live up to the Tiger Mask vs. Black Tiger legacy though, and today's match was met with very mixed reviews. Tiger Mask paid tribute to the original at the end, using an original style moonsault, German suplex hold, and finally the Tiger suplex hold to win it. After calling the name of three of the four Tiger Masks during his career, Hidekazu Tanaka announced Tiger Mask as the winner one last time, and Tiger shook hands with him in gratitude. Meanwhile, El Samurai's revival is complete! Months of hard work to improve his rank and status again paid off, as he and Taguchi ended Minoru & Hirooki Goto's nine month reign as IWGP Jr. Tag Team Champions! Samurai wasn't even supposed to be in this match, but at the demand of both Taguchi and the champions, he replaced Ishii, and defeated Ishii yesterday to prove he belonged here. Taguchi apparently struck his head at some point (I'm not sure if it was today or another day), so he was groggy and well off his game, thus Samurai had to spend a lot of time in the ring. Being a true pro and master of the game, Samurai excelled and became the victim of rough attacks from the champions, one of his arms being taken apart. The fans rallied behind Samurai and it almost became a one man fight. He repeatedly escaped Minoru's cross armbreaker late on, fighting back with a reverse DDT and applying his chickenwing armlock. Continuing to be Minoru's personal boogeyman as he used to be Kanemoto's, Samurai forced the opposite team leader to tap out, a big cheer erupting! Samurai won his first title in half a decade and Taguchi won his first title ever. Despite being down to three men, the regular army has toppled CTU!

Naofumi Yamamoto managed to show some results of a tour full of main events for him in today's third match. It was the match with fewest talking points today, but Yamamoto raised a topic of his own. The dysfunctional tag team count in New Japan is rising, with Makabe & Yano having bickered all tour and now today Nakanishi & Bernard's alliance falling apart in the ring. After shouting at each other, Makabe cast Yano away with a German suplex and Yamamoto capitalized with a backdrop for the win! This is the first time that Yamamoto has ever pinned Yano, so another breakthrough for him, even if it wasn't as decisive as he would have liked. The Apache Army was completely beaten by New Japan's juniors in today's opening matches. The biggest and most intense of the CTU vs. Apache trios matches yet was one of the best matches today. Liger, Jado & Gedo entered Apache World, fighting Kanemura, Hido & Kuroda at their own game, disorderly brawling, weapon attacks, and dangerous moves. The fans were 100% behind CTU and one person was quoted as shouting to Liger, "Kill the fat guy in yellow!" (Kanemura, who agitated the fans today, even doing Nagata's salute pose). Jado bled after being weapon attacked by Jado, and Apache tore off the bottom half of Liger's mask. With the support of Sumo Hall, CTU pulled through and Gedo dropped his Superfly splash on Hido for the three count. CTU's bonds were strengthened, a big "CTU" chant breaking out after the match, and whether this feud is now over is unknown. Koji Kanemoto made his first appearance of the tour, facing Apache's GENTARO in the opener. Kanemoto attacked with kicks and face washers, dominating GENTARO and taking out all of his frustration. Occasionally GENTARO was able to counterattack, but Kanemoto brushed him off and kept dominating. He avoided GENTARO's Shooting Star press and trapped him in an ankle hold for an easy victory. There was large encouragement for Kanemoto, who was seconded by Wataru, with loud "Don't go!" calls. Fans waited... and got no answer, as Kanemoto left the ring ordinarily, the mystery continuing. A top sports i-mode in Japan suggests there is a high possibility Kanemoto could remain, and if he does, Wataru probably will. Both men will have final contract talks on the 20th. "CIRCUIT 2006 TAKEOFF" begins on 3/4 in Kuki, and hopefully lineups and details for these will be quicker than the last tour, with the contract season now over.

The first 2,000 fans who entered today were given questionnaires. The new vice-president of New Japan, Naoki Sugehayashi, spoke to Nikkan Sports about this plan. There are many questions, such as what fans think of ticket prices, whether they think there are too few or too many matches, whether they are happy with match/show lengths. Since today's show was the first big event of the new system (that is what Nikkan said, even if 1/4 had the same system as far as I know), Sugehayashi explained that there is a feeling of starting anew and part of that is gauging exactly what fans want. Sugehayashi said New Japan has failed to listen to its fans, and with a nudge from the junior heavyweights, is now working hard to figure out what they want. The results may start to go into effect on the next tour, with some experimental methods. With many dark topics now behind them, such as the secession of wrestlers, New Japan is now beginning its "counterattack". Many ideas have been pitched by wrestlers, fans, and management, such as "family rates" for shows, all-night shows, shows at the beach during summer, discount shows, and so on, and some of those may be realized in this, a year of reconstruction.

NJPW, 2/19/06 (WPW/PPV/NJ+IWTV Internet)

Tokyo Ryogoku Kokugikan

8,000 Fans

1. Koji Kanemoto beat GENTARO (6:39) with an ankle hold.

2. Jushin Thunder Liger, Jado & Gedo beat Kintaro Kanemura, BADBOY Hido & Tetsuhiro Kuroda (15:13) when Gedo used a Superfly splash on Hido.

3. Takashi Iizuka & Naofumi Yamamoto beat Togi Makabe & Toru Yano (9:23) when Yamamoto used a backdrop suplex on Yano.

4. IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Tag Team Title: El Samurai & Ryusuke Taguchi beat Minoru & Hirooki Goto © (26:26) when Samurai used a chickenwing armlock on Minoru to become the 16th champions.

5. IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Title & NWA Jr. Heavyweight Title: Tiger Mask beat Black Tiger (c²) (14:47) with a Tiger suplex hold to become the 48th IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Champion & new NWA Jr. Heavyweight Champion.

6. Hiroshi Tanahashi beat Yuji Nagata (21:11) with a Dragon suplex hold.

7. Brock Lesnar & Shinsuke Nakamura beat Riki Choshu & Akebono (12:49) when Lesnar used the Verdict on Choshu.

8. IWGP Tag Team Title: Masahiro Chono & Hiroyoshi Tenzan © beat Manabu Nakanishi & Giant Bernard (19:55) when Chono pinned Nakanishi after a Shining Yakuza kick & lariat combination (2nd defense).


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