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Турнир за коронясване на първи WRESTLE-1 шампион


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Преди известно време WRESTLE-1 обявиха, че ще коронясат първия им шампион чрез турнир, който започва тази неделя. Мачовете в турнира са:



WRESTLE-1 Title Tournament - Round 1: KAI vs. Manabu Soya

WRESTLE-1 Title Tournament - Round 1: Minoru Tanaka vs. Daiki Inaba

WRESTLE-1 Title Tournament - Round 1: Hiroshi Yamato vs. Seiki Yoshioka

WRESTLE-1 Title Tournament - Round 1: Kaz Hayashi vs. Shuji Kondo

WRESTLE-1 Title Tournament - Round 1: Masakatsu Funaki vs. TAJIRI

WRESTLE-1 Title Tournament - Round 1: Ryota Hama vs. AKIRA

WRESTLE-1 Title Tournament - Round 1: Masayuki Kono vs. Jiro Kuroshio

WRESTLE-1 Title Tournament - Round 1: Yasufumi Nakanoue vs. Yusuke Kodama


WRESTLE-1 Title Tournament - Round 2: KAI/Soya vs. Tanaka/Inaba

WRESTLE-1 Title Tournament - Round 2: Yamato/Yoshioka vs. Hayashi/Kondo

WRESTLE-1 Title Tournament - Round 2: Funaki/TAJIRI vs. Hama/AKIRA

WRESTLE-1 Title Tournament - Round 2: Kono/Kuroshio vs. Nakanoue/Kodama


Двата полуфинални мача и финалът ще се състоят на 8-ми октомври в Korakuen Hall.


На пресконференция по-рано днес W-1 показаха титлата за първи път:



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Tajiri шампион.

Много ще съм благодарен, ако постнеш някакви клипчета от мачове след като се изиграят.

Дай лопата на гробаря
работата той си знае.

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Ryota Hama печели от мен го чухте.

I wanted so badly to lie down next to her on the couch, to warp my arms around her and sleep.Not fuck, like in those movies.Not even sex.Just sleep together, in the most innocent sense of the phrase.But I lacked the courage and she had a boyfriend and I was gawsky and she was gorgeous and I was hopelessly boring and she was endlessly fascinating.So I walked back to my room and collapsed on the bottom bunk, thinking that if people were rain, I was drizzle and she was hurricane.


John Green, Looking For Alaska

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Резултати от първия кръг:

KAI beat Manabu Soya (23:40)
Minoru Tanaka beat Daiki Inaba (12:31)
Hiroshi Yamato beat Seiki Yoshioka (18:48)
Shuji Kondo beat Kaz Hayashi (16:38)
Masakatsu Funaki beat TAJIRI (3:50)
AKIRA beat Ryota Hama (7:34)
Masayuki Kono beat Jiro Kuroshio (4:56)
Yusuke Kodama beat Yasufumi Nakanoue (12:32)

Резултати от четвъртфиналните мачове:

KAI beat Minoru Tanaka (18:18)
Shuji Kondo beat Hiroshi Yamato (15:11)
Masakatsu Funaki beat AKIRA (14:13)
Masayuki Kono beat Yusuke Kodama (9:07)


Полуфиналните мачове (8-ми октомври):


KAI vs. Shuji Kondo

Masakatsu Funaki vs. Masayuki Kono

Междувременно W-1 обявиха, че през ноември ще коронясат и първи отборни шампиони.

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  • 2 weeks later...



October 8th, 2014

Tokyo Korakuen Hall

1. WRESTLE-1 vs. Novus: Yasufumi Nakanoue, Daiki Inaba, Andu Wu & Hiroki Murase vs. Yusuke Kodama, Jiro Kuroshio, Koji Doi & Lion Fujiwara

2. WRESTLE-1 vs. DESPERADO: Ryota Hama & Hiroshi Yamato vs. Ryouji Sai & KAZMA SAKAMOTO

3. TAJIRI & Hijo del Pantera vs. Tokyo Gurentai (NOSAWA Rongai & MAZADA)

4. Kaz Hayashi & Minoru Tanaka vs. Seiya Sanada & Seiki Yoshioka

5. AKIRA vs. Manabu Soya

6. WRESTLE-1 Title Tournament - Semi Final: KAI vs. Shuji Kondo

7. WRESTLE-1 Title Tournament - Semi Final: Masakatsu Funaki vs. Masayuki Kono

8. WRESTLE-1 Title Tournament - Final: winner of KAI/Kondo vs. winner of Funaki/Kono

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Много ще съм благодарен, ако постнеш някакви клипчета от мачове след като се изиграят.

Предполагам беше към nWoHulkster™, но все пак ето някои мачове от първото шоу:

Kodama vs Nakanoue

Yamato vs Yoshioka

Soya vs KAI

[url=http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x271s5g_masakatsu-funaki-vs-tajiri-wrestle-1_sport]Masakatsu Funaki vs Tajiri

Иначе по темата, интересно развитие на турнира за сега. Мачът между Soya и KAI ми допадна доста, с нетърпение очаквам и KAI vs Kondo.



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October 8th, 2014

Tokyo Korakuen Hall

1,080 Fans

1. Novus vs. WRESTLE-1: Koji Doi, Yusuke Kodama, Jiro "Ikemen" Kuroshio & Rionne Fujiwara beat Yasufumi Nakanoue, Andy Wu, Daiki Inaba & Hiroki Murase (9:01) with an Ikemen Rana by Kuroshio on Wu.

2. Tokyo Gurentai (NOSAWA Rongai & MAZADA) beat TAJIRI & El Hijo del Pantera with a Shoda Drop by MAZADA on Pantera.

3. AKIRA beat Manabu Soya (7:57) with a AKR48.

4. WRESTLE-1 Title Tournament - Semi Final: KAI beat Shuji Kondo (12:50) with a Splash Plancha.

5. WRESTLE-1 Title Tournament - Semi Final: Masayuki Kono beat Masakatsu Funaki (7:10) with a Giant Kneedrop.

6. Hiroshi Yamato & Ryota Hama beat Ryouji Sai & KAZMA SAKAMOTO with a Reverse Splash by Hama on KAZMA.

7. Kaz Hayashi & Minoru Tanaka beat Seiya Sanada & Seiki Yoshioka (10:48) with a Minoru Special by Tanaka on Yoshioka.

8. WRESTLE-1 Title Tournament - Final: Masayuki Kono beat KAI (17:57) with a Shining Wizard to become the first WRESTLE-1 champion!

= DESPERADO's leader Masayuki Kono became the first WRESTLE-1 champion after defeating KAI with a Shining Wizard (Keiji Muto's signature move). KAI's year-long quest to become the WRESTLE-1 ace has now seemingly failed. After the match Kono took it upon himself to nominate his first challenger and challenged the WRESTLE-1 President the legendary Keiji Muto to face him for the title on November 1st at Sumo Hall. Kono also said he wants this to be Muto's retirement match. Muto accepted the challenge.

= Sanada was provoking Muto throughout his match.

= During the intermission it was announced that Alberto Del Rio will be competing at Keiji Muto's 30th Anniversary show on November 1st at Sumo Hall.

= Funaki was about to win his semi-final match against Kono when TAJIRI, his second for the match and his training partner throughout the tournament, spit green mist into his eyes and then Kono beat Funaki. Afterwards TAJIRI said that he's been the WRESTLE-1 traitor all along and was officially revealed as a member of DESPERADO.

= "Detective" Soya had been accusing AKIRA and claiming he's the traitor amidst the W-1 ranks, but as seen later in the show that turned out not to be the case. After his loss to AKIRA Soya said he wanted to quit WRESTLE-1 but AKIRA talked him out of it and the two agreed to form a tag team.



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