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Преврат в Bellator? Сменят Bjorn Rebney със Scott Cocker?


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Горе-долу ситуацията е следната. Както може би знаете, Rebney продаде компанията си на Viacom (компанията, която държи Spike TV) през 2011. През последните месеци се спекулираше, че Viacom не са доволни от управлението на Rebney и няма да му подновят договора. Е, вчера интернет гръмна с новината, че Scott Cocker, masterind-ът зад StrikeForce, ще го смени. Очаква се скоро да излязът с официално становище, но това определено ще е новината на 2014, ако стане реалност. 



Reports state that Bjorn Rebney is getting bounced from the promotion he created and sold to Viacom and replaced by former Strikeforce CEO Scott Coker


One of the most persistent rumors in MMA over the past several months has been a sense of dissatisfaction at Viacom with Bjorn Rebney. The rumors have long been that Viacom has wanted to boot Rebney at the end of his contract--believed to have ended at the beginning of June--and replace him with someone like a Scott Coker.


Josh Gross tweeted late last night, "Heard big rumblings all day re: @BellatorMMA. I'm told @cokersf has joined the promotion. Multiple sources say announcement is imminent."


Ariel Helwani at MMA Fighting is reporting that sources have confirmed the story, but that Rebney is putting up a fight, not planning to cede control of the company he created and then sold majority stake in to Viacom.

There had previously been rumblings that Rebney threatened to take critical production staff with him if given the boot. But, given that Viacom has majority control, it'll be hard to fight off the inevitable for too long.

Coker's non-compete with Zuffa, who purchased Coker's Strikeforce Promotion in 2011, ended in March, making the situation a possibility.


Sources have stated that the announcement could come as early as today, depending on how the Rebney situation plays out.



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AND... It's Official:


Bjorn Rebney and Bellator have officially parted ways.

Viacom, the parent company of the organization, announced Wednesday morning that Rebney, the founder, chairman and CEO of Bellator, as well as Tim Danaher, president and COO, are leaving the organization effective immediately.

Both Rebney and Danaher were relieved of their duties Tuesday in New York City. Naturally, there was resistance, but there was nothing they could do.

"It is with bittersweet emotions that I announce that I am leaving the company I founded," Rebney stated in a press release issued by Viacom. "I have great pride in having turned my vision into reality, a thriving business with television distribution to over 140 countries around the world, a partnership with one of the world’s largest entertainment giants and wide array of sponsors, partners and strategic allies all over the globe. This has been a wonderful eight plus years of creation, development and success. I will miss the courageous, strong and dedicated fighters I have had the pleasure of promoting, and equally, I will miss the incredibly hard working, remarkable team that has become a family for me over the years.

"Viacom and Tim and I differed in our views of the right strategic direction for Bellator, but Tim and I both wish them well."

While not mentioned in the release, former Strikeforce founder and CEO Scott Coker will replace Rebney as the head of the organization. An official announcement on Coker's hiring is expected to be made Wednesday, as well.

"I would like to thank Bjorn and Tim on behalf of Spike and Viacom for their dedication and hard work building Bellator from the ground up," Spike TV president Kevin Kay stated. "They worked tirelessly in getting Bellator to where it is today. They were great partners to work with and we wish them all the best," said Kevin Kay, Spike TV.

Viacom purchased a majority stake of Bellator in late 2011 after the UFC signed a new seven-year broadcast deal with the FOX Broadcasting Company. Bellator debuted on Spike TV, which is owned by Viacom, in early Jan. 2013.

According to a Bellator press kit, Rebney, a former boxing promoter, "spent all his savings and put a second, then a third mortgage on his house" to launch the fight promotion seven years ago, however, it was only when Connecticut-based hedge fund Plainfield Asset Management decided to invest in "the mid-tens of millions" that the promotion was officially born in 2008. The organization's first event was held on April 3, 2009.

With Rebney leading the way as the face of the promotion, Bellator's first season aired on ESPN Deportes. The promotion later moved to FOX Sports Net, MTV2 and finally Spike TV. When the media giant Viacom purchased a majority stake of the company in Oct. 2011, Rebney was part of the deal. Danaher, the former VP of Plainfield Asset Management, who spearheaded the initial move to invest in the company six years ago, left to become Bellator president in 2010.

Bellator's next event -- its 122nd -- is scheduled for July 25.


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Има ли вариант да спрат с турнирите и да преминат на match making като на другите организации?

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Според запознати, именно това е била ябълката на раздора в Bellator и най-вероятно турнирите ще бъдат премахнати или ще бъдат ограничени (Cocker в StrikeForce имаше някакви заигравки с този формат). Интересно е, че само преди няколко седмици, направиха някакви размествания в турнирния формат, като победителите вече не трябвяваше да влизат в турнира за да получат title shot, но явно Viacom са искали тотално да премахнат турнирния формат.

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Cocker имаше заигравки, но само когато имаше необходимите бойци мисля. Да, последния турнир преди фалита на Страйкфорс не успя, но то там вече беше всичко или нищо с този турнир. Иначе поне за мен този формат с турнирите не е привлекателен и неправилен. Получават се много контузии, липсва елемента на "кой с кого ще се бие мислене на феновете" и т.н. Явно и откъм интерес към организацията или дори икономически не е добър щом от Viacom са против него. Ако беше успешен, едва ли биха искали каквато и да е промяна. Не съм запознат с организацията де, но лично за мен ако премахнат турнирите ще е по-добре. Гледам ги от време на време само.

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Аз лично харесвах работата на Cocker в Страйкфорс, поне що се отнасяше до качество на шоутата. Вече финансово не съм се интересувал как са се отразявали решенията му, но начинът, по който ръководеше организацията даваше чудесен резултат що се отнася до това какви файт кардове виждахме в крайна сметка. Гъвкав в много отношения и правещ много компромиси, но именно заради това в крайна сметка виждахме и интересни мачове, които в UFC просто нямаше как да се случат. Надявам се да се отрази положително идването му на Белатор.


Турнирите са интересни докато в тях има по-непознати момчета, защото ги издигат в очите на публиката. Но тотално погребват понякога големите имена и като цяло се губят много добри възможности за мачове. Турнира в страйкфорс на тежкарите беше съвсем друго нещо - там нямаше слаб мач, нямаше случайно име. Това не виждам как ще се повтори като събитие.


Белатор в момента имат много интересни имена в ростъра и предпочитам определено да ги гледам в готови мачове, а не да се впускат в турнирите.


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