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AAA Sin Limite (TV taping) - 21 февруари 2014


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AAA (Asistencia Asesoría y Administración)

"AAA Sin Limite" (television taping)

February 21st, 2014

Mexico City, Mexico

Gimnasio Olimpico Juan de la Barrera

4,000+ fans

Two days ago AAA announced they've made a deal that would see them run 12 events in this building over the course of the year as well as hold lucha libre classes for kids as an afterschool activity. This was the first show.

1. Mini Abismo Negro, Mini Charly Manson & Mini Histeria beat Dinastia, Mascarita Sagrada & Mini Drago - This was Mini Drago's debut and he was accompanied to the ring by Drago himself. Manson beat Dinastia.

2. Pentagon Jr., Sexy Star & Taya Valkyrie beat Drago, Faby Apache & Jennifer Blake - Pentagon beat Drago. After the match Pentagon challenged the current AAA Mixed Tag Team champions, Faby Apache and Drago, to a title match with Sexy Star as his partner.

3. Angelico, Australian Suicide & Zumbi beat Los Inferno Rockers (Demon Rocker, Machine Rocker & Soul Rocker) - Zumbi's return to AAA. Zumbi won the match for his team. After the match Pentagon Jr. ran in, attacked Australian Suicide and took off his mask.

4. Juventud Guerrera, Daga & Steve Pain beat Crazy Boy, Joe Lider & Fenix - Niño Hamburguesa was with Lider & Crazy. Pain beat Lider when Eterno made his return and distracted Crazy. Afterwards The Mexican Powers (Crazy, Lider & Niño) and Anarchy (Juvi, Pain & Eterno) agreed to a Hair/Mask Domed Cage match at Rey de Reyes on March 16th - the last man to remain in the cage loses his hair or mask. The AAA President Marisela Peña approved the match.

5. Rey de Reyes Qualifying Match: Black Warrior beat Psycho Clown, Texano Jr. & Psicosis - The Society had promised to unveil a new member and that new member turned out to be Black Warrior, who (re)joined Perros del Mal. Warrior won the match by beating Psycho Clown and in doing so secured himself a spot in the Rey de Reyes tournament final where he will face Hijo del Perro Aguayo, El Zorro and La Parka.

6. Hijo del Perro Aguayo, Jeff Jarrett (w/ Karen Jarrett), El Zorro & Chessman beat Cibernetico, La Parka, Electroshock & Jack Evans - Before the match, as usual, the Jarretts started arguing with the AAA President Marisela Peña (who is always seated in the first row). The injured El Mesias and Faby Apache intervened. At one point during the match Karen and Marisela started arguing again and the AAA President first smashed a cake and then threw a beer in Karen's face. Perro won the match for his team after putting Cibernetico through a table. Post-match Faby Apache got laid out and Karen tried to stuff her mouth with corn.

AAA had been advertising a big surprise for the show and so after the main event Marisela Peña made the introduction and then Mistico's old entrance music "Ameno" started playing. A luchador dressed in black came out. You couldn't tell if it was Mistico/Sin Cara or not, but that was the obvious tease. The lights then went out and the mystery luchador was gone.


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