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Diamond Ring - 11 февруари 2014


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Diamond Ring

February 11th, 2014

Tokyo Korakuen Hall

1. "Hollywood" Stalker Ichikawa, CHANGO & Namazu Man vs. Kikutaro, NOSAWA Rongai & Antonio Honda

2. Special Women's Tag Match: Yumiko Hotta & La Comandante vs. Natsuki*Taiyo & Sareee

3. All Japan Offer Match: Go Shiozaki vs. Kento Miyahara

4. Mitsuhiro Kitamiya & Hitoshi Kumano vs. Daichi Hashimoto & Tank Nagai

5. Fujita "Jr." Hayato & Satoshi Kajiwara vs. Naomichi Marufuji & Taiji Ishimori

6. Katsuhiko Nakajima's 10th Anniversary as a Pro-Wrestler: Kensuke Sasaki vs. Katsuhiko Nakajima

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Diamond Ring

February 11th, 2014

Tokyo Korakuen Hall

2,100 Fans - Super No Vacancy Full House

1. "Hollywood" Stalker Ichikawa, CHANGO & Namazu Man beat Kikutaro, NOSAWA Rongai & Antonio Honda (9:54) with a Diving Body Attack Cutback by Namazu on Kikutaro.

2. Special Women's Tag Match: Yumiko Hotta & La Comandante beat Natsuki*Taiyo & Sareee (9:57) with a Pyramid Driver by Hotta on Sareee.

3. All Japan Offer Match: Go Shiozaki beat Kento Miyahara (10:50) mit dem Go Flasher.

4. Daichi Hashimoto & Tank Nagai beat Mitsuhiro Kitamiya & Hitoshi Kumano (13:23) with a Shining Wizard by Hashimoto on Kumano.

5. Naomichi Marufuji & Taiji Ishimori beat Fujita "Jr." Hayato & Satoshi Kajiwara (18:20) with a Tiger Flowsion by Marufuji on Hayato.

6. Katsuhiko Nakajima's 10th Anniversary as a Pro-Wrestler: Katsuhiko Nakajima beat Kensuke Sasaki (19:13) with a German Suplex Hold.

= After scoring his first win over his "father" Nakajima thanked Sasaki for the match. Sasaki replied that Nakajima has certainly become a strong wrestler, and that even though he lost it feels right to have lost. Then Sasaki thanked the fans for their support over the course of his 28-year career, said he has no regrets and walked out.

= At one point Marufuji went to shake Hayato’s hand but Hayato kicked it away.

= Miyahara stated that his goal is to claim the AJPW World Tag belts with Shiozaki as his partner.

= Nakajima came out at the start of the show to thank everyone for coming out and to help him celebrate his 10th anniversary. Nakajima stated that he expects a rough match against his “father” and he wanted to be sure he could greet the fans properly. He closed it by asking everyone to please enjoy the event today.



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На пресконференция по-рано днес 47-годишният Kensuke Sasaki обяви, че се пенсионира от кеча. Причината е, че тялото му вече е доста потрошено. Няма да има шоу или мач по случай пенсионирането на Sasaki, т.е. последният му мач е гореспоменатия мач срещу протежето му Katsuhiko Nakajima.

Sasaki е един от само тримата кечисти в историята на японския кеч, които са печелили и трите главни японски кеч титли в тежка категория - IWGP Heavyweight (5 пъти), Triple Crown & GHC Heavyweight. Освен това е бивш многократен отборен шампион, WCW United States шампион, G1 Climax победител (2 пъти), Champion Carnival победител, носител на няколко награди за мач на годината и от миналата година е член на Wrestling Observer Newsletter Hall of Fame. Кеч кариерата на Sasaki продължи 28 години.

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