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DDP помага на Jake "The Snake" Roberts и Scott Hall с йога


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Кеч легендата Jake “The Snake” Roberts се е "нанесъл" в дома на Diamond Dallas Page в Атланта, Джорджия за да потренира за един последен run.

DDP е говорил с Newsday.com за своята работа с Jake Roberts (сега на 57) и за това как го е подложил на шест до осем седмична програма, в която Jake ще използва неговата йога за да смъкне килограми, да живее по здравословен начин на живот и да си върне формата. Page споделя с Newsday.com, че се е обадил на Roberts преди три месеца и го е навил да му върне "бойната форма" само за няколко месеца.

“Казах му "Акo искаш да направиш това, ще трябва да го докажеш пред мен (като преминеш през програмата) за шест до осем седмици - споделя Page. - "Ще ти намеря местенце в Атланта. Ще те доведа тук и ще продължим това приключение."

Теглото на Jake е паднало до 305 паунда от началото на йога тренировките преди няколко седмици. Page споделя, че Roberts е загубил 20 паунда в първите три и половина седмици, като към момента загубата на тегло е достигнала 35 паунда.

Според Page “Jake не иска да бъде виждан такъв."

Освен физическите тренировки, DDP и Steve Yu ще документират трансформацията на Jake и ще я ъпдейтват във Facebook и Twitter, като междувременно ще го образоват да използва двете социални медии. Идеята им е да му отвличат вниманието с позитивни и конструктивни дейности, които евентуално да го държат далеч от неприятности.

Roberts редовно ще бъде тестван за наркотици докато живее в дома на DDP.

“Ако направи тая простотия дори веднъж, докато е при мен, приключваме цялата история" - казва Page.

Въпреки личните демони на Jake, всички около него го подкрепят и окуражават да вземе живота си в ръце, в един последен опит за успех.

“В крайна сметка всички искат историята със завръщането” - завършва DDP. - “Всички искат да видят Jake да изглежда и да се чувства добре, да не бъде така съсипан. Това ще бъде страхотно. Все си мисля, че от това меже да произлязат много позитивни неща, ако Jake наистина го иска.”

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Не е кой знае какво, ама:

Да потропаш на нечия врата (за лакомства) и да ти отворят Jake "The Snake" и DDP, добре ли е? :D :D

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Да потропаш на нечия врата (за лакомства) и да ти отворят Jake "The Snake" и DDP, добре ли е? :D :D

Пак добре че не ти отваря змията. :D Иначе пак е имало някакви пиянски изцепки на инди шоу , той отрича вика че само няколко бири е навървил в съблекалнята , но чудно защо не му вярвам.

Jake Roberts has denied being drunk for a Coastal Wrestling Federation in La Marque, Texas. Fans in attendance had reported that Roberts looked intoxicated and walked to the ring early for his match with Johnny Blade. Roberts told Wrestling.com that he wasn't drunk, though he did have two beers in the locker room. He said that he had a disagreement with the promoter earlier in the day over being given a three foot snake to carry to the ring, with Roberts refusing because he said it would look ridiculous.

Roberts said that he had the match moved to earlier in the show as he wanted to get home to Atlanta early so that he could see his kids. He added that he came out early during Blade's midshow promo because Blade was calling him out. Roberts also said that he had agreed with the promoter to make it a short match as he hadn't been in the ring for a while.


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Ако някой наистина може да вкара Jake Roberts в правия път, това ще е DDP. Чакаме втора част със Scott Hall :D That's not a bad thing... It's a good thing!



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DDP е Човекът!

Дълбок, дълбок поклон пред него, феноменален жест просто. Дано наистина успее да помогне на Jake "The Snake", един от най-големите ми любимци в кеча за всички времена. Невероятен талант, съсипал живота и кариерата си по най-глупавият възможен начин - с шишето.

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Действително голям жест на Пейдж към Робъртс. Факт е че Jake е бил един от кечистите, които са тренирали DDP и сега е момента в който той може да отплати на своят ментор.. Но всичко зависи от него, де.. Ако не сте гледали Beyond the mat там всичко е обяснено за историята на Джейк Робъртс, както и в неговото ДВД продуцирано от WWE през 2005. Велик талант, който подобно на Scott Hall така и не се добра до заветната световна титла поради проблеми с пороците.

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Дано наистина DDP да успее да помогне на Jake Roberts да се справи с пороците си :) !Досега не бях навътре относно това какви вредни навици е имал Jake по време на активната си кариера в WWE,но явно са били доста сериозни и са му попречили да достигне до още по-големи успехи във федерацията.Надявам се тази интензивна програма на DDP да продължи да дава положителни резултати за "The Snake".Вече е посвалил малко от излишното си тегло,което е много добре.А ако успее да свали до минимум страстта си към чашката,ще е още по-добре!Със сигурност няма да му е лесно да поеме по правият път,но самият факт,че се опитва да промени живота си към по-добро,е обнадеждаващ знак :) !




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- Jake “The Snake” Roberts is now on Twitter at JakeSnakeDDT. Jake tweeted on Thursday:

The official YouTube account of Diamond Dallas Page has released two videos of one of DDP’s yoga clients giving the legendary wrestler a tutorial on the social networking website:

:D :D

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Jake “The Snake” Roberts walked around an Atlanta yard on a recent Saturday afternoon enjoying simplicity.

Texas A&M was on its way to upsetting No. 1 Alabama, so the Gainesville, Texas native was getting his way on TV. But the former WWE Superstar was enjoying his own little unexpected victory. He figures he had walked a couple of miles that day -- just living life -- when months earlier a 50-foot walk would have been an exhausting task due to COPD and he would’ve needed help getting up if he went to the floor to even try and exercise.

“I didn’t drink today, and I worked out,” Roberts, 57, said. “And I did kind things. And now I’m outside cleaning a big brush pile off and fixin’ to burn it while I’m smoking four chickens and a brisket. And I told the house, you better be ready to eat this because if you don’t I’ll kill ya, I’m so proud of what I’ve done. You better eat it and have a smile on your face and you better eat a bunch. I’ll be worse than a damn woman when it comes to that.”

“The house” includes former WCW World Heavyweight Champion Diamond Dallas Page, and if Roberts’ comment about dinner makes the pair sound like an old married couple, you’re not that far off. Life mates tend to make each other better, even as they frustrate the living daylights out of each other on a regular basis. Page still remembers being a 35-year-old wrestling manager who dreamed of making his own way in the ring despite the snickers of others.

Roberts ignored the naysayers and trained Page.

Two decades later, Page, 56, is returning the favor, trying to get Roberts back in shape for one more run in the ring, chronicling the process for a documentary, “The Resurrection of Jake the Snake.”

Many have given up on Roberts, whose exploits in the ring have been overshadowed by years of substance abuse issues and impaired wrestling appearances that made the TMZ rounds. But four months ago Page called the then- 300-plus-pound Roberts and talked about Roberts using Page’s workout system, DDPYOGA, to get back into shape.

In a recent Newsday story, Page said if Roberts showed progress he would bring him to a house in Atlanta to continue the process. Roberts moved into the home on Oct. 29 and is currently down about 40 pounds.

“Damn I’m thankful,” Roberts said. “And it’s changing the way you look at things because you’re walking differently, you’re eating differently, you’re able to do things you hadn’t been able to do in 20 years. I mean, it feels good, man, to be able to move, you know, like a man, instead of like an old man. I mean, it sucks getting old, but if you do the right things and take care of your body you’ll last a hell of a lot longer. I mean, if you buy a new car and don’t change the oil the sun of a [gun] is going to break down soon. But, we’re changing the oil, we’re changing the headlights, we’re changing the damn tires, everything. And it’s going to be a long journey. But I’m excited.”

That excitement was tempered a week after moving in, when Roberts left the home for an appearance in Rhode Island.

“I was flying back home to Atlanta,” Roberts explained. “I was up in Rhode Island and I had a person with me up there and I was a good boy. But on the flight, when I got to the airport, I ate some oysters and I had two beers. And then I went to Friday’s and had some ribs and had another beer. And after that, to be brutally honest, I don’t remember a freakin’ thing. Because when you’re an alcoholic you get to the point where you have blackouts. I know some people that have had blackouts and missed four or five days of a life. And obviously, my body getting clean and trying to stop all this [garbage], it’s just those four beers, maybe -- I don’t know, I was on an airplane and I know they won’t let you have 10 damn drinks or anything like that. But I know I had some, and obviously it caused my brain to kick off and put me in blackout.”

Up until that point, it was agreed that Roberts could drink a maximum of four beers. But after this incident -- Page and filmmaker Steve Yu have already released Page and Roberts’ tumultuous meeting at the Atlanta airport on YouTube -- Roberts started going to Alcoholics Anonymous meetings near the home. He also says he’s going to take antabuse, a medication that will make him violently ill if he has any alcohol. He had already agreed to undergo drug testing before going to the Atlanta home.

If Roberts fails in Atlanta, he says the WWE will pay for him to go to rehab, an opportunity he has taken advantage of before. But he says that’s a last resort.

“Dallas doesn’t have to do it this way,” Roberts said. “But as a friend, he wants to change my whole lifestyle. That’s the reason he’s calling it the resurrection of Jake. Because if you go to rehab, brother, you’re going to jail, basically. Yeah, you’re not going to do drugs in there because it’s not available, and you’re stuck in that unit, blah, blah, blah. And they talk to you, and they try to find out what your problem is. Well, my damn problem is I’m a 57-year-old, broken down old man who has no future, and I don’t know where to go with my mind.

“And now I’ve got somebody who’s saying, ‘Let’s try this,’” Roberts said. “And he’s got me to where I can get up and down off the floor. I’ve lost 40 pounds. OK, so what happens when all those things start coming up, it’s like, hey, I’m getting victories here, man. It feels good to win. Hey, I can look in the mirror and say, “You know what, dude, you are changing physically and mentally.’”

The process is multifaceted. When Roberts moved in Page had him trash T-shirts he brought with “Wasted Youth” and other negative messages. Before the daily workouts can even start, Roberts gets in a hot tub to limber up before undergoing what he called on that day a “workout from hell.”

“He’s trying to get all my body parts moving,” Roberts explained of Page. “We’re trying to break up a lot of scar tissue, especially in my feet.”

How far had a man who once moved so smoothly in the ring regressed? Even regular walking became challenging after a 1989 surgery in which part of his big left toe was amputated. The result was a longer second toe that made the foot easier to catch in carpet, resulting in further fractures. Roberts rattles off his litany of past and current ailments (compound arm fracture, knee replacement, shoulder woes) like a grocery list.

Roberts admits he abhors a lot of the icing he has to undergo along with the heat to deal with inflammation.

“A lot of it is just making my parts work again,” Roberts said. “A lot of it is very painful, a lot of of it is, well, in my mind, freakin’ [bS], hurts like hell. I’m like, ‘Is there a better, cheaper, easier way?’ Of course not. Where the magic wand, man?... But that’s not the way it is. You have to work at it.”

Roberts has worked to straighten out his life before, most famously in a real-life religious conversion that was incorporated into his WWE storyline when he returned in 1996.

“I think that my faith, obviously the bottom fell out of it,” Roberts said. “It wasn’t God failing, it was me not doing the right things. And it was not a good thing doing that thing with WWE. Because the devil’s a funny bastard, man. When you start doing good things he will come after your [butt]. You know, he will set you up because he knows exactly what will tear you down and get you going in the wrong direction. And that’s what happened, I was not strong enough to go out there and do that. When the limelight came on me and when that pressure came on me I was not able to handle it. I did not have the right support system around me, I did not do the right damn thing. OK. And a lot of that failure then made me want to give up. You know, then me and wife split up. Everything I worked for was gone. I mean, uh, I understand divorce court is tough, but Jesus, man, do you have to take everything but my freakin’ toothbrush?”

Roberts still embraces his Christianity. But if this physical/emotional rehabilitation goes well, don’t expect him to hit the church/religious TV channel lecture circuit like he did in the past.

“My relationship with God has gotten better and stronger for the simple fact that I understand it a lot better,” Roberts said. “You know, to me God’s my best friend. I’m not really into religion, OK. I saw a lot of things I did not like when I got into organized religion. I think a lot of people abuse it, I think a lot of people use it, I think a lot of people make it what they want. And me, my faith and my relationship with God is very personal. And it’s not anybody’s damn business how we talk. Because for a long time I should have called myself GAT -- God’s amusement toy. Because I would do something stupid, and to me I felt like I was a top on a table. And that top would spin, and I would get close to the edge and God would reach out there and push me back to the middle. He didn’t let me come off the edge, but boy I got real close. And I know that God’s got something out there for me to do.”

Roberts gushes when talking about his enjoyment and aptitude refinishing furniture and guns. He says Page has agreed to put a woodshop on the property so he can engage in something that gives him fulfillment. Page knows Roberts is a talented person, waxing poetic about being in Singapore -- he believes in the summer of 1992 -- watching Roberts and Bob Orton Jr. go 48 minutes and leave the crowd in awe despite taking a grand total of about six bumps.

How does someone who has talent feel talentless? Roberts said it’s pretty easy.

“As good as I was at wrestling, I never thought I was any good,” Roberts said. “That comes from the way you grow up. I just wanted my father [former wrestling star Grizzly Smith, who died in 2010] to be proud of me. That was not something he could do. Towards the end he finally said it. But all my life he wouldn’t say it. He would tell other people he was proud of me, but he wouldn’t tell me. And I guess in his mind his reasoning was, ‘This is what keeps him going.’ But man, I just wanted to be patted on the back. But Jake the Snake was something I created because I didn’t want anybody to know just how weak I was inside, how I felt about myself.”

Roberts, who last wrestled in January 2011, wants back in the ring to he can close that chapter the right way.

“It may just be one freakin’ match, man. I just know that I want desperately -- and my life does not depend on this, remember that -- to get myself back in the physical shape to where I can go out there and stand tall and perform at a level I feel acceptable in what I used to do,” Roberts said. “I will never be able to go out and perform at the level I was when I was 25 years old... But it does not stop me from wanting to go out there and be in shape instead of some fat 310-pound guy that blew up coming to the ring because I’ve got COPD. Well, a lot of my COPD comes the fact that I was 310 pounds. Hey, I don’t care what you weigh, throw 50 or 60 pounds on your back and walk around the block and tell me how you feel.

“You’re [freakin’] dying. OK. [Now] I ain’t having to do that,” Roberts said. “I mean, three months ago walking 50 feet was like [makes huffing sounds]... Now I just come out here and walk around and here and there. And I’m just cleaning up this big brush pile, walking back and forth, back and forth -- and I’m digging it. Why am I digging it? Because it’s something I haven’t been able to do for a long freakin’ time.”

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  • 3 weeks later...

WWE Legend Jake “The Snake” Roberts appeared was interviewed by Simon Cassidy and David Thomson on the Big WrestleShark Show on 98.4 Pulse FM. In an exclusive half hour interview, Jake spoke openly and frankly about his past, his personal problems, how he became involved with Diamond Dallas Page and his plans for the future. For more the full interview and more information, head over and like www.Facebook.com/BigWrestleSharkShow. Highlights from the interview are as follows:

On his personal problems and past injuries: “You’re gets broken down..I had two discs removed from my neck, hip replacement, part of my left foot removed, compound fracture in my right arm, wrist reconstruction, broken sternum splice. Other than that, I was in horrible shape…I had a well-publicised, by my own admissions, a career with alcohol and drugs did not help my situation. I had become so depressed that, not that I would have ever done it…I may have tried a couple of times…but suicide was something I thought about a lot. So depressed that I had blown my career…I could have been so much more than I was. Gone through three marriages, fathered eight children but wasn’t a dad to any of them, I was too busy wrestling or being high. You start looking at yourself at that point and you hate yourself…I had a lot of shame, a lot of anger, a lot of freakin’ anger, basically I had given up. I didn’t want to live. I had no hope. I had no dreams. I hope nobody out there gets to that point, but when you quit dreaming, when you quit having hope, it’s a pretty god dam horrible place to be. You don’t care if you breath. You don’t care about anything.

On his recent “Resurrection” through DDPYoga: “Dallas called me, asked how I was doing, I bullsh*ted and I lied, said I was getting through it, and he said ‘man…you don’t sound right?’ Well man, it is what it is, I just don’t give a sh*t anymore. I buried my father, my mother was in poor health, a whole bunch of reasons to use and I sure took advantage of them. I’d drink…because that was the only time I could forget where I was at. He said he wanted come see me and to send me some yoga stuff and I was like ‘are you f*cking kidding me? Right, Jake ‘The Snake’ is doing yoga! I may have been screwed up enough to play a snake, but I ain’t doing yoga dude.’

“He said, if you’ll try…and you start losing weight…there might be something I can do for you, and it would be long term and would be an opportunity…to try something different since the bullsh*t I was doing obviously wasn’t working…so I did the food thing for like ten 11 days, didn’t really think a whole lot about it, then one day I got on the scale and was like ‘holy sh*t I’ve lost 14lbs, what the hell’s wrong with me? I must be dying!’ That was the first time I thought this might actually work…a couple weeks later he came down…and was like, ok ‘keep doing the good work, when you get down to 30lbs, we’ll move you down to Atlanta, and we’ll get serious on this sh*t’…at that point I was still drinking too much, but we’ll get to that in a minute.”

On his recent inebriated appearance at an Indie Event: “When I got down to Atlanta, DDP was like ‘OK, the first thing we need to talk about is your drinking…why do you drink?’ and I was just like ‘Well, I like it’…so I’m like OK,OK,OK I’ll play your silly f*cking game and I said well how about a couple of beers? So he agreed, we’ll try sticking to two beers. Well that lasted about a week…

“I went out on an autograph thing on Rhode Island. Did really well, didn’t drink for a two or three days during the signing, and I spoke to a lot of people and they were just patting me on the back, saying how much better I looked with all the weight I had lost, saying ‘damn Jake you haven’t looked this good in years, keep up the good work’…well, you shouldn’t tell a drunk or an addict these things. Like everything else in life, I use whatever situation I am in to get drunk or get high. In this instance it was ‘man you deserve a reward’. Man, I’m not a god damn dog that did a trick, but that’s the way I treated myself. The next thing I know, I’m getting off a plane in Atlanta…and Dallas is there, I don’t know why Dallas is there. We get back to the house and I find out I had been pretty stupid and ridiculous, and basically had gone through a four hour blackout. Blacked out. Didn’t know what I had done, what I had said, who I had offended…thank god I wasn’t in jail. I think if Dallas hadn’t been at the airport I would have ended up in there.

“Next morning, we get up and Dallas is saying ‘last week you did really well, then you go out this week and totally screw up…so here’s the new deal. Absolutely no alcohol. And at that point I’m like, you are absolutely right…because the sh*t isn’t doing you any good. Then he was like ‘you should go back to A.A…so two days later I went back…but then I went to Dallas and was like ‘I agree with the no drinking thing, but you’re gonna have to help me’…so we went to a doctor and got set up with something called anti-buse. Brother, if you drink alcohol with that stuff it will drop you like a gunshot. It will make you so violently ill, that you will not think about drinking. But it’s a crutch for me. It’s a safety line, and being here with Dallas, he’s making me change my way of thinking about things.”

On his ambitions for the future: “I’ve got a life man…I’m dreaming again…it might take more than 24 hours to fix this sh*t, so I just need to shut up, get in the car and go for the ride with [Dallas]…I have unlimited dreams. I’m thinking about building furniture again, because I loved to build furniture. For the first time I got on a computer…here I am 57 years old and I don’t even know how to turn a computer on. But now I want to do it, I want to accomplish these goals. Before I never wanted to do it…my mind is clicking again man.

“I’m happy, I feel good about myself. Yeah I’ve got a long way, but brother, I’ve already been a long way…I’ve already been a long way man. I never thought I would be in the shape I’m in now, much less where I’m going. I’m calling my children, I’m developing relationships, I’m calling my mother again…

“I’m gonna do this. I want to do this, I need to do this, because I know I’m a good human being, I’ve always been a good human being, I’ve just been a disturbed human being. I’m not letting the demons beat my ass anymore. Those demons have not got a chance.

“There is nobody that could hang with me in the ring in my heyday, can you imagine if I hadn’t been screwed up? I would have left them so far behind, but that’s OK man. You know, I retired from the ring two years ago. But you know what, I’m going to go back in…for a short run. Just a few matches. That way, I can say goodbye the way I wanted to. Not 310lbs, couldn’t hardly get in the ring and look like Sh*t. I deserve more than that! I wanna get in there and stand with my head held high and say ‘I am the f*cking man’ and I’m a good man. That’s how I want to say goodbye to my fans.”

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Страхотно и много откровено интервю, изглежда, че наистина е решил да се изчисти.

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  • 3 weeks later...

^Как си мислех само "ей сега Jake ще му отнесе главата с DDT" и то взе че точно така стана. Отново забавно клипче, а смея да твърдя че Jake изглежда доста добре и засега поне цялата програма дава добър резултат. Да продължават в същият дух и двамата ми любимци!

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Клип трепач :lol: !Като най-култовият беше когато Jake заби DDT на Дядо Коледа :D !А също така беше яко да се види и фланелка с Peep Show-то на Крисчън,която Louie носеше.Явно наистина терапията на DDP дава положителни резултати и Джейк започва да навлиза във форма.Дано да продължават така и занапред и скоро пак да ни изненадат с нов хубав клип :) !




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  • 2 weeks later...

- Sean Waltman tweeted on Saturday morning that his longtime friend Scott Hall is interested in trying out Diamond Dallas Page’s DDP Yoga program:



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Всеки път влизам в темата с очакване че Джейк се е издънил и DDP е вдигнал ръце от него.Искрено се надявам да намери воля и да продължи. Scott Hall има драстична нужда от такава терапия , но се провали няколко пъти , с него ще е още по-трудно.Едва ли DDP ще се справи с двете гюбрета едновременно , най-много да се организират и да извадят някое шише джанковица.



Дано поне Джейк се вземе в ръце , не успя да се реализира на 100 %, но бе един от най-добрите хийлове в бизнеса , отличен на микрофона и с невероятен образ -особено през 91-ва.


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- Wrestling legend Scott Hall will be following in the foot steps of Jake Roberts and moving into Diamond Dallas Page’s Atlanta home, dubbed the “Accountability Crib.” Roberts has lost 50 pounds since moving in with DDP and practicing his DDP Yoga system and Hall will be the the next one to use DDP’s program to get his life together.


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Дееба иде ми и на мен да се запиша. :D  Браво на Джейк.


Ако оправи и Скот Хол- евала , но според мен той ще трябва да потърси първо психиатрична помощ -не е само алкохолизъм при него.


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WWE legend Jake “The Snake” Roberts recently spoke to Shiningwizards.com about living with DDP at the “Accountability Crib,” what it’s like to be sober for the first time in years and much more. Here are the highlights:

On his sobriety and the struggle: It’s really cool, you walk into my bedroom here at the Accountability Crib, that’s what we’re calling it (DDP’s house), and right to the right there’s a big frame, a real nice frame, no money spared on that, and inside is my first drug test that I’ve passed. And I’ve got many more. Many more. I’m sixty-seven days clean and I’m not missing it at all, man- there’s been a couple of moments where I’m like “Sonofabitch, I’d like to have a drink,” you know. One was yesterday, I had to do an MRI, and I’m claustrophobic… you’re in the gigantic machine, it drops down to about an inch above your face, and all the noises start, it’s really horrible, man. It’s really funny, when you hit something that really bothers ya, damn, it bothers ya, clean or dirty. And those things bother me. It’d been twenty-something years since I had the last one. It was a tough moment for me, and I shouted “gosh darn it, I need a drink.’ But I didn’t mean it. I was just playing with my mind. ‘Cause sometimes you gotta lie to yourself to keep from running from the truth.

On the happenings at DDP’s house, including his routine and his diet: Especially for me- he spends a lot of time yelling at me, saying “quit doing that!” And what he means is, quit working on the house. ‘Cause I like doing woodworking, things like that. And I’m a clean freak… Once I messed my shoulder up- It’s funny how goofy my mind works sometimes. Like, here I am in this horrible pain, and I’m watching the other guys work out, and I’m jealous. I’m pissed off. Dammit, I wanna work out, you know? Which is really different, I might have felt like that before, but never about working out, it was about drugs or something, you know? But you get to feeling good about yourself, and you just want to do the right thing all the time. At first, it was kind of dodgy, ’cause you have to remember what the right thing was. And my mind was pretty cloudy. It had a lot of moments that weren’t real clear. But now that my mind’s clear, I know what I wanna do, and I know before I even do it what the right thing is. Before, doing the right thing was a hit-or-miss thing. But living here, I wake up 7, 7:30 in the morning; last time I did that I was usually going to bed. That’s not a good thing. I hit the hot tub, get the parts to moving, and I’m ready to work out. I’m ready to sweat, ready to get after it. That’s what we do every day. And we eat right. That’s what so nice; for all the pain you spill out, you’re being twisted in all these positions. This ain’t your momma’s yoga, as you all know. You’re not sitting in a corner holding your thumbs up humming or anything. There ain’t none of that shit going on. There’s a lot of squealing and a lot of barking, maybe, but none of that. But eating right is such a big part of it. What I found out is, eating good actually tastes better than the crap I was eating before. No gluten, and no dairy. The only thing that bothered me about dairy was no cheese, ’cause I love cheese, man. But then I found out there’s cheese you can eat, which is sheep cheese. It’s awesome. It’s friggin awesome stuff, man. And it’s not bad for you… Then we get on this stuff called chuice… I detoxed on it. Not so much off of drugs but off of bad food. And I’d wake up in the morning and I’m like “alright, somebody came in my room last night and pissed on me,” ’cause I smelled like piss. It’d be okay if they left me a dollar or something, but they didn’t even do that. But it wasn’t. It was my body excreting all these toxins and stuff that had been built up in my body for so friggin’ long, you know? I probably could’ve sold that shit to some junkie somewhere, he could’ve refined it and smoked it or something… I can’t believe how much clearer my mind is, my speech is much clearer… It’s not a concentration camp here, it’s about loving each other, and reaching out, helping each other, and positive attitude.

On his current state: I’m fixing this old body up… I have a positive attitude, I feel good about myself. I think the funniest thing that’s happened since I’ve been here is I was taking a shower about three weeks ago- I take a shower every day, just wanna make that clear, if you’re thinking “Jake’s a stinkin’ sonofabitch.”- I look down and I’m like “Oh, my God, I’ve got six toes!” But it wasn’t a toe, it was my penis!” I hadn’t seen it in a few years, you know? And I’m looking down like, “Damn, somebody must’ve exchanged mine.” ‘Cause mine was much bigger… As silly as that sounds, man, it’s like, “Damn, it’s good to see that.” You know, I’m getting thin, I’m 247 pounds. So I’ve lost 60 pounds, and I want to drop about 15-20 more. And lean and mean, man, getting around- if I get down on the floor I can get up by myself now. Even with the bad shoulder, it’s not much fun but I can still do it. Before, you’d have to help me out of a chair. I couldn’t get up, man. You know, I’ve had hip replacement, I had part of my left foot removed, two discs out of my neck. Okay, I know my shit’s all busted up. But doing this program of Dallas’- I’m doing shit with my body I’ve never did before. And I wouldn’t have thought I would have ever wanted to do it. But now I’m challenging my body to try new things, to bend new ways, to twist new ways, to open things up. My hips feel so much better, my feet feel so much better, my hands, i can straighten my fingers out now. Before I couldn’t straighten my fingers out… they said I’ve been hit in the head too many times, yeah, and my brain misfires, and it was causing my fingers and my toes to contract. Which is okay for some things when you’re right-handed, but it’s not good for your feet. I would be walking, and my toe would catch in the carpet, and then I’d be bending over, and of course I’d be stepping, and I’d break it again. So I was breaking toes quite often, which is not a really a cool sound to hear. “Oh, shit, there’s another one.” Now they’re straightening out, I can move them again. But the bottom line is, I can actually dream again, man. You see, I was to the point where I would get so angry when I’d wake up in the morning, saying “Sonofabitch, I’m still alive.” I’d be pissed off. I mean, as sick as it sounds, it’s the truth. If I heard somebody died, I would be jealous. What a lucky bastard. ‘Cause I wanted to die. I wasn’t suicidal because I had hurt my family and kids enough doing the stupid shit I’d already done. I wouldn’t do that. But, man, I was sure hoping for death. And I hadn’t had a dream in so many years, where something positive, you know, something good, and now I’m thinking of good stuff to do, fun stuff to do. Last week I actually went and walked up Stone Mountain. I know they always introduced me from Stone Mountain, that’s a rib on the fans, too. I’d only been there about 3-4 times in my life… I actually went and did that. It’s not an easy trek up there. Takes about 45 minutes of walking at a pretty good pace. The hard part about it is, Stone Mountain is not a smooth trail up there. You gotta step up and move, and get up there. We put some of that on YouTube and I’m gonna start doing that every week. If somebody told me six months ago I’d actually be able to get up that sonofabitch, I’d have laughed in your face, called you a liar, and tried to punch you because I’d thought you were trying to be cute and make a joke or make fun of me. That’s how bad my body was. But hell, I went up that sonofabitch. I’m gonna try and do it every week. Now my goal is to actually run up the damn thing… It may take me a year, but by God I’ll tell you something, at some point, if I stick with this program, I’m going to. Ain’t nothing stopping me now… Y’all couldn’t handle Jake when he was screwed up, what the hell are you gonna do with me now?

On inspiring others: If you’re walking around in a negative cloud, not being positive or uplifting about yourself at all, then how the hell are you expecting to move forward? You can’t. You’re stuck in crap. I just know that there’s so many people that I will affect with my journey to sobriety and my journey to health that it will mean so much more on the big scheme of things than my wrestling career ever did. There’s millions of people out there that never watched wrestling, they don’t know Jake, but I can give you a list of shit that I have overcame, and if that don’t inspire you, then kiss my ass… Three of my kids called me on a conference call, and they said, you know, “Dad, we’re always proud of ya, what you accomplished in the ring. You did so much. What you’re doing right now- [what you've done in the ring] pales in comparison to what you’re doing right now.” And for my kids to tell me that, to tell me they were proud of me, you know, that kicks ass… Life is a beautiful thing, but life is what you make it. I spent 57 years making mine a mess, and I ain’t doing that no more.

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^Точно същите неща ги говореше и в home video-то му, което вече нямам спомен от коя година беше... и после пак същите истории. Много трудно се преодолява такава зависимост и му пожелавам да успее.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Apex Predator




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^ Tочно мислех да постна тези снимки. DDP е шибан магьосник , това е чудо.  :beer:


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  • 3 weeks later...

Сега се опитват да помогнат на Скот Хол , който е супер зле , много по-тежък случай от Jake . Ето го целия разговор с него когато го канят :




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