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Вчера се сетих за тая класика, припомнете си я вие, от 2002-ра е. Обърнете внимание на финеса и перфектната структура на цялото изказване. CM Punk требе да се учи от него как се изнася промо :D

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Хора, тъкмо сме на тема бокс, искам да ви попитам, понеже тия дни гледам боеве на Ленъкс Левис и колко истина има в следното изказване:

Lennox Lewis, Britain’s contribution to Canada’s Hall of Fame

by Leigh Ellis Friday, November 14, 2008

Lewis will be remembered as a good fighter, but not a great one. He fought during a period when heavyweight boxing was in decline. There were few fighters of real quality

Many of Lewis’ victories came against well-known opponents including Frank Bruno, Evander Holyfield and Mike Tyson, but he never beat any of them while they were in their prime

и това също:

Do you think boxing is all "hey look at me I can throw fast, hard combos and knock people out"? Well, it's not. It's just as much a mind game. Why do you think Tyson started losing? Because his opponents had him mentally overwhelmed. I could name 20 heavyweights who would have beat Tyson at his best. And THAT is the truth.


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