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Някой гледа ли го? Може да се свали от някой торент сайт. Голяма впечатление ми направиха и ме върнаха назад във времето на ECW. Изтеглете си шоуто, ще имате чувството, че гледате някой епизод на ECW от 98 година. Иначе го излъчват всяка събота. Това по-скоро е тема за шоуто. Мисля, че е важно да има тема и за ROH. Ето резултатите от вчерашното шоу:

Kelly welcomed everyone to the first episode and announced the ROH Tag Team titles would be on the line in the main event, but before that, he wanted to introduce everyone to his broadcast partner. Out came former ROH champion Nigel McGuinness. The place went ballistic for Nigel's return. When he hit the ring, a ton of streamers were tossed. The crowd chanted, "Welcome back." Kelly said it was great to see Nigel back in ROH. McGuinness said that being back was "bloody awesome." He said there would be no Nigel without Ring of Honor and when he heard ROH was going on broadcast TV, he knew he had to be a part of it. He said he's not here to be the focus of the show because that should be the wrestlers who kill themselves for the fans every night in Ring of Honor.

- Adam Cole & Kyle O'Reilly vs. The Bravado Brothers

Cole and O'Reilly opened up hot with some nice double team action. The Bravados tried to work them over but was tricked into tying each other up into moves. O'Reilly drilled one of the Bravados with forearms in the corner, then Cole lit him up with hard chops. The Bravado cut him off and ran Cole into the Bravados' corner.

The Bravados worked him over. The fans began chanting "Justin Bieber." Cole fired out of a cravate but was nailed and covered for a two count. The Bravados cut off the ring and went back and forth with tags, working over Cole and gaining several near falls. Cole mounted a comeback but O'Reilly was knocked off the apron.

Cole was nearly pinned with a back suplex but O'Reilly broke up the pinfall. Cole finally fired back with forearms and punches, breaking free and dove to make the hot tag. O'Reilly drilled them with kicks and legsweeps. He nailed an enziguiri, then drilled both with a double Dragon Screw Legwhip. He nailed one of the Bravados with a kick for a two count. Cole tagged back in. One of the Bravados kicked off his charge. They nailed a double back suplex on O'Reilly. Cole came back with several superplexes.

O'Reilly nailed several butterfly suplexes and Cole hit a wheelbarrow suplex. The Bravados went to the floor. Cole nailed a great suicide dive on them. O'Reilly followed up with a diving knee off the apron to the floor. The crowd chanted "ROH."

Back in the ring, the teams traded near falls. Cole and O'Reilly finally scored the win.

Your winners, Adam Cole and Kyle O'Reilly!

Cole and O'Reilly are now being billed under the team name "Futureshock." Lots of hot action here.

-- They are having some technical issues. Nigel McGuinness interviewed a fan asking who would win the main event tonight. They said World's Greatest Tag Team, so they re-shot the interview again using the "Wrestling's Greatest Tag Team" name.

ROH Tag Team champions Charlie Haas & Shelton Benjamin vs. The Kings of Wrestling

- Haas and Benjamin have new music. Haas and Claudio started and there was some jockeying for position. They went back and forth. Claudio shoulderblocked him down. He went for a hiptoss but Haas reversed it, nailed a hiptoss and locked in an armbar.

Claudio worked over Haas, who made the tag to Benjamin. Benjamin hit a flying clothesline from the top and worked over Claudio on the mat. He was muscled backwards into the KOW corner. Hero tagged in but was caught with a hiptoss and cinched in an armbar. Hero used a leg trip to escape and scored a near fall. Hero and Benjamin faced off. Benjamin popped him and Hero backed off.

Hero chopped away at Benjamin. Benjamin fired back with chops of his own. He locked in a cravate but Hero broke free and drilled him with several big shots. Hero tossed Benjamin to the floor. Hero nailed a dropkick through the ropes to the floor. Hero went to grab Benjamin but was pulled to the floor. Hero battled him on the floor and sent Shelton into the barricade.

Hero tossed Benjamin into the ring and covered him for a two count. Benjamin fired back and nearly made the tag to Haas but Claudio drilled him with an European uppercut. Claudio cinched in a side chinlock. Claudio caught him with a powerslam for a two count. Claudio whipped him into the buckles but was kicked off as he charged. The crowd rallied for a hot tag. Hero tried to cut Benjamin off but he ducked down and Hero went sailing over the top. Claudio grabbed Benjamin but was kicked off.

Benjamin mad the tag but the referee was distracted by Hero. As Haas protested, The Kings worked over Benjamin, scoring several two count. The Kings tagged in and out, beating down Benjamin and scoring several two counts. Benjamin nailed an uppercut but Hero nailed him with a forearm. The Kings went for a double suplex but Benjamin nailed a double DDT. He made the hot tag to Haas. Haas cleaned house with clotheslines and a flying headscissors on Claudio.

Haas nailed several German suplexes on Hero for a two count. Haas came off the top with a rana on Claudio. Claudio nailed a flapjack on him and battled with Benjamin. Hero drilled Haas a with a roaring elbow for a near fall. Claudio nailed the big swing on Haas, setting up a Hero dropkick into Haas. Benjamin broke up the near fall at two. There was a small "Haas" chant.

The Kings went for their finisher but Benjamin tackled Claudio to prevent it. Hero drilled Benjamin with a superkick. Haas nailed Claudio with the Stun Gun to set up a double team on the ropes. Haas held up Benjamin for a leaping clothesline on Hero for the win.

Your winners and still ROH Tag Team champions, Charlie Haas & Shelton Benjamin! Solid match.

Edited by contador9


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Преди го гледах, но много закъсняваха с upload-ите и се отказах. Може после да го прегледам и да дам коментар относно шоуто.

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Онова беше по HDNet и няма нищо общо. Сега дебютираха новото шоу, защото ги купиха Syndicate Broadcast Group и ги дават по кабеларките. Сега шоуто е много по-добро, виж даже и сайта са променили. Другата седмица има Jay Lethal срещу El Generico за TV титлата. И познайте кой е коментатор- Nigel McGuiness.

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Не знаех, моя грешка. Много се радвам за тях, защото в последните години не бяха нещо особено, както бяха в началото на големия си период. Дано тръгнат към правилните стъпки на TNA и станат нещо като mainstream. Доста любопитно ми стана какво ще представлява това.

Иначе знам за Nigel, имаше информация за него някъде във форума.

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  • 3 months later...

Пичове, никой ли не следи предаванията? Аз сега изгледах от последните месец- два и доста добро впечатление ми направи. Между другото и те са PG, но пък това не им праечи да правят доста силни ТВ мачлета и да мятат по някой спот от време на време. Напомня ми на ТНА, като го гледах в началото - приятни ТВ мачове, свежи лица и по някой познат от по-отдавнашни периоди :) .

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Аз гледах турнира на ROH Final Battle 2011,страхотен турнир препоръчвам на всеки един кеч фен да изгледа турнира.Ето линк : http://xtremewrestlingtorrents.net/details.php?id=84504.

World Title Match :

Davey Richards with Team Richards defends vs. "Die Hard" Eddie

Edwards with UFC Hall of Famer Dan "The Beast" Severn

World Tag Team Title Match :

Shelton Benjamin & Charlie Haas defends vs. Jay & Mark Briscoe

World TV Title Match :

Jay Lethal defends vs. El Generico vs. "The Prodigy" Mike Bennett with Brutal Bob

Grudge Match- No Disqualification :

Steve Corino vs. Kevin Steen

*If Steen wins he is reinstated.

**Jimmy Jacobs is the guest referee

***Jim Cornette will be in attendance at ringside

Roderick Strong Invitational Challenge :

Roderick Strong with Truth Martini vs. ????

Tag Team Gauntlet Match :

The All Night Express vs. Future Shock vs. The Bravados vs. The Young Bucks vs. Caprice Coleman & Cedric Alexander

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[size="4"]Ric Flair - "If you want to be the man, you got to beat the man!"[/size]

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