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Понеже почти всяка седмица Sonnen бълва мисли за поколенията е редно да ги съберем в една тема. Най-новото от този майстор на белетристиката:

Here's a little something for you "pocket protector/number cruncher" types: I hit Anderson Silva with more unanswered, undefended strikes than any fighter has landed on an opponent in the history of combat sports. Go count 'em up, Poindexters.

I struck him more times than Quasimodo struck the church bell at Notre Dame. I hit him so many times that I stopped fighting because my fists bouncing off his melon were ringing so loudly that it sounded like a bell, and I thought that the round, and the fight, were over. Actually, that's not true--I actually stopped out of mercy and boredom.

God knows, if he hit me with a TENTH of the undefended shots I hit him with, the ref would have pulled him off me faster than a meth-head pulls the foil off a dozen shoplifted Dristan tablets. I hit him enough to have the fight stopped FIVE TIMES, in FIVE separate rounds.

Therefore, I consider myself 5-1 against him, even allowing for his tainted triangle which only came after I thought the fight was over, and I had already turned the side of his head into a bowl of porridge with my fists.

Edited by ViChiX
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  • 3 weeks later...

Отвореното писмо до UFC, в което Chael Sonnen предизвиква Bisping. :D

To: Joe Silva, Matchmaker Extraordinaire, Ultimate Fighting Championship

Re: Spitsbing & his tainted victory


If you get a chance to talk with him, please mention to your idiot-in-residence Michael Spitsbing it’ll be a little tougher to knee ME in the head when I’m charging at him like a runaway train and mincing him through the fence like a boiled potato, should we ever have the pleasure of each other’s company for a few (VERY few) moments in the Octagon.

Oh; and I’d suggest to him being a little careful about spitting on any of MY cornermen, since any one of them can beat him up as badly as I can. Thanks ever so much. Hope all is well.

-Chael Sonnen

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  • 3 months later...

Въпреки, че Sonnen на практика няма право да се бие в MMA боеве, това не му пречи да дивее в twitter. Обект на неговите нападки за обичайните заподозрени - Noguiera bros, Machida и Anderson Silva:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Поредното култове интервю с Chael Sonnen, в което вербално унищожава всички "Silvi", братята Nogeuira и Бразилия - LINK.

И малко цитати:

Nate, I believe you. I believe everything you just said. I also think there's a couple of things you haven't said. I don't know that. But from my own opinion, from my office watching that on my laptop, I thought there are a couple of things that probably still have to come out.


Wanderlei, you are an immigrant from Brazil. I am a gangster from America. Are you sure you wanna play that game with me? Listen Wanderlei, I will do a home invasion on you. I will cut the power to your house and the next thing you'll hear is me climbing up your stairs in a pair of night vision goggles I bought in the back of Soldier of Fortune magazine. I'll pick the lock to the master room door, take a picture of you in bed with the Nogueira brothers working on your "jiu-jitsu". I'll take said quote unquote photograph, post it at www.dorksfrombrazil.com, password - not required, username - not required. That, Wanderlei, is how you threaten someone. Dummy.


Because he's scared and he sucks. This guy's delusional, this guy thinks his 22 wins in Pride were real. With a referee with an earpiece. Look Wanderlei, you didn't win those fights in Japan. (looks at camera) You had one fight in Japan, dummy! It was with Crazy Horse Bennett and you got knocked out!


You have to understand. If I say something in a very private manner that isn't intended for a certain audience, come on, you can't hold that against me. I picked my medium very carefully when I talked about Brazil. I went to the internet. And if I had the foggiest idea that they had computers in Brazil, I wouldn't have done that.I was in Las Vegas when the Nogueira brothers first touched down in America.There was a bus, this is a true story. There was a bus that pulled up to a red light, and Little Nog tried to feed it a carrot, while Big Nog was petting it. He thought it was a horse. This really happened. He tried to feed a bus a carrot, and now you're telling me this country has computers? I didn't know that!


I want an easy fight. Anderson Silva or Wanderlei Silva. Either of the Silvas. Bigfoot Silva. They all suck. Give me a Silva

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  • 5 weeks later...

Доста дрънка за човек, който в последния си мач със Силва се озова заклещен между прасеца и ташаците му :D .

Много му знае устата, ама дали ще може да постигне и една трета от успехите на Паяка или тези на Вандерлей? Последният вече го нокаутират лесно, но имаше време в което името му шашкаше опонентите заради начинът, по който ги прабиваше с колена и тупалки.

Няма да се изненадам и да получи мача си реванш със Силва - ама тоя път едва ли ще има късмета Паяка да дойде със скапани ребра и може и да разбере от кой изход е избягал Форест Грифин.

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Ето затова Chael ми е любим Middleweight - винаги може да ме разсмее :D !

gboy - Sonnen си е такъв, той просто говори и говори и гов....

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[color=#FF0000][i][b]Former BNSA Hardcore Champion (1)[/b][/i][/color] / [i][color=#FF0000][b]Former WWP Cage Champion (1)[/b][/color][/i]

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  • 1 month later...

Как може темата да падне до 2-ра страница? :D


И другото:


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Сега четох някакво интервю на тренера на Силва. Ще се бие тогава, когато е готов, очевидно има проблеми с рамото. Бил много ядосан за глупостите, които Сонън дрънкал за жена му, там дето щял да влезе в тях, да я плесне по задника и не знам се какво.

Прав е в това, което казва въпросния тренер - едно е да хайпваш мачовете с някой и да говориш простотии, но да говориш за семейството му вече се преминава границата на забавното.

Тито спрямо Сонън ми се види като мълчалив и скромен човек :D .

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  • 1 month later...

Chael Sonnen F'N Rulz Part 283428934242342342342342:

Първо малко "divine inspirations":

Adam Guillen Jr. (MMAmania.com): You're no stranger to hyping up a fight or "trash talk." In fact, some say you're the best at it. Do you consider it trash talking, promoting or just speaking the truth?

Chael Sonnen: I would call it divine inspiration. I am moved to rage poetry by the idiocy, hipocracy, and flat-out laughable people and situations that I see in MMA these days. I can't NOT call them for what they are: idiots doing idiot things because they're idiots.


Adam Guillen Jr. (MMAmania.com): Dana White recently said "I'd be stupid to not make that fight" referring to your rematch with Silva. Have you had any discussions with the UFC matchmakers regarding a possible date and if you indeed are next for Anderson Silva?

Chael Sonnen: We're thinking about my birthday next year in Portland. There will be fireworks, go-go dancers, exploding cars, and a Brazilian sacrifice. I will parade Anderson's unconscious corpse around the Rose Garden to celebrate.

Още: http://www.mmamania.com/2011/11/7/2539348/catching-up-with-chael-mmamania-exclusive-interview-with-ufc#storyjump

Sonnen си тръгва по време на интервю:


И за финал Chael own-ва random octagon гърли:

Q: "Кой ще спечели наградата за ring girl на годината (Chael ще бъде водещ на наградите)"

A: "We only had one and that was Chandella [Powell]. The other was the IQ card girl. Arianny [Celeste] kind of walks around and holds up her latest test score. One time when there was a title fight, she got all the way up to five and we were very proud of her,"

Отговорът на Arianny:

"Hey what's ur name.. after @spideranderson kicks your ass..u won't even be able to count to 5!! Get ready to kiss brazils ass!"

Chael отвръща на удара:

"Seems easy to wear a bikini and seems easy to walk in a circle, but try walking in a circle while wearing a bikini. Talented girl!"
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Мега компилация на ЛЕГЕНДАТА, Chael P. Sonnen. Това трябва да го пускат на heel-овете в WWE.





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Мнооого, много глупости изприказвани за тези минути - Сонън трябва следващите месеци ВСЯКА ЕДНА СЕКУНДА да отдели за подобрение на уменията си и тренировки, защотото ако се провали - не го знам как ще го живее тоя живот след това.А по въпроса Сонън/Муноз - еми, Муноз в действителност наистина има шанс срещу него, обаче за самия Сонън твърде много е заложено на карта и не мисля, че ще си позволи да се провали сега.Ще се изгърби здраво, ама не смятам че failiure is an option for him.


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