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Multi-time champions


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Няма US, Light Heavyweight, Divas и Cruiserweight титлите, защото първата и последната са наследени от WCW и работата с шампионите там е доста голяма каша. Другите 2 титли пък са с прекалено кратка история и няма смисъл да се пишат царуванията с тях.


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Айде добавих ВСИЧКИ титли, като за титлите наследени от WCW се отчитат обаче и царуванията в самата WCW (т.е. пълната история на тези титли) ;)

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Единствено частта с "кучките" не ми харесва, не приляга на този раздел. Иначе браво за труда, добра статистика.

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Чудесна тема ! Raven е мачкал наред ! Ех, добрата стара hardcore дивизия.

Дай лопата на гробаря
работата той си знае.

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Raven e бил 27 пъти хардкор шампион.

26 си са.

[img]http://www.icheckmovies.com/signature/23013/top+250-small.png[/img] [color=#4169E1]WWE Prediction Royal Rumble Winner[/color]/[color=#4169E1]WWE Prediction Champion x2[/color]/[color=#4169E1]UFC Prediction Champion[/color]

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То с hardcore титлата са малко неясни работите. И аз знаех, че са 27, ама в Wikipedia ги пише 26. А ако ги преброите в сайта на WWE, ще видите, че от федерацията ги водят 25.

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26 си са.

# WWF (World Wrestling Federation) Hardcore title defeating Steve Blackman (December 22, 2000);

# WWF (World Wrestling Federation) Hardcore title defeating Al Snow (January 22, 2001);

# WWF (World Wrestling Federation) Hardcore title defeating Crash Holly (Febuary 3, 2001);

# WWF (World Wrestling Federation) Hardcore title defeating Crash Holly (Febuary 4, 2001);

# WWF (World Wrestling Federation) Hardcore title defeating Hardcore Holly (Febuary 6, 2001);

# WWF (World Wrestling Federation) Hardcore title defeating Hardcore Holly (Febuary 10, 2001);

# WWF (World Wrestling Federation) Hardcore title defeating Al Snow (Febuary 11, 2001);

# WWF (World Wrestling Federation) Hardcore title defeating Steve Blackman (Febuary 17, 2001);

# WWF (World Wrestling Federation) Hardcore title defeating Steve Blackman (Febuary 18, 2001);

# WWF (World Wrestling Federation) Hardcore title defeating Billy Gunn (Febuary 25, 2001);

# WWF (World Wrestling Federation) Hardcore title defeating Big Show (March 19, 2001);

# WWF (World Wrestling Federation) Hardcore title defeating Maven (March 26, 2002);

# WWF (World Wrestling Federation) Hardcore title defeating Goldust (April 6, 2002);

# WWF (World Wrestling Federation) Hardcore title defeating Goldust (April 7, 2002);

# WWF (World Wrestling Federation) Hardcore title defeating Bubba Ray Dudley (April 15, 2002);

# WWF (World Wrestling Federation) Hardcore title defeating Goldust (April 19, 2002);

# WWF (World Wrestling Federation) Hardcore title defeating Goldust (April 20, 2002);

# WWF (World Wrestling Federation) Hardcore title defeating Bubba Ray Dudley (May 6, 2002);

# WWF (World Wrestling Federation) Hardcore title defeating Tommy Dreamer (May 25, 2002);

# WWF (World Wrestling Federation) Hardcore title defeating Tommy Dreamer (May 26, 2002);

# WWF (World Wrestling Federation) Hardcore title defeating Tommy Dreamer (June 2, 2002);

# WWF (World Wrestling Federation) Hardcore title defeating Bradshaw (June 22, 2002);

# WWF (World Wrestling Federation) Hardcore title defeating Bradshaw (June 30, 2002);

# WWF (World Wrestling Federation) Hardcore title defeating Bradshaw (July 26, 2002);

# WWF (World Wrestling Federation) Hardcore title defeating Bradshaw (July 27, 2002);

# WWF (World Wrestling Federation) Hardcore title defeating Bradshaw (July 28, 2002);

# WWF (World Wrestling Federation) Hardcore title defeating Tommy Dreamer (August 17, 2002);

27 са..

Edited by ShwN
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Нали hardcore титлата се защитаваше по 24/7 правила в един период ? Тогава всяко царуване от по 10-30 минути ли се брои или само на този, който е спечелил накрая се брои ?

Дай лопата на гробаря
работата той си знае.

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Броят се абсолютно всички царувания, дори тия които са били по няколко секунди (има и такива).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Така като гледам, по титли единствено Джерико няма да го минат поне в идните 5-6 години. Също и Дъдлитата...

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  • 3 months later...

World Tag Team

Edge – 12

Christian – 8

The Dudleys - 8

Kane – 8

Mick Foley - 8

Undertaker - 6

The Hardy Boyz - 6

Big Show - 5

The Rock - 5

Shawn Michaels - 5

WWE Tag Team Title

Rey Mysterio – 4

John Morrison – 4

Eddie Guerrero – 4

Ето индивидуално за таг титлите.


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