Remus Posted August 16, 2010 Share Posted August 16, 2010 (edited) Pro Wrestling Guerrilla presents September 4th & 5th 2010 - Reseda, CA Обявени кечисти: 1. "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels 2. Brandon Gatson 3. Ricochet 4. Rocky Romero 5. Chuck Taylor 6. Roderick Strong 7. Claudio Castagnoli 8. Nick Jackson 9. El Generico 10. Matt Jackson 11. Brandon Bonham 12. Paul London 13. Ryan Taylor 14. Joey Ryan 15. Akira Tozawa 16. Brian Cage 17. Austin Aries 18. Chris Hero Правя нова тема, тъй като и миналогодишното издание си получи такава. И да не е ЧАК толкова важен евент като цяло, пак си е важно за PWG. По темата, половината подбрани изглеждат доста добре, побърквам се от кеф да видя Daniels и Castagnoli сред участниците. Другата половина обаче е някак meh, което изобщо не прилича на турнира. Също така, явно са се върнали към идеята за 3 Way Dance финал, както беше през 2007-а. Не виждам какъв беше проблема на стандартните турнири от предните години, да не говорим, че веднага мога да посоча две имена, чието премахване ще направи турнира с една идея по-велик (coughRyanTaylorcough*coughRockyRomerocoughcough), но както и да е. Както винаги, като кьорав марк ще си викам за Sexy Chucky T, може да отделя малко любов и за Castagnoli и Aries и ще се радвам на каквото ми предложат. Edited August 16, 2010 by Remus Lemmon-714, mass1v3 and ShwN 3 Quote Link to comment
contador9 Posted August 16, 2010 Share Posted August 16, 2010 Супер! Чакам този event с нетърпение! Кечисти като Daniels, Chris Hero, El Generico, Castagnolli, Ricochet си заслужават гледането и особено ми е интересно да видя Paul London..Предполагам, че ще обяват още двама-трима кечисти.. mass1v3 and Lemmon-714 2 Quote [center][img][/img][/center] Link to comment
Remus Posted August 16, 2010 Author Share Posted August 16, 2010 Мне, това са всички. Бройката беше обявена преди седмица и вчера обявиха всички имена. Но колкото повече ги гледам, толкова повече и аз се обърквам от броя им. Едва сега се сетих, че преди бяха 22-ма, а не 18. Турнир с 18 не са правили и сега се чудя как ще процедират. Вече са обявили, че ще има 1-и и 2-и кръг, полуфинали и финал. Адски ме учудва, тъй като с толкова кечисти мога да се сетя само за турнири с 3 кръга: А) започват с тройни мачове, втората вечер имат три единични и финала е троен; или Б) започват единични мачове, полуфинала и финала са тройни мачове. Как ще ги докарат четири кръга... ShwN and mass1v3 2 Quote Link to comment
Remus Posted August 23, 2010 Author Share Posted August 23, 2010 Pro Wrestling Guerrilla “2010 Battle of Los Angeles” Night 1 Saturday, September 4, 2010 Reseda, CA 1. 2010 BOLA First Round Match: Claudio Castagnoli vs. Ricochet 2. 2010 BOLA First Round Match: Brandon Bonham vs. Brian Cage 3. 2010 BOLA First Round Match: Austin Aries vs. Rocky "Azúcar" Romero 4. 2010 BOLA First Round Match: Joey Ryan vs. Chuck Taylor 5. 2010 BOLA First Round Match: "Intrepid Traveler" Paul London vs. Roderick Strong 6. 2010 BOLA First Round Match: Brandon Gatson vs. Ryan Taylor 7. 2010 BOLA First Round Match: "Mr. Instant Replay" Matt Jackson vs. "Slick" Nick Jackson 8. 2010 BOLA First Round Match: El Generico vs. Akira Tozawa 9. 2010 BOLA First Round Match: "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels vs. Chris Hero И така, обявена е първата вечер на BOLA и всички мачове от първи рунд, но си мълчат за втората вечер и продължава да се твърди, че ще има и четвърт- и полуфинали. Крайно любопитно... Като изключим Gatson vs. Taylor и Bonham vs. Cage (донякъде и Aries vs. Romero), другото са все интересни мачове. Очаквах Daniels vs. Hero да е сред финалните мачове, а те го хвърлят още в първи кръг, какво ли се готви за финалите... За победител не може да се гадае, досега нито веднъж не съм бил и близо до отгатване на победителя, въпреки че от 3 години се опитвам (е, миналата познах, че Strong ще е финалист, така че nuuuegh!). Все пак мои фаворити са Chuck Taylor (на когото винаги залагам просто защото), Claudio Castagnoli и Chris Daniels. mass1v3 1 Quote Link to comment
Antidote Posted September 5, 2010 Share Posted September 5, 2010 Pro Wrestling Guerrilla (PWG) "Battle of Los Angeles" tournament results - Day One September 4, 2010 Reseda, Calif. (1) Matt Jackson (Max Buck) vs. Nick Jackson (Jeremy Buck) went to a double DQ in a battle of the Young Bucks/Generation Me in a First Round Battle of Los Angeles tournament match. By virtue of the double DQ, the Jacksons were eliminated from the tournament in advance of flying to Orlando for TNA. (2) Brandon & Dustin Cutler beat Young Bucks (Generation Me) with a combination Tombstone. (3) Brandon Gatston beat Ryan Taylor with a DDT out of a Torture Rack in a First Round Battle of Los Angeles tournament match. (4) Joey Ryan beat Chuck Taylor with a pair of superkicks in a First Round Battle of Los Angeles tournament match. (5) Roderick Strong beat Paul London with a Gutbuster, then a running Yakuza kick in a First Round Battle of Los Angeles tournament match. (6) Claudio Castagnoli beat Ricochet in a First Round Battle of Los Angeles tournament match. [intermission] (7) Austin Aries beat Rocky Romero with a kick to the head and brainbuster combination in a First Round Battle of Los Angeles tournament match. (8) Brandon Bonham beat Brian Cage with a pair of Canadian Destroyers in a First Round Battle of Los Angeles tournament match. (9) Akira Tozawa beat El Generico with a pair of German Suplexes in a First Round Battle of Los Angeles tournament match. (10) Chris Hero beat Christopher Daniels in a First Round Battle of Los Angeles tournament match. Hero won with the Hero's Welcome, followed by the Stretch Plumb submission hold for the win. -- For Day Two of BOLA on Sunday, (1) Gatson, (2) Joey Ryan, (3) Strong, (4) Castagnoli, (5) Aries, (6) Bonham, (7) Tozawa, and (8) Hero advance to the semi-final round. PWG did not announce second round matches after Saturday night's show. The finals will also be held on Sunday. Quote Link to comment
Remus Posted September 5, 2010 Author Share Posted September 5, 2010 (edited) Гадове. Много евтино извинение да не измислят нещо за 18 човека като премахнат двама и продължат със стандартен турнир. Поне хубавото в случая е, че нямаме идея кой срещу кого ще се падне на четвъртфиналите (или поне така ми се струва, не помня да е имало някаква таблица). Ще се получат велики мачове при всеки случай, като изключим този на Brandon Bonham, когото така и не се научих да харесвам. Адски много се радвам, че Tozawa продължава за сметка на Generico - един от любимите ми японски новобранци. Ако преди нямах представа кои ще са на финал, сега още по-малко, макар че единият вече всички го мислят за всеобщият фаворит Chris Hero. Да, защо не? Hero е горе-долу лицето на компанията, а миналата година пропусна BOLA поради незнайни причини. Още повече, че има доста credibility да си връща, тъй като откакто загуби титлата единствената по-голяма звезда, която е побеждавал е Alex Shelley. И все пак ми се ще да не печели BOLA. За мен Castagnoli е най-добрата инди звезда тая година и ето тук трябва да му се признае. ПП: Chuck Taylor загуби... *смрък*... :( Edited September 5, 2010 by Remus mass1v3 1 Quote Link to comment
Remus Posted September 6, 2010 Author Share Posted September 6, 2010 (1) Joey Ryan beat Austin Aries in a second round Battle of Los Angeles tournament match. (2) Claudio Castagnoli beat Roderick Strong with a toss-up European Uppercut in a second round Battle of Los Angeles tournament match. (3) Brandon Gatson beat Brandon Bonham with a DDT out of the torture rack in a second round Battle of Los Angeles tournament match. (4) Chris Hero beat Akira Tozawa with a rolling elbow and moonsault in a second round Battle of Los Angeles tournament match. This was the match of the tournament thus far. (5) Joey Ryan beat Claudio Castagnoli in a semi-final Battle of Los Angeles tournament match. (6) Chris Hero beat Brandon Gatson with a pair of rolling elbows in a semi-final Battle of Los Angeles tournament match. (7) Chuck Taylor & Ryan Taylor & Brian Cage beat Rocky Romero & Ricochet & Johnny Goodtime in the traditional BOLA multiple-man match prior to the finals. (8) PWG tag champions Paul London & El Generico beat the Cutler Brothers with a combination Yakuza kick and turnbuckle brainbuster to retain the PWG Tag Titles. (9) Joey Ryan beat Chris Hero in the finals of the Battle of Los Angeles tournament to win BOLA 2010. The finish saw Hero go for a roaring elbow, but Joey rolled him up with a small package. There was strong heel heat on Joey after he won the tournament when the audience was going for Hero after anticipating a potential Hero vs. Claudio finals. Excalibur opened up the show basically telling the fans they sucked the night before and needed to pump up the energy level here. Joey Ryan beat Austin Aries with two superkicks in a very good opener. Aries in particular was awesome as he normally is. The fans did, in fact, amp up the energy for this bout. Also, it was the opener. The story was that Ryan had an injured shoulder and Austin worked it over for most of the match. Claudio Castagnoli beat Roderick Strong. Another very good match. They did very hard and fast chain wrestling at the beginning like they were doing a shoot pro-wrestling match. It was great. Claudio is a heel but the fans were into him a lot, probably due in good part to his match the night before. They did a bunch of nearfalls and reversals and then Claudio hit him with the sky high European uppercut for the pin. Brandon Gatson beat Brandon Bonham. Weakest match of both nights so far. They didn't have an extended heat section, they just took turns doing spots for ten minutes or so. There was what I think was supposed to be a bridging out of a pinfall spot near the finish but Bonham only bridged about an inch off the mat and the fans chanted "YOU FUCKED UP!" at either them or the ref. Gatson then picked him up and hit his finish for the pin. Chris Hero beat Akira Tozawa in one of the best matches I have seen all year. Just awesome and the last two minutes were out of this world. It was a big man vs. little man match but less of a squash than the Claudio match the night before in the sense that Tozawa was super fiery and they kept it believably competitive. Hero won after an elbow of death and top rope moonsault. You fucking must see this match. They did a billion highspots and kicked out of everything, but unlike any other match in this tournament like that the people actually got more into the match with each passing one, so it never felt like it hit a peak and kept going. Just outstanding. Joey Ryan beat Claudio Castagnoli with a superkick. I figured the finals would be Hero vs. Claudio so this was a shocker. They worked it almost WWE-style early, with Claudio meticulously working over the injured shoulder. Tons of nearfalls at the finish, then Joey pinned him with about his third superkick. The fans weren't excepting that at all and initially booed. Then there was a loud "THIS IS BULLSHIT!" chant. Then after about 15 seconds it became a dueling "THIS IS BULLSHIT!" "JOEY RYAN!" dueling chant. Claudio held up his arm afterwards. So Ryan went to the finals. Chris Hero beat Brandon Gatson. This was the best Gatson looked all weekend. Good match that ended when Hero hit a series of forearms and then a crossface submission. Best part was some dude behind me who exactly started screaming "HE TAPPED! HE TAPPED!" at the finish like I was cageside for UFC. Chuck Taylor & Brian Cage & Ryan Taylor vs. Johnny Goodtime & Rocky Romero & Ricochet. Very fun six-man. Everyone looked good and the crowd in particular loved Taylor and Ricochet. A crazy display of highspots and athleticism ending when Chuck pinned Ricochet with an Omega driver, a ridiculously outlandish and terrifying tombstone piledriver. Ricochet was over huge after his match the night before. Generico & Paul London beat Cutler Brothers to retain the PWG Tag Team Titles. Went way too long for this crowd and they kicked out of way too much, especially since this was the buffer before the main event. There were moments near the finish where the crowd was really quiet. They did go nuts for the finish, Generico hitting the top rope brainbuster for the pin to retain the titles. Joey Ryan beat Chris Hero to win BOLA 2010. So much for the polite crowd. There was an amazing amount of heckling during this match, which was interesting because prior to this match I was thinking this was the most polite indy crowd I'd seen in years. But it was funny because the fans went from hating Joey to chanting his name to booing the shit out of him to chanting his name again at the drop of a dime. The finish was built around them exchanging about a dozen superkicks and tornado forearms, then Ryan pinned him with a small package. People popped big for the finish, then booed, then chanting "THIS IS BULLSHIT!", then chanted "JOEY RYAN!" Ryan cut a heel promo afterwards and was booed unmercifully and heckled, but then he concluded with "I am proud to represent Southern California!" and they went nuts. Joey Ryan = най-биполярния кечист на света. А публиката просто не знае какво иска, съдейки по последния report. Е, лично аз се радвам, че спечели той. Бих ли предпочел да беше друг? Да, защо не. Най-малко трима, но беше крайно време редовен състезател на PWG да спечели скапания турнир, а не все гости, които се явяват и изчезват. mass1v3 1 Quote Link to comment
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