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Любими фрази на Кечисти


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Guest surfybg

Радвам се,че идеаята ми се взе на сериозно и се намери някой да пусне темата :)

Харесва ми когато The Rock затапи някого с епическата фраза "It doesn't matter"...

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I don't give a damn!-любими изпълнители:Booker T(to Triple H),Undertaker(to WWE universe as undesputed champion),Vince Mcmahon(almost every time he says it)

...and there's not a damn thing you can about it!-Jessie Ventura(to Vince Mcmahoh) и още много случаи,някои от които на Трите Хикса и Винс.

Is that a badge?-Triple H mocking 'Sheriff' Stone Cold Steve Austin!

Apparently alcohol does kill brain cells cuz you've lost it!-друга ситуация,когато HHH се присмива на Остин.

What?-Stone Cold in countless occasions.What?I said:Stone Cold!What?Stone Cold!What?in many occasions!What?I said....What?

I said I'm gonna kick ....'s ass!It's done!(Triple H махайки с ръка,като за отметка след it's done! :D)

И един лаф на който съм се драл от смях,независимо дали го казва Скалата или Трите Хикса или някой от двамата на другия,както и Кърт Енгъл към HHH,когато се завърна 2002.

Кефа си се аз на завръщането на Хиксовете и изведнъж излиза Енгъл и го пита:

Who the hell do you think you are?-Тоя лаф направо ме изКърти :D Може да го видите на 6:30.

По-жесток pop:You suck! не съм чувал за никой.

Смял съм се и едва не ми се пръсна корема като чух начина по който го казва!





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Големи англичани станахте всички, бре... човек не знае на какъв език да Ви говори вече...

Бай дъ уей - What >>> all !

3xTNA prediction champion 3xWWE prediction champion 1xUniversal champion 6xPrediction tag team champion

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Не съм много на ТИ с старите кечове ( около 2001) и знам че от там са повечето крилати фрази,но ще изброя само такива от тия години.

Do you understand what im saying to you right now? - тези реплики,просто когато ги чуя сърцето ми се изпълва.Това е и заради начина по който джерико ги изрича,никой не е по добър от него на микрофона в момента.Може повечето да го харесваха като Cool Face ( 2007 return) ,но лично мен ме радва повече в този му образ.

Im the best in the world in what i do ^^

Really?Reall? Миз също радва с микрофона,особено с тези реплики

YOU'RE FIRED - начина по който вини се дере,и изражението на суперзвездата срещу която са насочени думите - PRICELESS

The Champ Is HEREE - ама не от Сина...Преди 2-3 седмици Шеймъс каза тези думи,не е точно негова запазена фраза,но все пак се вписва в класацията

Its Real...Its DAMN real - доколкото помня преди Кърт,казваше Its true,Its damn true, но сега това повече радва,също сега образът му е доста по сериозен от този 2001


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Raw Will Never Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeever Be The Same Again :beer: Джерикохолик

All American American American American :P

Do You Understand What I am Saying To You Right Now

Really Really


и всички на скалата,ледения и т.н великите

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"And that's the bottom line because Stone Cold said so !"

Stone Cold Steve Austin

"If you smell what the rock is cookin'"

The Rock

"Have a nice day"

Mick Foley

"Can you dig it suckaa !"

Booker T

"D-Von ! Get the tables ! "

Buh-Buh Ray Dudley

"Rest in peace"

The Undertaker

Тук може да си припомните още от фразите на кечисти от миналото и настоящето.

Дай лопата на гробаря
работата той си знае.

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Освен тази и If You smell what THE ROCK is coockin`? :beer:

Никога не подценявай себе си,но позволи на другите да те подценят.

И да опиташ-също е победа!

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Тази на Скалата направо ме разби от смях:Do you still like the strudel? :2funny: :2funny:

На 02:36 е :happy:


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Почти всички фрази на The Rock.

"You wanna go one on one with the Great One?"

"Roody-poo candy ass"

"The Rock is 'The Most Electrifying Man in Sports Entertainment!'"

"Finally, The Rock has come back..."

"Know your role and shut your mouth!"

"The Rock's gonna take your monkey ass down to the corner of Know Your Role Boulevard and Jabroni Drive and check you in to the Smackdown Hotel!"

И естествено... "If you smelllllllllllll...what The Rock...is...cooking!" :)

A , друга любима фраза от New Age Outlaws - "Oh, you didnt know? Your ass better caaaaalll somebody! "

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"Austin 3:16 says i just whooped your ass!" - Stone Cold

"Do you know where you standing? ...You're in my yard!" - The Undertaker

"Would you please shut the hell up?" - Chris Jericho

"You're fired!" - Vince McMahon

"What" - Stone Cold

"Try me, I'wll make you famous!" - The Undertaker

"Have a nice day!" - Mick Foley


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FearLess Hero

"It doesn't matter..." - The Rock

"Austin 3:16 says I just whooped your ass!" - Stone Cold Steve Austin

"YOU'RE FIRED". - Mr. McMahon

"We've Got Two Words For You" "Suck It!" - DX

"If you smelllllllllll what the Rock is....cookin'." - The Rock


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Не е някаква дългогодишно използвана фраза, но все пак.. :D

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''And if you're not down with that, We've got two words for ya...''

- DX

''Who’s your DADDY Montreal!?''

I do what I want, when I wanna do it!

- Shawn Michaels

^ Като това първото е от едно от най-великите promo-та, които някога е правил. 2005 покрай враждата си с Hogan, на един RAW в Montreal. LINK. ''What?'' също ми пълни душата всеки път, независимо дали го chant-ва публиката или Austin се ебава с някой. :D

Edit: ''Do you understand what I'm saying to you right now?''


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"You're fired!" - Vince McMahon

"If you smell what the rock is cookin'" - The Rock

"Hell yeah" - Stone Cold Steve Austin


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  • 2 weeks later...

"It doesn't matter..." - The Rock

"Austin 3:16 says I just whooped your ass!" - Stone Cold Steve Austin

"YOU'RE FIRED". - Mr. McMahon

"We've Got Two Words For You" "Suck It!" - DX

"If you smelllllllllll what the Rock is....cookin'." - The Rock

"What" - Stone Cold

"Hell yeah" - Stone Cold Steve Austin

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"So, shut up... bitch!" - The Rock

".. so back off, jack off!" - John Cena


"You're the worm on the bottom of my tequila!" - Alberto Del Rio

"I'm gonna take a Kurt.. and then wipe my Angle!" - Mick Foley

"Do you understand, what I am saying to you.. right now?" - Chris Jericho

"..well Austin 3:16 says I just whooped your ass!" - Steve Austin

"Life sucks and then you die!" - Mr. McMahon

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You ROODY-POO candy ass!

... to check your candy ass into the Smackdown Hotel!

Take a left through Jabroni Drive, turn right to Candy ass Boulevard and go check your ass directly into the SMACKDOWN HOTEL!

The Rock's got a present for you, Big Show. And it is his fist in your mouth and his foot in your ASS!

Know your role, AND SHUT YOUR MOUTH!

... and nobody, and THE ROCK MEANS NOBODY ...


The rock is gona take his size-13 boot, shine it up real nice, turn it sideways and stick it straight up your candy ass!

If you smellalallalala what the rock is cooking!

Finally, The Rock has come back to Toron.... to Toron... to Toron... TO RUN HIS MOUTH ON AAAALLL YOUR CANDY ASSES!

And the millions ... AND MILLIONS of The Rock's fans...

... because you ABSOLUTELY SUCK!

The Rock says this...

The fact of the matter is this...

These people paid their hard earned money to see The Rock whip your ass. And it may not be today, it may not be today ... no no no ... it may not be today - BUT IT'S GONNA BE ... TONIGHT!!!

What was your name again ... IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOUR NAME IS!

The Rock ain't next, Goldberg. You're next, you whisker-bizkit-bald-headed BITCH!

Are you ready to go one-on-one with the Great one???

The Rock is gonna LAYETH THE SMACKETH DOWN on your candy ass!!!

Who in the blue hell are you???


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"Oh my brother, TESTIFYYYY" - Devon Dudley

"Ohhh you didn't know, your ass betta' call somebodyyyyy" - Road Dog

"Beat me if you can, SURVIVE if I let you" - "The Human Suplex Machine" Tazz


"Ohhhhh What a Ruuuuuuuuush!!!" - Road Warriors

"Ohhh Yeaaaaaahh" - Macho Man Randy Savage

"Can you feel the B-A-N-G!!!" - Diamond Dallas Page

"Your God... he giveth, and he can taketh away. My God, he giveth... but he aint got the balls to do nothin' else." - Jake Roberts

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  • 8 months later...


"Suck It!"

"Macho man" Randy Savage

"Ohhhh Yea, Dig it!"

D-Von Dudley

"Oh my brother, TESTIFYYYY"

Buh Buh Ray Dudley

"D-Von gets the tables"

The Undertaker



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