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HULKAMANIA - Let The Battle Begin


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Hulk Hogan & Eric Bischoff ще организират 4 кеч шоута в Австралия през ноември тази година. Проектът се казва "HULKAMANIA" и е идея, която Hogan & Bischoff обмислят от няколко години насам. Засега Hogan e единственото обявено име за шоутата и по-късно този месец Hogan & Bischoff ще бъдат на промоционално турне в Австралия.

Официално медийно изявление:


For the first time ever, Wrestling Legend Hulk Hogan will tour Australia. His new event HULKAMANIA – Let the Battle Begin, will be playing arenas in Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane and Sydney, November 2009.

For over two decades the name Hulk Hogan has been synonymous with sports entertainment and professional wrestling. Having set live attendance records all over the world including a live gate of more that 96,000 fans at the Pontiac Silverdome, Hulk Hogan has set his sites on Australia as his next frontier.

“I have been blessed with the opportunity to perform in front of fans around the world,” said Hogan. “I have always wanted to perform in Australia as I have heard Aussies are some of the greatest wrestling fans ever. I am grateful for this opportunity, and hope that this is just the beginning of a great thing!”

“In 2002 there were rumours of Hulk Hogan coming to Australia which sent wrestling fans into meltdown,” said promoter Michael Condon. “This time it’s real and confirmed and the Hulk is bringing some of the greats of wrestling with him.”

HULKAMANIA will also feature some of the top stars that compete all over the world, and will include state of the art production. The arenas will be plastered with large screens to show the audience what is happening backstage in between wrestling matches. The night will also contain audience participation, a huge pyro techniques display and more.

From his early beginnings as a young wrestler training under the Tutelage of the famed Hiro Matsuda who intentionally broke Hulk Hogan’s leg on his first day of training just to test his desire. Hulk Hogan’s larger that life persona and matching arms have turned the industry into the phenomenon it is today.

“We are thrilled to be working with Condon Sports and Entertainment group and KnokX Pro Entertainment” said Eric Bischoff of Bischoff Hervey Entertainment Television who is helping to bring Hulk Hogan to Australia for this tour.

The official dates for the tour are:

11/21 at Rod Laver Arena in Melbourne

11/24 at Burswood Dome in Perth

11/26 at Brisbane Entertainment Centre in Queensland

11/28 at Acer Arena in Sydney

Tickets will go on sale 9/24. This will be one of the first events promoted by Condon Sports and Entertainment, which opened their doors this month.

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Lacey Von Erich ще участва в турнето.

Ric Flair & Diamond Dallas Page водят преговори да участват в турнето.

Любопитно е да се отбележи, че една от компаниите зад турнето е KnokX Pro Entertainment. KnokX Pro имат кеч школа, където тренира българският кечист The Bashing Bulgarian и където главните треньори са Rikishi, Orlando Jordan, Gangrel & Black Pearl. Тоест, не би било учудващо, ако тези четиримата участват в Hulkamania турнето.

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Вече е официално: Ric Flair ще се бие на турнето.

Свързали са се и с Jeff Hardy, за да видят дали ще иска да се бие на предстоящото турне. Засега няма информация oтносно това дали се е навил да участва.

Други бивши WWE/WCW кечисти също се получили оферти да участват в турнето, но засега няма други потвърдени имена освен вече споменатите в темата.

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Следващите потвърдени участници в турнето не би трябвало да са изненада за никой: Jimmy Hart, The Nasty Boys & Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake. :)

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Интересно ми е дали Джеф ще се навие,но малко ме съмнява той иска почивка.За сега списъка с участници ми харесва :)

Edited by Swanton bomb
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Пълният списък с участниците:

Hulk Hogan

Ric Flair


Mr. Kennedy



Val Venis

The Nasty Boys (Brian Knobbs & Jerry Sags)

Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake


Jimmy Hart

The Godfather)


Orlando Jordan

Paul London

Spartan 3000 (Matt Cross)

Shannon Moore

Black Pearl

Lacey Von Erich

Stephanie Pietz

Koa Marie Gabric

Rock of Love (Billy Blade & Kadin Anthony)

По-голямата част от roster-a е била селектирана от Knokx Pro, а не от Bischoff & Hogan.

Обмислят се идеите от турнето да се направят DVD-та, интернационални PPV-та и документален филм.

Ако турнето в Австралия бъде успешно ще се обмисли варианта за още турнета. Вече имат оферти за Обединеното кралство и Латинска Америка.

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Бишоф is back in the business! Много съм доволен от това, тъй като е ясно, че съм марк на човека. Гледайки имената на участниците мисля, че могат да се получат доста интересни комбинации и мачове, а пък самото участие на Флеър и Хоган ще е мажещ draw. Поне на хартия успехът на турнето изглежда сигурен и дано наистина е така. Ако проектът се окаже успешен могат в близките 2-3 години да се замислят за нещо по-сериозно.

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Възможно е да има промени и това да не е финалния card, но според последната информация това е рекламираният card за шоуто в Мелбърн на 21-ви ноември:


Hulk Hogan vs. Ric Flair

Orlando Jordan & Umaga vs. Rikishi & Brian "Grandmasta Sexay" Christopher

Mr. Anderson vs. Val Venis

Bikini Challenge

Lacey Von Erich vs. Koa Marie Turner vs. Kiara Dillon vs. Stephanie Pietz

Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake (w/Jimmy Hart) vs. Heidenreich

Gangrel & Black Pearl vs. The Nasty Boys (w/Jimmy Hart)

Matt Cross vs. Shannon Moore

Eugene & The Godfather vs. Rock of Love (Billy Blade & Kadin Anthony)

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Dream кард :wub:


Everyone else might be a Paul Heyman guy, i'm a Paul Bearer guy.



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WRESTLER Hulk Hogan has been badly injured after a violent bloody brawl broke out at The Hulkamania promotional press conference at Star City today.

The press conference veered violently out of control today as Hulk Hogan and ring rival Ric Flair let their animosity break into a full scale bloody brawl.

Newspaper Sydney Central’s photographer Phil Rogers had his flash broken when Ric Flair threw a table off the stage and into the press gathering before diving on photographers.

Media were stunned as the Hulk’s head began bleeding profusely and confusion broke out when the veteran wrestling star was unable to get to his feet.

This reporter narrowly missed being struck with the table and photographers ducked and weaved as Ric Flair took off his trouser belt and began to whip anyone within range.

The press conference began well with the stars of the tour speaking professionally about their careers and the business.

Hulk Hogan was excited to be touring Australia for the first time.

He said promoters in the past had billed him to tour Australia without his knowledge only to tell the fans that he could not make it.

The Hulkamania tour hits Melbourne on Saturday night.

Видео клип от новинарска емисия

Raw footage from the Hulkamania press conference: Ric Flair insults Hulk Hogan's girlfriend

Цялата пресконференция: Част 1, Част 2 и Част 3

ЯКО! :cool:

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Мда, наистина се очертава добро 'кланьe' :D Дано го пуснат после на двд-та та да гледаме и ние :)


Everyone else might be a Paul Heyman guy, i'm a Paul Bearer guy.



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Hulkamania Tour

November 21, 2009

Melbourne, Australia at Rod Laver Arena

The first show on the Hulkamania Tour was awesome, almost the best live wrestling event that’s toured in Australia and I have been to every show (WWE, WCW, and WWA). Here is a rundown of the show. Attendance was between 8,000 and 10,000.

5:50 p.m. - Hulkamania Meet & Greet Q&A Show

Around 50 fans purchased the Hulkamania meet & greet package. We were able to attend a private function where food and drink was provided to us where we just chilled and relaxed before the show. Around 6.30 p.m., Jimmy Hart and Hulk Hogan walked into the room the greet us. Hulk look very emotional with tears in his eyes by the response when he saw how wild and crazy everyone got with "Hogan" chants breaking out instantly. However, Hulk only stayed around and posed for a few minutes. No Q&A was held. Instead Sean Morley, Eugene, Heidenreich, and Lacey Von Erich then entered the room posing for photos and autographs. This went on until 7:00 p.m. then the function concluded.

7:50 p.m. - I got to my seat, which was front row ringside camera side. The atmosphere was electric with "Hogan" and 'Whooooo!' chants breaking out through the arena. The ring was a WCW size ring with the old school ropes with the colors yellow & red however there was no ring mat outside. There was only concrete, which seemed very strange. The setup looked a lot like the XWF ring set up. The entrance stage looked a lot like the Raw stage from 2000 with the main screen in the middle and two small screens on both left and right side.

I spoke to the cameraman who was sanding right next to me and asked if the entire show was being filmed for a DVD released. He said the promoter asked for all four shows to be taped, but didn’t know if the shows would be released on DVD in the future.

8:00 p.m. – Hulkamania – Let The Battle Begin. Video intro and pyro started the show. The intro video was played to American Made theme music.

(1) Pimp Fatha (The Godfather) & Eugene beat Rock of Love. Eugene came out first to read a poem, which put over the Australian fans, especially the Melbourne crowd. The Godfather then came out with two of his hos, which he got a great pop. He then gave his usual 'Pimping ain't Easy' promo, which got a great response. Rock of Love then came out to no response as nobody knew who they were. A short match, the heels attacked Eugene straight away and knocked him out of the ring they then tried to get heat on Godfather, but it turned intro a squash match as Godfather cleaned house to give his finisher and get the pin.

(2) 'Spartan 3000' Matt Cross beat Shannon Moore in match one of a Best of Three Series for $25,000. Matt Cross came out first to no response followed by Shannon Moore who came out to a good response. A solid match with many close pinfalls and a lot of cruiserweight-style moves. A high point of the match was when Matt Cross went underneath the bottom rope to the outside and Shannon Moore went for a suicide dive over the top rope on to the concrete floor, which would have really hurt. The end came when Shannon Moore went for a Frankensteiner off the top rope, but Cross blocked and hit a 450 shooting star press for the win.

(3) Nasty Boys (Brian Knobs & Jerry Sags w/Jimmy Hart beat Vampire Warrior (Gangrel) & Black Pearl in a "Down Under" Street Fight with Falls count anywhere. Vampire Warrior & Black Pearl came out to a great heel response with Vampire Warrior doing his brood blood spit spot during entrance. A Nasty Boys and Jimmy Hart interview backstage was shown on the big screen, which got the crowd fired up. The Nasty Boys said they changed the tag team match to a Down Under Street fight falls count anywhere match. The Nasty Boys & Jimmy Hart came out to a huge pop. As Dusty Rhodes would say they brought their own plunder with them. A lot of "Nasties" and "Jimmy" chants throughout the match with the usual chairs, trash cans, and wooden boards used by both teams in the match. The crowd really got into the match and the Nasty Boys were really over with the crowd. A great match with Nasty Boys hitting their finisher for the win.

(4) Brutus “the Barber" Beefcake (w/Jimmy Hart) beat John Heidenreich. Heidenreich came out to Macho Man Randy Savage's WCW theme music from 1999. Heidenreich has lost a lot of body weight since his WWE run and came out to a lot of boos. An interview with Brutus Beefcake and Jimmy was shown on the screen. Brutus came out to a good pop. The match was a little slow, but the crowd popped when Brutus hooked the sleeper for the win. He then got his scissors to cut Heidenreich's hair, only for the referee to take them off him. The crowd chanted "Cut his hair," which Brutus then processed to cut the referee’s hair.

[15 minute intermission]

Footage of the press conference brawl was shown on the big screen.

(5) Lacey Von Erich won a Bikini Challenge match over Koa Marie Turner, Stephanie Pietz, and Kiara Dillon. It was your traditional WWE bikini contest match. They showed backstage footage of the girls getting ready for the bikini contest. Then the announcer called them to the ring. Lacey got the biggest response when all four girls got to the ring. Godfather then came out to host the challenge withy each girl given a time to strut their stuff for the crowd with the crowd giving their approval on who should win. Lacey got the biggest response by far.

The show went up a notch or two when Ric Flair came on the big screen for an interview. A fantastic interview by Flair. He looked emotional knowing he would step inside the ring for the first time since WrestleMania 24. It was a promo for the ages it reminded me of his promos he would cut on Magnum TA & Dusty Rhodes back in 1985. Classic Ric Flair interview. He received a standing ovation after the interview.

(6) Mr. Ken Anderson (Mr. Kennedy) beat Sean Morley (Val Venis). Val Venis came out and did a heel promo on how Aussie fans are inbred, which was funny. Mr. Ken Anderson came out to a HUGE pop with "Kennedy" chants going crazy all over the arena. How WWE let him go I have no idea. His mic skills are top five in the business right now. Ken Anderson did his usual pose mid-ring waiting wait for his mic to fall until he realized this isn't WWE. The ring announcer then gave him his own mic, which got a great response. He did his usual promo on the mic. Instead of doing the long "Kennedy," he climbed the top rope and said, "Nah, Kennedy is dead... it's 'ANDERSON ... ANDERSON.'" A great moment. Solid match with both men going hold for hold in a fast-paced match with a lot on near pinfalls. But Ken Anderson hit his finisher to score the pin.

(7) Junior Fatu (Rikishi) & Brian Christopher beat Orlando Jordan & USO Fatu (Umaga). Orlando Jordan came out first a cut a heel promo followed by Umaga. Rikishi & Brian Christopher came out to "Too Cool" chants. A pretty entertaining match with a lot of comedy spots. The babyfaces were pretty over with "Jerry" and "Jerry is your dad" chants directed to Brian Christopher, which he found hilarious. The heels got a ton of heat with "Booker T" chants for Orlando Jordan, as he has hair very similar to Booker T's. The match was pretty fast-paced with Rikishi getting the hot tag and delivering the stink face. Umaga ended up being thrown over the guardrail in front of me, so I was going nuts. The babyfaces got the pinfall, which I missed as Umaga got up and blocked my view. After the match the fans chanted "Dance, Dance" and Christopher & Rikishi did the Too Cool dance celebration. They even invited the referee to play Scotty2 Hotty's role as the third member. The referee tried the worm, but failed. Big pop for Rikishi during the dance spot.

Next up was Hulk Hogan vs. Ric Flair in the main event. I was standing pressed next to guardrail waiting for the main event and I think everyone sitting on the floor rushed to get as close as possible for the two entrances. Two fans got into a fight trying to get in front of each other. One of them was escorted out of the building, which was funny but looked pretty serious. Ric Flair was then shown walking backstage to the Gorilla position and then entered the arena with emotion written all of his face. 10,000 fans gave him a standing ovation and he got the BIGGEST POP of the night so far.

Hulk Hogan was shown backstage for an interview. Again, a classic promo with Hogan giving the classic line "This is where the powers lies (pointing to his palm)." He then wrapped up with "In seven days God created the heaven & the earth, but on the eighth day, he created my loyal Australian Hulkamaniacs." The arena went nuts. They then showed Hulk walking backstage to the Gorilla position. American Made music hit and Hulk Hogan entered the area.

I am not kidding when I say this, even though the show was not a sellout, I have been to the Nitro taping here in 2000, all the WWE shows here including the Global Warning 2002 show with 50,000 fans, and the Hulk Hogan entrance was the loudest pop I ever heard. I even took my girlfriend to the Britney Spears concert at Rod Laver Arena two weeks ago and she got a crazy pop when she came out, but this was the loudest ovation I have ever witnessed.

(8) Hulk Hogan beat Ric Flair in an "Icon" vs. "Icon" match. All the classic spots were in the match except the famous Flair flip over the turnbuckle spot. Hulk started the match hot, but Flair started to get the advantage. Hulk went to the outside and told Flair to hold on a second. Hulk then took off his left knee brace and threw it in the crowd (maybe to send a message to TNA, WWE, and the wrestling world his knees are fine). Hogan was busted open around the ten mininute mark after Flair rammed his head into the ring post. Huge "Hogan" chants, as well as "Whoooo" chants throughout the match. Flair went for the knee and put on the figure four in the middle of the ring. Lacey Von Erich then came out to cheer Flair on. Hulk reversed it, Flair broke the hold, and headed to the Floor.

Hulk then took the fight to the outside and hit Flair's head on the guardrail, which busted Flair open. A bloody brawl then took effect with chops, clotheslines, pinches, kicks, and a bodyslam following one after another by both men. Lacey then distracted the referee for Flair to get in the low blow setting Hogan up for the pin. Hulk then gave a mini Hulk up before Lacey Von Erich distracted the referee again for Flair getting brass knocks from his trucks. (Exact same spot from their match for WCW Bash at the Beach 1994.) Flair knocking Hogan out and a very bloody Flair then went for the pin only for Hulk to kick out and Hulk up. The shake of the head, pointing of the finger, and the big foot followed. As Hogan went for the big leg into the ropes, Lacey grabbed Hulk's leg which stopped Hogan. The referee reprimanded Von Erich and while Flair laid motionless, Hulk grabbed the brass knocks out of Flair's trunks. As Flair got up, Hogan hit him with the foreign object for the cover and the pin.

Hulk Hogan the went on to pose for about eight minutes, as the crowd went crazy just like the crowd reaction Hogan got at WrestleMania 21. His music played two or three times and nobody was leaving. Everyone was going nuts. Hulk eventually left the ring area and the ring announcer thanked for coming to the show.

The event finished at 11:07 p.m., about three hours after the show started. Post-show thoughts: a great show and most of the older guys looked out-of-shape, but performed pretty well. I was pretty impressed with the Nasty Boys considering they have barely wrestled this decade. The ex-WWE stars looked as if they lost a step not working every night. Umaga probably was the only one who looked as if he has not missed a beat. The main event was great for two guys coming out of retirement. If I was Vince and WWE, I would not be worried about Hulk and TNA taking over but I would be keeping an eye on what Hulk, Bischoff and Flair do over the coming months. The show's production, setup, and overall presentation was excellent, better than a lot of WWE live events that have taken place here.

I was told only 2,500 tickets were sold at the beginning of the week, but with media coverage from the press conference and ticket price being dropped from $360 to $50 for ringside, it appears 6,000 to 8,000 people bought or were given tickets. Never the less, a great show. 7.5 out of 10, with the main event being the best main event I have seen live.

Hulkamania: Let The Battle Begin tour

November 21st, 2009

Melbourne, Australia

Rod Laver Arena

1. Nick Dinsmore (a.k.a. Eugene) and Pimp Fatha (a.k.a. Godfather) defeated Rock of Love. Dinsmore and Fatha win after the hot tag. Fatha hit the pimp driver. Great chant for one of the heels to 'put his shirt on.'

2. Spartan 3000 (a.k.a. Matt Cross) defeated "Outcast" Shannon Moore. Cross won with a shooting star press. Cross was heel but hit the finish and got a pop. Moore wasn't over.

3. The Nasty Boys defeated Black Pearl and Vampire Warrior (a.k.a. Gangrel) in an Australian Street Fight. Basic hardcore match. The Nasty Boys were over.

4. Brutus Beefcake defeated Heidenreich. Brutus got the win with a sleeper. Boring match. Heidenreich was okay and spent time jawing with the referee. Brutus Beefcake cut the referee's hair after the match.


5. Lacey Von Erich won a bikini contest. There were also two Playboy models and another girl. Pimp Fatha came out. After Lacey won the contest, a fat dude got on the ring and danced.

Ric Flair cut a sweet promo and then press conference footage was shown.

6. Mr. Anderson defeated Sean Morley (a.k.a. Val Venis). The former Mr. Kennedy won with the Mic Check after Morley missed with the Money Shot.

Orlando Jordan came out to custom music, which was rare. He cut a promo about being the greatest and then introduced Uso Fatu (Umaga) as his partner.

7. Brian Lawler (a.k.a. Grandmasta Sexay) and Rikishi defeated Orlando Jordan and Uso Fatu. Good action and comedy. The crowd was into it and chanted "Jerry's Kid" at Lawler. They also chanted "Booker T" at Jordan because of the dreads. Lawler and Rikishi danced afterward despite some reluctance from the latter. The referee did the worm, but Lawler kicked him out for doing so.

8. Hulk Hogan defeated Ric Flair. Unreal experience. Glad to see it in person. After great backstage promos, they came to the ring. Once they were in the arena the noise was deafening. All of their trademark spots were in there. Both men eventually bladed. Flair pulled brass knuckles out but Lacey Von Erich ran down, distracting the referee. Hogan then got the knuckles and used it on Flair and covered him for the pin. No leg drop. Afterwards Hogan posed for 10 minutes sending the fans home happy.

Notes: They announced the show would be released on DVD...They aired some promos on a Titantron like screen to build up the matches...The 16,000 arena was about half full...A fun atmosphere...Eric Bischoff was there.

The night started with my mate and I making our way into Rod Laver Arena. It was raining bucket loads and we just wanted to get inside the damn place! I went to the box office and the lady gave us 150 dollar seats (considering we paid 120 for the pair it was a great saving).

The show had a very WCW feel to it, just second rate, nostalgic and well...everything Hulk Hogan. The ring ropes were yellow and red, the graphics on the titantron were yellow and red (flames) and the merchandise stand was all Hogan merchandise. Now I know Hogan is the biggest draw in wrestling, but it felt as if the show was way too much about him. His opponent is a very massive star too, but the poster to the show had a giant picture of Hogan, with Ric's name written somewhere down the bottom. I would have enjoyed seeing HOGAN VS. FLAIR (or something to that effect).

The crowd was at about 6,500 - 7,500. It was half full, the floor was full, the platinum seats (think WWE tour) were about 80% full, and the gold seats (think WWE tour) were about 40% full. An entire section of the gold seats (which held around 2,500 - 3,500) was curtained off. Also behind the titantron, the 'bronze' seats at WWE tours, it looked as if it never existed. Overall the attendance relieved me, I didn't want the show to fail, I wanted people to turn up and in all honestly they did.

The first match featured 'Rock Of Love' Vs. Eugene and the PIMPfather (with a few of his hoes). It lasted about 3-4 minutes, very boring, crap, forgettable match. The highlight was when one of the members of Rock Of Love took his shirt off after the entrance and the crowd chanted 'put your shirt on!!' Pimpfather and Eugene won 1.5/10

Then the second match featured Shannon Moore against Spartan 3000. It was a pretty slow paced cruiserweight match up (if thats what it was meant to be). Spartan won after a pretty sweet shooting star press. 4/10 (for the finish)

The third match was the biggest embarrassment to wrestling. Dear lord this was shocking. The Nasty Pensioners W/Jimmy Hart Vs. Gangrel and some Samoan Undertaker dude called Black Pearl. This match was just so terrible, it gets me thinking how easy it is to manipulate a wrestling crowd. Knobs was an absolute dud out there, hitting someone with a baking tray AND STILL lost his breath, the guy started chanted and most people chanted with him. Anyway it was so bad, the 'shots' were very poorly done, the timing was amateurish and the actual entertainment value was pitiful, it was like a fake pub fight between the town drunk and the town fatty with the winner being NOBODY. 0/10 (Nasty Boys won)

Brutus Beefcake Vs. Heidenriech (however its spelt) was the next match, BAD, full stop, get rid of Hogan's posse. Beefcake won, but ultimately we were all the losers after seeing those horrendous tights he was wearing, blehh!! 1/10 (Nostalgic factor, since I like Beefcake) ...Beefcake won also!

I'm sure there was an intermission next, they came back with a Divas bikini contest, Lacey won I think?? (I didn't know the girls, but they were hot).

I really liked the titantron being used for the match ups, you could see the wrestling on the screen and it helped heaps, the backstage interviews were FANTASTIC too, it really got the crowd involved and it wouldn't hurt the WWE to pretape a few promos like that in America and just play them here for us and pretend its live. It was great.

By this point the ring announcer asked if we are excited for the main event!! Because Hulk Hogan is lacing up those boots as we speak! We get a backstage interview with Flair and what can I say? The ENTIRE crowd was standing, looking at the titantron, this man has presence and brought prestige into this event. My mate said it best, without Hogan and Flair this show would have been at Pipeworks.

Mr. Anderson Vs. Sean Morley was the next match, it was okay, it was way too slow, felt a little second rate, I've seen the guys do better. But it was first CLASS compared to the rest of the crap we saw. Kennedy won with a botched Mic Check! 5/10

Next up was Rikishi & Grandmaster Sexay (nice Thriller dance on the way to the ring too!) Vs. Umaga & Orlando Jordan. I'll tell you right now, Jordan will be a WWE employee in the next 12 months. He is much better then how he was back in 2004. He seems to be building a persona, its good. The match was alright, Too Cool won and started dancing with the referee (who tried the worm). It was an okay match, after the intermission things got better, that's for sure. 5.5/10

The ring announcer (who I thought was great) was pumping us up for the main event! He told us Hogan is lacing those boots back there and will be out any minute. So by the looks of it, Hogan was lacing up his shoes for 45 minutes? LOL! Hogan was interviewed backstage and was awesome Hogan!

The entrances occurred, they also showed a promo on the screen from the press conference. It was great, the entrances of both those superstars was worth the ticket.

The match was okay, lots of blood, no legdrop, it was better than what all the kids could do too. Hogan is an amazing crowd manipulator, everyone was sleeping and he got them off their feet. We just loved being their for Hogan! Hogan won after a shot with the brass knuckles, he looks very rusty at the start, understandable though. I'll give that match a 10/10. It was everything I expected and more to be honest.

Overall the show gets a 6/10 from me. Before the intermission, I believe I saw the worst form of entertainment in the history of my life. After the intermission we got some solid acts, Kennedy, Umaga, Venis, Hogan, Flair...they saved the show and really helped it not rot into the ground.

I always intended to go, but I never wanted to pay the exorbitant prices Hogan was asking. Nevertheless, having seen how these non-WWE events tend to pan out when promoters over-extend themselves by booking 15,000 seat arenas, I waited until today. Suddenly, the ringside seats that were originally $360 were only $100. The platinum seats that were $150 were now $75. The gold seats that were initially $90 were now $90 for 2 and so on. I ended up paying $45 for a decent seat about half-way between the ring and the back of the arena. Incidentally, part of the arena was curtained off because of the size of the crowd. I suspect it wouldn't have been much higher than 5-6,000.

In terms of a quick rundown -

'Pimp Fatha' Charles Wright and Nick Dinsmore def. Rock of Love. Pretty brief match. Eugene read a poem at the start and talked up rugby which got him unintentional heel heat because Melbourne is the home of Aussie Rules and most people dislike rugby in this city. One of the two dudes from Rock of Love (two average looking long-haired dudes in Poison shirts) took his shirt off to wrestle. The crowd chanted 'put your shirt on' which was the high point. Godfather won with the Death Valley Driver. Pretty average.

Spartan Matt Cross def. Shannon Moore. Best match of the night - few missed spots because the ropes were too lose which affected one of Moore's springboard attempts to the outside. A fair few near falls lead to a good finish where Cross held on to the top rope as Moore attempted a hurracanrana, at which point he hit a SSP and got the three. The ring announcer said at the start of the match that the winner would get $25,000 or something. No explanation was given, and it was never mentioned again at the end of the match. Also, Spartan Matt Cross was billed as being from Sparta.

Nasty Boys w/ Jimmy Hart def. Vampire Warrior and Black Pearl 'The Count of California' in a 'Melbourne streetfight'. This match was almost a parody of a hardcore match. Basically involved all four guys belting the crap out of each other with assorted baking trays, chairs (one of which broke because Knobbs swung it so hard) and a sheet of plywood that Gangrel got put through. Yep - they didn't even pretend it was a table. 90% of the match took place on the ramp too. Also, Black Pearl came out to music that was virtually identical to the heel music from WCW/nWo Revenge. In fact, all the music was WOEFUL. It was just generic shit that was indistinguishable from one guy to the next. Except for Hogan. He came out to American Made - that was as good as it got.

Brutus Beefcake w/ Jimmy Hart def. Heidenreich. Brutus Beefcake won with the sleeper. My friend and I agreed this was probably the worst match we'd ever seen anywhere at any time ever. Seriously. Just awful. Capped off by me jokingly saying 'how funny would it be if Beefcake won with the sleeper?' as the referee lifted Heidenreich's hand for the third time. Then it dropped. After the match, for no reason whatsoever and despite the fact that Brutus was the babyface, he and Jimmy Hart held down the referee who had a suspiciously false looking ponytail that Brutus cut off. Brutus got more pyro than most of the other guys on the card.

Bikini Contest - during the promotion for the show they talked up the women they were bringing down - Lacey Von Erich, Stephanie Pietz, Kosa Marie Turner and one other. Anyway, I only knew Lacey, and I didn't really care. Nor did the crowd. The Pimp Fatha came out to MC this one, and he didn't even know the names of the girls. Basically, he would say 'do your thing' and a girl would strip down to her bikini, with the idea being the loudest cheer won the contest. Lacey got the biggest cheer. One of the girls was roundly booed for no other reason than the fact she was marginally less attractive than the other three. Everyone around us asked why they bothered flying these girls down at all seeing as they didn’t wrestle, given the WWA used to just hire local strippers to do the same thing.

Mr. Ken Anderson def. Sean Morley - Kennedy made a point of saying his name was now Mr. Ken Anderson, so when he did the 'Misteerrr' scthick he followed it with Kennedy's dead, it's 'Andersonnnnn.' Then he broke character by laughing. Then he and Val proceeded to have a really boring match that was dominated by restholds. Both guys REALLY phoned this one in. Kennedy won with that move that he does after Val missed the Money Shot. Kennedy is not in ‘WWE shape.’

Brian Christopher and Rikishi def. Orlando Jordan and Umaga. Not bad. At one point Umaga went over the top rope and cleared the barricade ending up in the crowd, which could’ve ended badly. Orlando Jordan is in good shape. Rikishi is huge – bigger than I’ve ever seen him before. After the match, he and Brian Christopher danced with the referee.

By this stage, the show had been going for three hours and everyone was waiting for the main event. Flair had cut an AWESOME promo earlier in the night, and I regret that I didn’t film it. There was a Hogan promo which I filmed and can put up tomorrow, followed by Flair coming out to a bastardised version of his traditional music. Both guys got a tremendous reaction.

Anyway – Hogan def. Flair with brass knuckles. The match was very slow. Hogan’s knee brace was loose within thirty seconds, and as he tried to get out of the ring part of it got caught on the ropes and he nearly fell through the ropes to the outside. It was uncomfortable to watch. He then spent the next 15-20 seconds on the outside trying to adjust it. The referee should’ve counted him out, but he didn’t. Finally, after realising any attempts to re-strap it out in front of the live crowd were futile, he took it off and threw it away. Then he took the worst face slam into the barricade on the outside and started bleeding. Lacey Von Erich inexplicably came out to ringside during all this too. Flair took a decent backdrop and did the top rope spot he usually does. At one point, Hogan went to climb the ropes and start punching Flair in the corner, except he slipped on the ropes and half fell off, which was similarly uncomfortable to watch. The fight went to the outside for a bit, though everything seemed like it was at half-speed. Flair bladed and bled EVERYWHERE. Anyway, back in the ring, Lacey tripped Hogan as he hit the ropes (thereby turning heel, I guess), Flair used the knucks that were hidden in his trunks at one point, pinned Hogan. Hogan kicked out or something. Lacey might’ve been on the apron at this stage. Anyhow, Hogan gained the ascendancy, gave Flair the big boot, and while Lacey was still distracting the referee he took the knucks from Flair’s trunks, flattened him, got the cover and won the match. Everyone thought it was quite underwhelming because nobody expected Hogan to win without dropping the leg. Then he posed and everybody left, and I had to walk back 2km to my car in torrential rain, so now I'm sitting here typing this in wet clothes.

All in all, if nothing else it is nice to be able to say I saw Hogan wrestle (though all he did was walk through a 15 minute match), and Flair still has something special despite his age (primarily his ability to cut a great promo). But yeah, I would've been pissed if I paid $360 for a ringside seat.

Opening (+ entrance-ите на Eugene & Godfather):

Кадри от bikini contest-а (Lacey Von Erich прави backflip!):

Entrance-ът и промотo на Mr. Anderson:

Промото на Ric Flair:

Промото на Hogan:

Entrance-ът на Flair:

или http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHm8BLYMf6c

Entrance-ът на Hogan:

Финалът на Hogan vs. Flair:

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Gonna fly this boat to the moon somehow

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.

If you don't believe me or don't get it, I don't have time to try to convince you, sorry.

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Възможно ли е шоуто да бъде качено някъде, за да си го изгледаме всички както подобава?

P.S. Mr. Anderson is FAT.

Edited by 'Hamma


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Възможно ли е шоуто да бъде качено някъде, за да си го изгледаме всички както подобава?

P.S. Mr. Anderson is FAT.

Шоуто уж ще бъде излъчвано и предполагам ще бъде качено. А ако не - да се надяваме, че ще има rip на DVD-то.

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Само шоуто от Сидни ще бъде излъчено по тв в Австралия през декември, a иначе по принцип и 4-те шоута са предвидени за DVD.

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Hulkamania Tour

November 24, 2009

Perth, Australia

The setup was decent, with a big screen periodically playing backstage vignettes throughout the night and a ring adorned with red and yellow Hulkamania ropes. Music and titantrons were all generic. Crowd was shy to start off with, but got into the show as it went along and were really hot for the main event.

Here are the results:

Match 1 - Rikishi & Brian Christopher def. Rock Of Love

Basic match built around Rikishi setting up and eventually performing the stinkface. It got a decent pop from the crowd. Rikishi sat on a guy for the win. Rikishi, Christopher and the referee danced after the match

Match 2 - Shannon Moore def. Spartan 3000 Matt Cross

It was announced this was the 2nd match in a best of 3 series to win $25,000.Matt Cross has a Spartan warrior gimmick. Moore won with a corkscrew moonsault, tying the series at 1-1. Moore looked good, I could see him fitting in OK in TNA.

Match 3 - Rosey def. Godfather (w/Hos) and Val Venis in a Three Way Dance

Rosey came out in his old superhero gear. According to his titantron, his ring name was Big Daddy Row Row. Val Venis heeled on the crowd before the match. Godfather's Hos got the second biggest pop of the night. Basically Rosey and Godfather teaming up on Val. Funny moment where Rosey was hitting jabs on Val and the crowd chanted S.H.I.T. with each punch. Rosey pinned Val with a samoan drop. Rosey and Godfather left together with the Hos after the match.

Match 4 - Heidenreich & Gangrel & Black Pearl def. Nasty Boys & Eugene (w/Jimmy Hart)

Heidenreich was doing the Heidenwalk. Gangrel did the blood spit. Lots of stalling in this match, the heels got the heat on Eugene as the Nasty Boys pumped up the crowd. Sags looks in really good shape, Knobs not so much. At one point as the heels worked on Eugene, Gangrel screamed Kill that retard!. Probably the worst match of the night. Jimmy Hart doesn't seem to age. Heidenreich ended up pinning Eugene with a sidewalk slam. Nastys teased using some plunder, but didn't deliver.


Bikini Contest - 3 unknowns came out and Godfather hosted. It ended up breaking down into a pillow fight.

Match 5 - Orlando Jordan def. Ken Kennedy

Kennedy did his pre-match mic routine but said Mr Anderson instead. Orlando's theme music has a line saying All the girls love me, and all the guys want to get with me. Probably the best match of the night, they worked well together. Orlando got the pin using the ropes.

Match 6 - Umaga def. Brutus Beefcake (w/Jimmy Hart)

Strange matchup. Very short, with Umaga getting the pin after the Samoan Spike. Brutus sold it big time and was helped to the back afterwards.

Match 7 - Hulk Hogan def. Ric Flair (w/Lacey Von Erich)

Before the match, the ring announcer said this is now No DQ. Deafening reactions for both Hogan and Flair. Hogan came out to the WCW American Made theme music. Both bled heavily very early in the match. Lots of chops to Hogan, he took his only back bump in the match from one of them. Hogan threw Flair off the top rope. Flair did the full moon spot. Orlando Jordan and Heidenreich came out and started beating down Hogan, but the Nasty Boys made the save and also gave Flair Pitty City. Hogan and Flair crowd brawled for a while. At one point Jimmy Hart came out and pulled Lacey Von Erich off the apron, accidentally exposing her ass for a moment. Hogan also gave her an atomic drop. Umaga then came out and beat up on Hogan and gave him the corner splash. Hogan then Hulked up, gave Flair a terrible big boot then clocked him with Jimmy Hart's megaphone for the pin.

Hogan did his posing routine for a few minutes after the match to end the show.

In retrospect, the show was nothing special. The action was basic, and the spectacle of the main event got really cheapened by all the run-ins. However, it was worth it for the chance to see both Hogan and Flair live, especially here in isolated Western Australia.

We attended the Perth show of the Hulkamania Tour of Australia at the Burswood Dome.

The first match was Rock of Love Vs Brian Christopher Lawler & Junior Fatu. Rikishi & Grand Master Sexay came out doing their full 2 Cool Gimmick (i swear Lawler was wearing the same gear circa 2000) They cut a backstage promo before the match building up the Stink Face and thats how it finished up Stink Face and the win to 2 Cool who teased the crowd with Fatu pretending to start leaving but Christopher and the crowd convince him to stay they then proceed to boogy down with the ref.

Next up was a 3 way Dance with Big Daddy Row Row Vs Sean Morley Vs the Pimp Father complete with Ho Train. Morely worked heel playing for cheap heat and after mistakenly thinking his prior relationship with the Godfather meant they will team up pimp man gets on the mike and proceeds to inform the crowd while morley has never given is money row row put down a down payment on 4 of is Ho's that night

Row Row gets the pin and he and pimpfather get down with the Hos

The 3rd match was Spartan 3000 Vs Shannon Moore This match was good Spartan 3000 pulled off a nice Shooting Star Press off the turn buckle to land on his feet, Shannon Moore moves ever forward in his attempt to become Jeff Hardy and pulled off some better moves than we've seen from Jeff in years Shannon Moore gets the pin after a crazy twisting moonsault.

Next up was a 6 man tag with Vampire Warrior, Black Pearl and Heidenreich Vs The Nasty Boys & Nick Dinsmore with Jimmy Hart Average match with Eugene providing some Comic relief. The heels get the win with a pin on Dinsmore.

Bikini contest with some skanky chicks no real wrestling involved. Cant remember their names but who cares. No Lacey Von Erich.

Orlando Jordan Vs Ken Anderson. The crowd was really psyched to see Kennedy but he managed to completely botch the finish (sunset flip off the turnbuckle) No wonder WWE sacked him.

Uto Vs Brutus Beefcake It was nice to see Umaga get dominated by someone who isnt Cena this match was quite good Uto won with the Samoan spike. Massive Pop for Umaga.

Finally the Main Event Ric Flair with Lacey Von Erich Vs Hulk Hogan The crowd was very Pro Flair but everyone went crazy for Hulk the match was announced earlier in the night as No DQ and half the locker room came down at various point through out the match Flair and Hogan took it into the crowd and were both bleeding hard almost straight away into the match.

Lacey lost her dress at some point and spent most of the match jumping up and down in her underwear at ringside. We were also treated to a detrunked ric flair we watched it we cant Unwatch it.

Finally Uto ran out and he and Flair began to beat down on Hogan thus enabling the inevitiable Hulk up and Pin.

All in all a great night Much better than the WWE's last outing here good fun was had by all especially i think those in the ring.

Welcome to Hulkamania! Let the battle begin! The set is phat, I can see the EPW ring but its decked out with red and yellow ropes. I think it's funny they can afford all their stars fees, but they can't afford to provide and transport their own ring. Excellent intro video to get everyone pumped, music is a version of Clint Mansell's Summer Overture but sounding a little bit like the music from T2. Ok, here we go.

Junior Fatu and Brian Christopher def. Rock of Love

Decent match to kick off the night, if not for the inclusion of the Poison groupies. Good reaction for Fatu, and even better for Grand Master Sexay. That zebra tracksuit must be a decade old by now. The match itself was pretty weak, only a few entertaining spots, including Rock of Love debilitating Christopher then forcing his limp body to play air guitar, and of course the stinkface. Rikishi has put on stacks of weight since his WWE days so a stinkface these days is potentially fatal. I was right behind that turnbuckle so that was more horrific than entertaining. I've seen less dimples on a golf ball. Fatu wins with his giant arse.

Shannon Moore def. Spartan 3000 Matt Cross

Right at the start it was announced this was the second match in a best of three series. Gee, I wonder who's going to win now? Hmmm. Easily the best match on the card in-ring wise, but didn't offer much more than that. Matt Cross is way too good a wrestler to be saddled with such a shitty gimmick. Good back and forth match, but the high spots were limited including Cross Moore predictably picks up the win and levels the series 1-1.

Big Daddy Row Row def. Sean Morley & The Pimp Father

Have to say, right at the start of this match, when the name Big Daddy Row Row flashed up, I thought 2 things. A) Big Vis is back B) That's the shittest name ever. I was right about one of them. Rosey comes to the ring in his full superhero get-up. Pimp Father comes out to a huge pop, stops halfway to the ring and gestures to the back. A plethora of hotties comes striding out to a raucous ovation from the 18-24 males in the crowd. You can almost hear a collective slap as hundreds of women hit their boyfriends. Morley and Wright said they're cut from the same cloth but Morley heels on them and Wright says that Rosey paid in advance. Dodgy. Match begins. Didn't watch the match, distracted by the hoes. Rosey pins Morley with a Samoan drop, Rosey and Wright leave with all the hoes. I want to go with them. I am in love with the one with pink streaks.

Heidenreich, Black Pearl, Vampire Warrior def. Nasty Boyz and Nick Dinsmore

I wonder how Dinsmore feels working a retard gimmick under his real name. The less said about this match the better. This was bad. I'm talking Volkoff/Shiek vs Bushwhackers bad. That's how bad. When you have 6 guys, and the best worker of the lot is Dinsmore, you know you're in for a farce of a match. Way too much stalling for a match that was bound to suck anyway. My favourite wrestler in the match, Black Pearl, hardly got tagged in. I was glad when this match finished after Heidenreich pinned the retard following a slam. They teased using a table after the match, but they didn't, just adding to the disappointment.

BIKINI CONTEST! Koa Marie Turner def. Kara Dillon and Stephanie Pietz

What am I meant to say here? Hot sluts took their kit off. Steph and Koa went with the flow and stripped. Steph has the better tits, but Koa has the better arse. Kara heels and tries to leave, just as well, as she was fairly hot but I was distracted looking at her Triple H nose. I can't tell you who won because it degenerated into a catfight. The only winners here are the blokes in the first few rows. At first I was devastated that Lacey wasn't a part of it, but it's okay because I saw more of her later. Literally.

Orlando Jordan def. Ken "Kennedy" Anderson

Orlando heels right off the bat just in case we forgot he was a dick, with the gayest entrance ever. His music says "the guys want to get with me." No OJ, they don't. Ken did his awesome intro, complete with interrupting the actual announcer. (Who was useless by the way) Possibly the second best match of the night behind Moore/Cross. OJ really suprised me, but I still hate him. They tease the Mic Check and the Lamboo Leap but neither happen. Anderson eventually loses which is probably the hugest disappointment of the night for me personally.

Uso "Umaga" Fatu def. Brutus Beefcake

Definitely the "What else should we do with these guys" match of the night, and shouldn't have been given this slot. The person I attended the show with predicted this match way ahead of time, I remember saying "No fucking way, who would do that?" Well, they answered that question very promptly. I have to admit, as a 7 year old, I was a fan of his, but seeing a 50 year old man in slashed tights and bleached hair made me sad. Not just for him, but for his family. Uso Fatu wins with a Samoan Spike. Yes, he won with a thumb to the neck. I've never understood that.

Hulk Hogan w/ Jimmy Hart def. Ric Flair w/ Lacey Von Erich

This match was simply amazing. Not for the incredible in-ring action, but for the fact we were witnessing the 2 biggest draws in wrestling history tie up mere metres from our eyes. Noone expected a 5-star classic, and thank christ for that, because we didn't get one. Ric bled very early in the piece, and he bled PROFUSELY when he did. Hogan bladed not long after. We got about 5-10 minutes of the two beating on one another. Then the run-ins started. We didn't pay for run-ins. We paid for Hogan vs Flair. This is my biggest gripe of the night. Once all the b-grade run-ins were dealt with, it was left upto the legends to get in all their spots, including a Flair flop, and Flair's bare arse being exposed. Thankfully we were compensated not long after when Jimmy Hart dacked Lacey Von Erich and her sensational arse was on show for all the world to see, Possibly the spot of the night. Once all the interference was dealt with, they locked up for a final flurry, including the the moment I was waiting for. Flair has a punch blocked, Hogan points and along with thousands of Hulkamaniacs yells "YOU!!" A few punches and a big boot later and Ric is laid out in the centre of the ring. Hulk teases leg drop, but calls to Jimmy. Jimmy Hart throws him the megaphone as Naitch gets to his feet. Hogan nails Flair in the skull, tosses the weapon and makes the cover. 1-2-3 Hogan wins, suprise suprise. Hogan does his routine in the ring, flexing and pandering to the crowd. Usually I hate watching this on TV, but being front row pressed against the fence while it happens is a different story. It was incredible.

I haven't been the biggest Hulkamaniac in recent times, but when I was younger I was. I wept when I was 6 or 7 and Hogan dropped the strap to Warrior, I was inconsolable. Seriously. I used to sing along to "Real American" even though I clearly was not American. So to be within 3 rows of my childhood hero was simply amazing. More surreal than anything, absolutely nothing like it. I had a great night and I don't know why anyone would complain. Anyone who went expecting a night of top notch wrestling and five-star classics is just kidding themselves and deserves to be disappointed. Everyone else who went for the awesome nostalgia kick and the once in a lifetime chance to witness history, left very content, and more than likely clad in a retro yellow Hulk shirt. I sure as hell did.

Hulkamania STILL rules, brother.

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Прочетох резултатите от шоуто им в Пърт от онзи ден (24.11.2009) и останах доста заинтригуван - Flair, Hogan, Rikishi!

Може ли отнякъде да се намери това да се гледа?


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