nWoHulkster Posted May 21, 2009 Share Posted May 21, 2009 На пресконференция в Пуерто Рико беше обявено, че следните кечисти от WWE ще вземат участиe в по традиция главното пуерториканско кеч шоу за годината: Carlito Primo Umaga MVP WWE Divas (още не е ясно точно кои) Quote Link to comment
nWoHulkster Posted May 21, 2009 Author Share Posted May 21, 2009 Малко снимчици от пресконференцията. Corino е MEGA AWESOME с този костюм. :cool: Quote Link to comment
nWoHulkster Posted May 31, 2009 Author Share Posted May 31, 2009 Обявени мачове: Hair vs. Mask: "Mr. Raytings" Ray Gonzalez vs. La Pesadilla (The Nightmare) WWC Universal Title: "Mr. Wrestling" Steve Corino © vs. "The Phenomenon" BJ WWE Unified Tag Team Titles: Carlito & Primo © vs. ??? & ??? WWE Superstar vs. WWE Superstar: Umaga vs. MVP В шоуто ще участват още: WWE Divas, "Glamour Boy" Shane Sewell, El Bronco, Thunder & Lightning, "Superstar" Idol Stevens, Los Aereos (Carlitos & Hiram Tua) и др. Както обикновено Anniversario шоуто е посветено на кеч легенда. Тази година това ще бъде Hugo Savinovich (бивш кечист и мениджър/настоящ WWE Spanish announcer). Quote Link to comment
g0sHky Posted May 31, 2009 Share Posted May 31, 2009 Хм , изглежда интересно.Дано се появи някъде из интернет :) Quote [center][img]http://store.picbg.net/pubpic/E2/48/1b9dc993c1aae248.png[/img] [size=3][color=blue]Carefree, wherever we may be We are the famous CFC And we don't give a fuck Whoever you may be 'Cos we are the famous CFC[/color][/size] [/center] Link to comment
nWoHulkster Posted June 10, 2009 Author Share Posted June 10, 2009 Пуерториканската боксова суперзвезда Felix "Tito" Trinidad (45-3) ще вземе участие в шоуто. Ролята му ще бъде обявена официално утре по време на пресконференция. Quote Link to comment
g0sHky Posted June 11, 2009 Share Posted June 11, 2009 Впрочем на 100% ли е сигурно участието на Умага ? Quote [center][img]http://store.picbg.net/pubpic/E2/48/1b9dc993c1aae248.png[/img] [size=3][color=blue]Carefree, wherever we may be We are the famous CFC And we don't give a fuck Whoever you may be 'Cos we are the famous CFC[/color][/size] [/center] Link to comment
nWoHulkster Posted June 12, 2009 Author Share Posted June 12, 2009 ^ Ще видим. ---------------- Пресконференцията: Felix Trinidad ще е рефер на мача между Ray Gonzalez & La Pesadilla (The Nightmare). Jose Chaparro (мениджърът на Pesadilla, Corino и т.н.) го конфронтирал и го заплашил, че ще доведе Roy Jones, Jr. и Don King lol. Thunder & Lightning ще се изправят срещу Carlito & Primo Colon, за да определят кой е най-добрия пуерторикански отбор. Мдам, определено това са двата топ отбора и мачът е адски добро попълнение към card-a. Пресконференцията е получила доста медийно внимание. Quote Link to comment
nWoHulkster Posted June 17, 2009 Author Share Posted June 17, 2009 WWC Universal Title Match "Mr. Wrestling" Steve Corino © vs. "The Phenomenon" BJ Hair vs. Mask Match, special guest referee: Felix Trinidad "Mr. Raytings" Ray Gonzalez vs. La Pesadilla (The Nightmare) WWE Unified Tag Team Champions vs. WWC Tag Team Champions Carlito & Primo Colon vs. Thunder & Lightning MVP vs. "The Samoan Bulldozer" Umaga WWC Puerto Rican Title Match "Superstar" Idol Stevens © vs. "Glamour Boy" Shane Sewell "El Leon" Apolo vs. El Bronco Quote Link to comment
HEIDENREICH Posted June 18, 2009 Share Posted June 18, 2009 Добре ,Umaga нали го уволниха-още ли е в картата? Quote Link to comment
nWoHulkster Posted June 22, 2009 Author Share Posted June 22, 2009 ^ Както казах по-горе, ще видим. Umaga & Carlito по принцип са добри приятели, така че не вярвам Umaga да не си уважи ангажимента. Освен ако WWE не осерат работата или Umaga има някакви лични проблеми (в момента отказва офертите за indy участия...) най-вероятно ще си се бие на шоуто. Междувременно бяха добавени още два мача и card-ът вече изглежда така: WWC Universal Title Match "Mr. Wrestling" Steve Corino © vs. "The Phenomenon" BJ Hair vs. Mask Match, special guest referee: Felix Trinidad "Mr. Raytings" Ray Gonzalez vs. La Pesadilla (The Nightmare) Special guest referee: Isaac Rosary Carlito & Primo Colon vs. Thunder & Lightning MVP vs. "The Samoan Bulldozer" Umaga WWC Puerto Rican Title Match "Superstar" Idol Stevens © vs. "Glamour Boy" Shane Sewell "El Leon" Apolo vs. El Bronco TNA Knockouts Match - special guest referee: Stacy Colon ODB vs. Traci Brooks Lucha X Extrema for the WWC Junior Heavyweight Title Tommy Diablo © vs. Ricky Reyes vs. Hiram Tua vs. Carlitos vs. Johnny Styles vs. Angel vs. Chicky Starr Наличието на ТNA Knockouts мач ме навежда на мисълта, че в крайна сметка WWE сигурно са решили да не пращат divas. Stacy Colon = сестрата на Carlito & Primo. Lucha X Extrema = Extreme Ultimate X Match. Quote Link to comment
nWoHulkster Posted June 29, 2009 Author Share Posted June 29, 2009 И следващият кечист, който беше обявен за шоуто е: Mrrrrrrrr Kennedyyyyyy...........Kennedyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. :P Quote Link to comment
nWoHulkster Posted July 4, 2009 Author Share Posted July 4, 2009 MVP няма да участва в шоуто... Новият опонент на Umaga е Mr. Kennedy. Quote Link to comment
nWoHulkster Posted July 5, 2009 Author Share Posted July 5, 2009 Kaкво е общото между TNA Bound For Glory, TNA Lockdown, NJPW - January 4th in Tokyo Dome, NJPW G1 Climax (като цяло), CMLL's Anniversary show, AAA TripleMania, NWA Anarchy Hostile Environment и WWC Aniversario? Общото е, че по традиция това са кеч шоутата, които очаквам с най-голям интерес през последните 4-5 години. Е, разбира се има и други, но те всяка година са различни, а към гореспоменатите шоута винаги имам голям интерес. И така, WWC Aniversario 2009: = Tommy Diablo © vs. Ricky Reyes vs. Hiram Tua vs. Carlitos vs. Johnny Styles vs. Angel vs. Chicky Starr - Предишният Ultimate X мач тази година беше доста забавен, така че и този очаквам да бъде доста забавен за гледане. Единствената въпросителна тук е 50+-годишната пуерториканска кеч легенда Chicky Starr, който всъщност бе централна част от build-a за мача (шампионът Tommy Diablo по принцип искаше singles мач срещу Chicky, но получи друго...). За победител не знам, а и чесно казано няма значение. Важното е шоу да става. = ODB vs. Traci Brooks - Първо, К*Р за WWE! Като кажеш, че ще пращаш WWE Divas - пращай WWE Divas! Не прави курвенски cancellations! Oт известно време насам WWC имат желание да сложат временен акцент на WWE Diva style кеч (т.е. кеч с добре изглеждащи кечистки, а майната им на мачовете и тяхното качество). Затова докараха австралийката Sara Jay и я направиха шампионка още на първия й мач, но с нея имаше задкулистни проблеми и работата не стана. После решиха направо да вземат WWE Divas за най-голямото шоу за годината (Kelly Kelly, Candice, май Mickey James и още някоя бяха обещаните им диви), но WWE си направиха курвенския номер и не пратиха нищо, макар че бяха казали, че ще пратят и това вече беше официално обявено. Едно обаждане до Dutch Mantel по-късно и дивите бяха заменени от TNA Knockouts. Лошо няма, но този мач не е толкова атрактивен колкото щеше да бъде мача на дивите и то не заради друго, а защото ако някой иска да гледа TNA Knockouts ще отиде да гледа Velvet Sky & Angelina Love следващата седмица на годишнината на IWA (много хитър ход от IWA, между другото ). По-интересното за мен е, че Stacy Colon ще бъде рефер. Гот! Отдавна не се беше появявала в WWC. Стабилно женско мачле и горе-долу това е. Би било добър ход тук да пратят някоя WWC кечистка да се намеси и да вземе малко rub покрай TNA мадамите и сестрата на Carlito и Primo. = "El Leon" Apolo vs. El Bronco - След известно отсъствие от пуерториканската кеч сцена Apolo се завръща за специално участие на най-голямото шоу за годината. Доволно. Apolo вече не е мегазвездата, която беше преди няколко години, но пак си има известна популярност, така че е добро попълнение. Все още не съм 100% сигурен дали мачът ще се състои, тъй като се върти някакъв слух, че може и да отпадне. Както и да е, ще видим. Стабилен мач между две от по-големите пуерторикански кеч имена. "Superstar" Idol Stevens © vs. "Glamour Boy" Shane Sewell - Поредният стабилен мач. Idol Stevens винаги е бил един стабилен кечист и още по-стабилен образ, който така и не получи добра възможност за изява в WWE, така че се радвам, че сега я получава в WWC. Shane e ясен - една от по-големите звезди в Пуерто Рико. Би било доволен момент Shane да спечели титлата, но от друга страна би било и доволен момент, ако Idol го победи. Все тая. Важното е да стане стабилен мач. "The Samoan Bulldozer" Umaga vs. Ken Anderson - Втори К*Р за WWE! Като кажеш, че ще пращаш MVP - пращай MVP! Не прави курвенски cancellations една седмица преди шоуто и то поради глупави причини! Било рисковано MVP да ходи в Пуерто Рико веднага след австралийското турне. Мдам, за Carlito & Primo не е рисковано, но за MVP е... Абе я марш от тук бе, стамфордски мизерници! Това извинение е bullshit, кой знае по каква шантава причина са се отметнали от думата си. Много мразя подобни курвенски номера. Като кажеш, че ще правиш нещо - прави го! Но стига толкова гняв. Umaga/Anderson даже ми звучи по-добре от Umaga/MVP, където MVP със сигурност щеше да спечели. Сега нещата са по-интересни. Покрай връзките на Carlito WWC винаги получават лесен достъп до току-що освободените кечисти от WWE и често се случва първите им post-WWE изяви да са точно в WWC. Доволно. Поредният стабилен мач и една не лоша атракция, която несъмнено ще добави още някой друг долар в джобовете на WWC. Carlito & Primo Colon vs. Thunder & Lightning - Възможно най-големият отборен сблъсък към момента. Двата топ пуерторикански кеч отбора един срещу друг! Все още не съм сигурен дали отборните титли ще са заложени, но се надявам да са заложени и T&L да спечелят/да запазят титлите си. Нямам нищо против и The Colons да победят, но като се има предвид, че (WWE Raw spoiler:)Carlito turn-ва срещу Primo следващата седмица на Raw звучи ми по-логично Т&L да вземат победата. При всички случаи този мач е много добро попълнение към най-голямото кеч шоу за годината в Пуерто Рико. "Mr. Raytings" Ray Gonzalez vs. La Pesadilla (The Nightmare) - Последните две години WWC залагаха на mega dream сблъсъци за main event на Aniversario (2007 - Carlito vs. Scott Hall, 2008 - Carlito vs. Ray Gonzalez), но тази година заложиха на другия вариант за main event на топ шоуто за годината - дълъг build до blow off на вражди. Лошо няма. И двата варианта действат, когато се направят както трябва. Специално при този мач build-ът е повече от половин година и stipulation-a е перфектен. На всички им е ясно кой е La Pesadilla (Orlando Colon), така че освен ако не направят някой огромен swerve именно това ще е изхода от мача - официален heel turn за Orlando. Участието на мегазвездата Felix Trinidad също е огромен плюс и си е голям удар за WWC, че са успяли да го накарат да участва в кеч шоу. "Mr. Wrestling" Steve Corino © vs. "The Phenomenon" BJ - И този мач има няколко месеца build. По-рано тази година младата надежда на WWC успя да спечели титлата, но Corino и ко. анулираха решението и Corino си остана шампион. После Corino прецака BJ и го лиши от Puerto Rican титлата. Сега е момента младокът най-после да срази подмолния Corino и да му вземе най-ценното: Universal титлата! Pop-ът за Title win-a на BJ по-рано тази година беше внушителен, така че и тук очаквам подобен pop. Общо взето тази година шоуто се очертава много добре. Надявам се да няма още промени, но не го изключвам като вариант. Всички мачове са поне стабилни на хартия и като цяло card-a е много добре замислен. High-flying, жени, местна звездна сила, мач-атракция с WWE звездна сила, отборен dream сблъсък, два големи blow off-a и боксова мегазвезда, която да докара медийно внимание. Специално участието на Trididad e много ключово. Дано да получат доста медийно внимание покрай това участие, защото ако го направят нещата са така book-нати, че покрай медийното внимание ще могат да се родят две истински млади звезди, тъй като mainstream аудиторията ще види heel turn-ът на Orlando Colon и възхода на BJ. И все пак, като се има предвид в каква дупка в пуерториканска икономика и как WWE ядат хляба на местните федерации с честите си шоута на острова и чудовищната си тв гледаемост (чисто информативно: WWE - 10-12, WWC - 4-7, IWA - 3-5) ще е трудно за шоуто да draw-не публиката, която заслужава да draw-не. Да не говорим, че тази година и най-голямото шоу на IWA е следващата седмица, а на него ще има неща като завръщанията на Ricky Banderas & Bryan, както и участие на The Beautiful People. Това са все фактори, които ще се отразят негативно на WWC Aniversario. Както и да е. Това са грижи на WWC. Важното за мен е, че шоуто се очертава много добре и нямам търпение да дойде. П.С. Между другото, theme song-чето на шоуто е страшно зарибително, но уви няма откъде да си го намеря. :( Quote Link to comment
nWoHulkster Posted July 11, 2009 Author Share Posted July 11, 2009 Малко снимки от вчера: П.С. Мадамата на последните две снимки е Stacy Colon. :) Quote Link to comment
nWoHulkster Posted July 12, 2009 Author Share Posted July 12, 2009 Promotion: World Wrestling Council Event: Aniversario 36 Place: Bayamon, Puerto Rico Arena: Coliseo Ruben Rodriguez de Bayamon Attendance: 6,800-8,000 The show began with Victoria Sanabria and Manolo Mongil singing The Puertorican and American national anthems. All the announcers came out - Willie Urbina, Abel Duran, Jerry Rodriguez & Axel Cruz. They then brought out Hector Moyano and Carlos Cabrera who talked about Hugo Savinovich. Carlitos def. Ricky Reyes, Hiram Tua, Johnny Styles, Angel & Chicky Starr in a Extreme Lucha X match to win the WWC Junior Heavyweight Title - Tremendous match with lots of high-flying moves. Idol Stevens (with Jose Chaparro) def. Shane Sewell to retain the WWC Puertorican Title - Not a very good match. It was short too. Idol won after hitting Shane with a facebuster on a steel chair. Traci Brooks def. ODB - Traci received help from the special guest referee Stacy Colon. Good match. El Bronco (with Carmen) def. Crazy Rudy (a replacement for Apolo) - Short match and the weakest of the night. The finish was Carmen interfering to stop Rudy from using his barbedwire bat and then Bronco using a brass knuckles to knock Rudy out for the pin. Umaga def. Mr. Kennedy - Both men got fantastic reactions from the crowd. Kennedy did his pre-match microphone deal. Good match. Umaga won after hitting the Samoan spike. Carlito came out to talk about turning on Eddie on this week's Raw. Carlito basically said he's the better wrestler of the two but tonight they will be united and defeat Thunder & Lighting. Carlito also talked about how leaving Puerto Rico was the best thing he ever did which drew lots of heel heat. BJ defeated Steve Corino to become the WWC Universal champion - Great match. Afterwards Corino and BJ shook hands and hugged in a sign of respect. As BJ was celebrating his victory the lights went out and Noriega's music hit! Once the lights came back on Noriega was standing on the third rope and jumped on BJ. The former Universal champion Noriega has returned to WWC!! Noriega then took the Universal Title and said that he was the true WWC Universal champion! 35-minute recess. Thet had to change the mat because during the last match BJ got sick and threw up in the middle of the ring. Tribute to Hugo Savinovich - It was very touching. The singer Abraham sang a song. Hugo talked for a bit and then brought out Joe Don Smith to talk about his battle with cancer. Thunder & Lightning def. Carlito & Eddie Colon - Good match. The story of the match was Carlito & Eddie trying to get along but eventually Carlito turned on Eddie and hit him with a Backstabber. The finish saw T&L hit the double chokeslam on Carlito for the win. After the match Eddie hit Carlito with a Backstabber to a great pop. Ray Gonzalez def. La Pesadilla (with Jose Chaparro) in a Hair vs. Mask match - Before the match the special guest referee Tito Trinidad sent Chaparro's security to the back. Very good match. The finish was great. Pesadilla did something to piss off Trinidad so Trinidad went to hit Pesadilla but ended up hitting Gonzalez instead. Pesadilla then went for the cover and Trinidad had no choice but to make the count. Fortunately Gonzalez managed to put his foot on the ropes. Pesadilla got pissed off and slapped Tito who then hit Pesadilla with several punches and knocked him down. Gonzalez then hit his finisher on Pesadilla and covered him for the 1,2,3. Gonzalez & Trinidad then proceeded to unmask La Pesadilla who turned out to be...Orlando Colon. The event ended with Gonzalez and Trinidad celebrating while confetti fell from the ceiling. Overall it was a tremendous show. Клип: Финалът на Ray Gonzalez vs. La Pesadilla Quote Link to comment
nWoHulkster Posted July 12, 2009 Author Share Posted July 12, 2009 Още два репортажа. Нека да има. World Wrestling Council's 36th Anniversary Show Results from Bayamon, PR on July 11th 2009 - The stadium is about 90% full, which is great news for WWC considering that the maximum capacity is around 12,000. - WWC's announce team comes out. Jerry Rodriguez, Abel Duran, Hector Moyano, Willie Urbina (TNA's Spanish Announcer) and Axel Cruz welcome the fans to the event. Axel and Willie hug, since this is the first time they are together in the same place after their stint as IWA Puerto Rico's announce team. That gets a nice pop from the fans. Carlos Cabrera (WWE's Spanish Announcer) comes out to introduce Hugo Savinovich (the other half of the WWE Spanish Announce Team) but instead we get comedian Herbert Cruz doing an Hugo impression as the fans laugh out loud. The announcers look annoyed until El Wizard makes his way out and pushes Herbert away. Alejandro Rodil and Wizard officially welcome us to the event and promise a night we will never forget. -WWC Junior Heavyweight Title: Lucha X Carlitos climbs the X to retrieve the title and become the new WWC Junior Heavyweight Champion. The other wrestlers in the match where Hiram Tua, Johnny Styles, "Havana Pitbull" Ricky Reyes, "The Man-Beast" Angel, Chicky Starr and the defending champion Tommy Diablo. Chicky, at almost 50 years old, did a somewhat spectacular dive to the outside at one point in the match and got a great pop and a "Chicky" chant. Carlitos stole the show with a dive from one of the X's support beams over everyone else. Eventually he climbs the X and gets the belt to win the bout to a nice pop. Crowd was very loud and into this match. - Local TV news personality Luz Nereida Vélez comes out to introduce the competitors for the next match. -WWC Puerto Rican Title: Aaron "The Superstar Idol" Stevens defeats Shane Sewell by pinfall after a facebuster-style move on a chair. -Stacy Colon as Special Referee: Traci Brooks defeats ODB by pinfall. Better match than expected with Traci coming out on top and getting a good pop. - The announcers mention that boxing champ Ivan Calderon is in the crowd. Then they introduce another of our boxing champions, Juan Manuel Lopez, who comes out to a great pop and proceeds to cut a promo about being here to support Felix Trinidad in his special referee role and that if something went wrong he was ready to step in and knock somebody out. - Bronco #1 defeats Crazy Rudy by pinfall in a short match. Once again Apolo no-shows a WWC event. Why do they still give him chances? Rudy brought his barbed-wire covered 4x4 with him, but was unable to use it. Bronco wins after using a set of brass knuckles. - Umaga defeats Mr. Kennedy with the Samoan Spike. Great reactions to both men, Kennedy even did his whole routine before the bout. Kennedy looked really good in the bout and there where no signs of any injuries. - Carlito comes out and talks about him turning on Primo last week on Raw. He says that he is the better wrestler, but he is also a good brother and will give Primo one last chance tonight. - WWC Universal Title: "The Phenomenal" BJ defeats "Mr. Wrestling" Steve Corino to win the WWC Universal Title. Great reaction from the fans to BJ's victory. Corino then shakes BJ's hand and hugs him to put him over. BJ becomes the youngest Universal Champion in history. Suddenly the lights go out and when they come back on NORIEGA is in the ring behind BJ and attacks him! He lays him out and then pulls out the other Universal Title (the one he stole when he left WWC) from a small bag and proclaims himself the REAL Universal Champion. - Ceremony in honor of Hugo Savinovich. Hugo gets emotional and brings in a religious singer named Abraham, who performs for the fans. Hugo then mentions that he has a deal in place to be the producer of the next two Anniversary Shows and that he will be back with us next year. -Isaac Rosario as Special Referee: Thunder & Lightning defeat Carlito & Primo Colon by pinfall. Rosario had a hand in teaching all four men how to wrestle and was chosen as the special ref for this reason. Midway through the match Primo attacks Carlito by accident and this leads to Carlito going crazy and giving him the backstabber. Thunder and Lightning catch Carlito with a double chokeslam and pin him to get the win. After the bout Primo nails Carlito with the backstabber to a good pop. -Mask vs Hair Match: Felix "Tito" Trinidad as special referee "The One and Only" Rey Gonzales defeats La Pesadilla by pinfall. During the match Pesadilla got hold of a set of brass knuckles, but Trinidad took them away, tried to nail Pesadilla, but nailed Rey by accident. Trinidad was forced to count the pinfall, but Rey placed his boot on the bottom rope! Great reaction from the fans to the near fall. Pesadilla was mad and got into Trinidad's face, but he nailed Pesadilla with his famous right hook and sends Pesadilla straight into Rey's Phoenix Landing. Rey gets the pinfall win and proceeds to unmask Pesadilla (with Trinidad's help) revealing Orlando Colon! Orlando runs away from the ring as the show comes to a close. 7/11 WWC Anniversary show results, the full report WWC held their July 11 event at the Ruben Rodriguez Coliseum at Bayamon. It is their 36th Anniversary event. PRWN correspondant Reynaldo Cruz reported the action of the show, as well PRW Twitter. Reports have a little more than 8000 fans attending the show, as the building was about 80% and capacity reported is about 13000. Show opened with singer Manolo Mongil singing the United States National Anthem. Puerto Rican Typical Music singer Victoria Sanabria sang the Puerto Rican National Anthem. Axel Cruz, Willie Urbina and Jerry Rodriguez welcomed the fans to the show. Hector Moyano was introduced. Moyano was Hugo Savinovich's partner when Savinovich worked as TV producer and TV shows host. Axel Cruz and Willie Urbina hugged to a great cheer by fans. They worked as a TV team for rival IWA. Carlos Cabrera was the next ring announcer in. Puertorrican comedian Herbert Cruz was next. He came in imitating Hugo Savinovich. Wizard came in and ran him away. Alejandro Rodil was next and he eventually introduced the first event of the night. 1-Carlitos become the Junior Heavyweight Champion when he pinned Angel on the X Match. Other participants of that match was Chicky Starr (who had one of the loudest cheers of the night), Hiram Tua and Tommy Diablo. Ricky Reyes and Johnny Styles also worked the match . At a moment of the match Chicky Starr jumped to the outside part of the ring t be catched by the other competitors. Late Starr was attacked by Diablo with a chairshot and was carried out of competition. Carlitos did some great aereal moves, jumping from the lights rail over 12 feet above the ring. They showed on the screens the Pesadilla - Ray Gonzalez Saga Luz Nereida Velez, who is the WAPA-TV News Female Anchor was welcomed. Her husband, Benjamin Casillas, is the owner of the Dream Team Store at San Patricio Plaza Mall at Guaynabo. She was booed. 2-Idol Stevens retained the Puerto Rican Title when he defeated Shane The Glamour Boy, applying a DDT on a chair. Referee didn't saw when Idol applied the DDT on the chair. Boxing Champion Juan Manuel Lopez was next. He praised Felix 'Tito' Trinidad and wanted the best for him in the match he have to referee, the main event of the hair vs. mask match between Ray Gonzalez and La Pesadilla. 3-In the match between the NWA ladies, Tracy Brooks defeated ODB. Final took place when ODB went to get hi smetal bottle to attack Brooks, but when she was about to hit her, referee Stacey Colón hold her arm with the bootle and took it from her. In the other hand, Brooks took some water on her mouth and spitted it into ODB face, so there Brooks applied a DDT to score the victory 4-Bronco defeated Crazy Rudy. Rudy was about to use his barbedwired bat against Bronco, but Bronco's valet La Bella Carmen interfered and distracted Rudy. That allowed some time so Bronco extracted and used a knux to knock Rudy to get the pinfall victory. 5-Umaga defeated Mr. Kennedy with the spike. Before the match Kennedy dis his microphone work. Both wrestlers were cheered and fans were into the match. Carlito came in and talked about his WWE situation against his brother Primo Colon. He said he came here to work and ear his money, playing heel. He said that he want to prove Puerto Rico he is the best and want to do that match that was booked before he teached Eddie who the man of the family is. He said that anyway, he wants to prove that they were the best team in Puerto Rico lately and will join his brother to prove that. 6-BJ defeated Steve Corino to become the Universal champion. After the match ended and BJ was celebrating his win, then appeared former WWC Universal champion Noriega. Noriaga came from under the ring, where he was hiding during the match. Noriega attacked BJ and extracted the old Universal title (he left the promotion last year on August 24 without dropping the title) and told the fans that the real Universal champion has returned. 40 minutes intermission. During that time, they had to change the ring mat becuase BJ vomited it while he was attacked by Noriega. The Hugo Savinovich Ceremony started. Abel Durant and Carlos Cabrera were in to do the ceremony to honor Hugo's career in Puerto Rico, that started on 1976 for a pomotion named Universal Promotions, owned by Arturo Mendoza. He joined WWC on April 1978 as a manager and he managed all the heels that came to Puerto Rico during the 1978-1983 era. He turned face in 1984 and basically left the ring action to work as the TV show producer, as well the TV show host (both for the spanish language show, as well the english language TV show that aired here in Puerto Rico on Channel 13, as well local channels on Virgin Islands, Trinidad & Tobago, Barbados and other Caribbean islands that WWC usually toured on the early 80's era. Carlos Colon and membes of the Wrestling Commission of the Recreational and Sports Department of the Puerto Rico Commenwealth came in. They did some speech and then gave Hugo a commemorative plaque for that ocassion. A very emotive moment of the show. Hugo Savinovich welcomed sacral music singer Abraham, who sang a beautiful song. Hugo Savinovich announced that he have reached a deal with WWC and will be producing their upcoming two anniversary events (37 & 38). On a very emotional moment of the show, Hugo Savinovich welcomed Joe Don Smith, who is actually battling stomach cancer and pray for his health. 7-On a match to prove who the best tag team in Puerto Rico is, Thunder & Lightning defeated Carlito and Primo Colon. First came Thunder & Lightning, and later Carlito. Eddie Colon was angry as he expected some music to be played for him, so he eventually came out without music. During the match, averytime Carlito tagged Eddie with tag at his chest, not his hands. There was a moment of the match where Carlito and Primo had problems and Carlito ended doing the back stabber to Primo, moment that Thunder & Lightning surprised Carlito and applied him their double chokeslam move to win the match and prove that they are the best team in Puerto Rico. Isaac Rosario, former WWC 1970's and 1980's enhancement wrestler, who was the teacher of all 4 wrestlers, was the special referee of the match. Rosario, at the first moments of the match was booed because he can't laid on th mat to do the counts, but he improved that some minutes later into the match. By the way, Rosario is a dyalisis patient with renal and heart problems, having underwent heart surgery soime years ago. Well, after match ended, an angry Eddie did the backstabber to Carlito as well. Former Boxing Champion Felix 'Tito' Trinidad came in to referee the night's main event. Next win as La Pesadilla, who came in all dressed on white. Next was Ray Gonzalez. Building noise was too high that you can't hear the person who was next to you. The loudest cheer of the show. 8-Ray Gonzalez defeated La Pesadilla. First moment of the action, before the match started, saw referee taking Pesadilla's Security crew out of the ring area. After more than 20 minutes of action, there was a moment of tension when doing his job as referee, Tito Trinidad accidentally hits Ray Gonzalez when he tried to take Gonzalez out of the ropes as he was counting Ray to stop his attack against La Pesilla, who was on a ring corner. On that moment La Pesadilla covered Ray, but the referee did a not wanted do the count so he ended doing it. He counted 3, but noted that Ray Gonzalez's foot was on the rope, so he said count reached two due to the situation and ordered the match to continue. That makes Pesadilla angry and then he slapped Tito Trinidad, who responded back with a pair of heavy punches to the head, knocking Pesadilla, so there Ray covered Pesadila to win the match, save his hair and have the right to unmask Pesadilla. La Pesadilla was finally unmasked. He was revealed as Orlando Colón. Orlando tried to hide his face from the fans, and even fans at ringside wasn't sure if really La Pesadilla who unmasked was Orlando due to the fact of Pesadilla hiding his face. Клип: Mrrrrrr Kennedyyy...Kennedyyyyyy или Клип: Carlitos' INSANE dive! Quote Link to comment
BoRn_2B_GoD Posted July 13, 2009 Share Posted July 13, 2009 Ако се съди по facebook-a на Кенеди той не беше особено доволен от престоя си в Пуерто Рико Но всъщност той не трябваше ли да се представи по друг начин, а не като Кенеди? Предполагам (даже съм почти сигурен), че WWE държат правата над името и очаквах Mr.Anderson или нещо такова. А доколкото видях в клипа си крещи "Мr.Kennedy". Moже да го смъмрят... Интересно е как ситуацията между Карлито и Примо в WWE за малко не е омазала участието им тук. Може би мачът е щял да бъде по-добър без "can't-get-along" ситуацията. А и рефера да не може да легне заради проблеми със сърцето? WTF?!? И последно интересно нещо: чудно ми е след като историята между Корино и BJ е била с такъв сериозен build и предполагам победата на BJ е била наистина чакана, защо след края на мача WWC са направили такъв aftermath? Някак засенчва мача и е можело да остане за друго шоу, знам ли... Quote Link to comment
nWoHulkster Posted July 13, 2009 Author Share Posted July 13, 2009 ^ С изключение на варианта, при който името се използва в конкурентна федерация с национална тв сделка, на WWE в общи линии им е през оная работа кой какво име използа и къде го използва. Пример: Chris Masters, който откакто се махна от WWE многократно е използвал името "Chris Masters" и никой не му е правил проблем. Е, естествено най-добре е да си ползваш друго име, защото знае ли човек някой ден какво ще им хрумне на ония шемети в WWE... Ей така от нищото изведнъж могат да решат да почнат да се заяждат за името. В случая, WWC рекламираха Anderson като "Kennedy" и Jamal като "Umaga", така че решението си беше тяхно. Все пак е добре да се отбележи, че WWC са в по-добри отношения с WWE отколкото 99% от останалите федерации в света. И докато сме на темата за името на Kennedy: BJ си имаше две минути и малко празнуване на победата (цък за клип). Стига му толкова. По-важното в случая беше Noriega да се завърне с гръм и трясък и така да се започне нов hot angle между две от топ младите звезди на компанията. Няма по-подходящо място за започване на нов топ angle от най-важното шоу за годината и то пред най-голямата публика за WWC от, хммм, може би 2001 насам. Сега след Aniversario всичките 4 най-главни звезди на WWC са с поне една идея по-нагоре отколкото бяха преди шоуто - BJ най-после стана шампион за първи път, Noriega се завърна с гръм и трясък след година и нещо отсъствие и имаше наглостта да spoil-не момента на новия шампион, след месеци наред неуспешни опити Ray Gonzalez най-после срази най-големия си враг от известно време насам с помощ от боксова мегазвезда, а Orlando Colon официално стана heel. Нещата са екстра. Между другото, това беше последното участие на Steve Corino в WWC засега. Не е изключено да се завърне след време, но за момента се оттегля от федерацията. Свърши си задачите в компанията и сега е време други хора да заемат централна позиция в WWC. Скоро се очаква Ricky Steamboat Jr. да се присъедини към WWC. Quote Link to comment
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