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Федерацията на Perros del Mal


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Представете си, че годината е 1998. Сега си представете, че топ heel-ът на WCW и топ babyface-ът на WWF решават да напуснат съответните си федерации и да започнат да организират шоута/да отворят нова федерация. Е, нещо подобно се случва в Мексико в момента. :) Преди да дам подробно обяснение искам изрично да направя уговорката, че макар и всички източници да твърдят, че работата е shoot възможността всичко да е един голям work с цел да се създаде oпределен имидж на Perro & Ciber също я има, така че за всеки случай си имайте едно наум.

В случай, че не знаете Perro Aguayo Jr. беше втората най-голяма звезда на CMLL (Mistico е първата), топ rudo-то/heel-a и лидер на главния heel stable - Perros Del Mal (Perrito, Mr. Aguila, Damian 666, Texano Jr, El Terrible, Averno & Mephisto). Преди няколко месеца Perro се контузи и докато се възстановяваше от контузията се роди идеята PdM да организират свое шоу, независимо от CMLL, и така още повече да се засили имиджа им на аутсайдери (които са горе-долу нещо подобно на nWo). Това беше оригиналната идея, но Perro се сдърпа със CMLL и реши да се отцепи изцяло като отвори своя федерация. Mr. Aguila (a.k.a. Essa Rios) & Damian 666 го последваха. Може би главната причина за проблемите на Perro със CMLL е това, че Perro по принцип си book-ваше своите мачове/истории и сега искаше заедно с баща му да поемат целия booking на федерацията, което ядоса хора като Ultimo Guerrero и така се заформиха противоположни лагери и Perro реши да напусне. Точно както много други мексикански кечисти като например Dr. Wagner, LA Park, El Hijo Del Santo, Blue Demon Jr., Latin Lover и т.н., Perro и PdM сега са водят независими/independent и официално не са обвързани с нито една от двете големи компании, макар и Perro да спомена, че не изключва възможността и за участия на PdM в шоута на CMLL (както правят други независими кечисти като Wagner & Park, например).

Cibernetico - главната tecnico/babyface звезда на AAA. Точно както в CMLL, така и в AAA има задкулистни лагери, враждуващи за власт. Единият лагер е главно Cibernetico/Mesias/Chessman, а другият е начело с Konnan. Основната критика към Konnan е, че Konnan има някакъв фетиш да book-ва и push-ва чуждестранни кечисти и да американизира целия продукт на AAA, koeто логично ядоса доста от мексиканските звезди и засили задкулистното напрежение. От известно време насам в ААА тече екранна история за борбата за власт между Konnan и Dorian Roldan (шефа на ААА). Преди няколко седмици Konnan спечели пълен контрол над ААА (в историята) и обяви, че ще разкара всички кечисти, които не му харесват. Малко след това Cibernetico излезна с тениска на Perros Del Mal и заяви, че напуска AAA. Официалната версия е, че Ciber е нямало наистина да напуска ААА, а просто е щял да участва в няколко шоута на PdM, за да си мислят хората, че е напуснал AAA, но после ще се завърне. Обаче, в крайна сметка Ciber е решил да напусне AAA изцяло, което уж е ядосало и хората от неговата клика, за които също имаше слухове, че може да се бият на шоутата на PdM.

Има и други детайли, но не ми се обясняват. Мисля, че дадох предостатъчно предистория. И пак повтарям: уж всичко е shoot, но си имайте едно наум и за някаквa форма на work. :)

Освен PdM и Cibernetico в предстоящите шоута на PdM ще вземат участие и независими звезди като Dr. Wagner Jr. & LA Park.


Card-ът за дебютното шоу:

12/07 Sala de Armas de Ciudad Deportiva

2) Black Spirit, Super Nova & Turbo vs Black Thunder, Cerebro Negro & Head Hunter I

3) Enigmatica & Esther Moreno vs Flor Metlica & Rossy Moreno

4) Intocable & Super Crazy vs Damian 666 & Mr. Aguila

5) Cibernetico, el Hijo del Perro Aguayo & LA Park vs Dos Caras Jr., Dr. Wagner Jr. & ???


Card за едно от следващите шоута:

2/16 Monuemental Monterrey

1) Kaientai, Lord Byron & Nightmare vs Dralion, Furora & Voltaje

2) Esther Moreno & Rossy Moreno vs Diana La Cazadora & Poly Star

3) Black Spirit & Black Thunder vs Caifan 69 & Turbo

4) Juventud Guerrera & Super Crazy vs Damian 666 & Mr. Aguila

5) Cibernetico & LA Park vs Dr. Wagner Jr. & el Hijo del Perro Aguayo

P.S. Вие си знаете де - cards are subject to change. :)

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Ето още един card :D

Четох че Dos Caras нямало да участва, но не беше обявено като официална новина , тей че ще видим на 7-ми. Perro Jr. не е в толкова лоши отношения с CMLL и едно отстъпване на Mistico за някое шоу е възможно и ще дойде доста добре , пък и заради Cibernetico Mesias и Chessman могат да направят някоя изява , така че има надежда в това шоу. Да попитам има ли някаква вероятност Hijo Del Santo да участва?

[color="#0000FF"][size="4"][font="Franklin Gothic Medium"]Make The Joker look like Mickie Mouse[/font][/size][/color]

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Да попитам има ли някаква вероятност Hijo Del Santo да участва?

А дано, но надали. Tи си знаеш де - никога не казвай никога. :)

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Последните развития:

= CMLL book-наха шоу точно на 7-ми декември (дебютното шоу на федерацията на PdM). Както се досещате това въобще не е случайно. :)

= Dos Caras Jr. е рекламиран за шоуто на CMLL, тоест, най-вероятно няма да има нищо общо с федерацията на PdM.

= Olimpico се махна от CMLL и се присъедини към новата федерация.

= За пореден път, Dr. Wagner Jr. обяви, че напуска CMLL. CMLL пък обявиха, че са го изгонили. :)

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Подробен репортаж от пресконференцията:

Los Perros del Mal held a press conference announcing their first show on Sunday at Sala de Armas de Magdalena Mixhuca in Mexico City which will be going head-to-head with a big CMLL show at Arena Mexico and it was officially announced that Olimpico, Rayman, Esther, Rossy Moreno, Martha Villalobos & Ayako Hamada would be joining the promotion. Perro Aguayo Jr. said that he thinks that the first show will be a success and that he wants it to be fan friendly hence the lower ticket prices to show that they are open to doing what they have to do to ensure their fans would be happy. Perrito said that the top talent on the independent scene like Dr. Wagner Jr., Cibernetico, L.A. Par-K, & Intocable would be working the PdM shows because they can be true independents and their rights would be fully recognized by the promotion unlike the other ones in Mexico. Perro explained their offices are next to Arena Mexico (централата на CMLL и главната им арена) because they were planning on working with CMLL to start. Not so much now. Perrito also clarified the rumors that the PdM promotional offices were the actual property of CMLL President Paco Alonso saying that they aren’t Paco’s but he didn’t care that he rented them and that he was even going to let him use his talent but plans changed although he will still have those offices for a year. Perrito then sent a message to CMLL that they can try to run direct competition against him but they really need to worry about their fans leaving them to go the PdM shows for better entertainment and that if they want a war it can be arranged. The press conference closed in a heated way as Dr. Wagner Jr. & Cibernetico almost got in a brawl and Wagner decided to walk out.

The CMLL producers have said in the press that they would follow the PdM promotion and that they would be loading up cards in towns where PdM will be holding shows because Perro Aguayo Jr. betrayed them not the other way around and that this war was started by him first. This is interesting because CMLL has pretty much gone out of the way for years not to really acknowledge AAA but they are openly talking about PdM so 2009 should be an interesting year to see what comes out of this promotion and who they eventually align with either AAA or CMLL.

Cibernetico stated after the PdM press conference that working for PdM is very important for his career right now because he has only known how one promotion does their business and was considered normal to him but has become abnormal lately so he would like to go back to a more normal style promotion that actually takes care of their wrestlers. Ciber said that if the fans want to boo him he would understand but he wants them to know that if they support him he would give his usual 100%. Ciber was asked about his rivalry with AAA and said that he is still on good terms with the true powers that be in AAA not with the cancer (Konnan) that is trying to take control and that he wouldn’t rule out a return but only if they killed off the cancer. Ciber said though that he has a new rival in Dr. Wagner Jr. who loves to run his mouth so he would transfer his hate from the cancer over to him and would silence his critics. Ciber said that CMLL approached him with an offer to come to work for them but he said that he was never interested although he has lots of respect for their promotion and that he is part of a new movement now with PdM that supercedes any other traditional promotion.

Dr. Wagner Jr. stated after the PdM press conference that CMLL will suffer because of this new promotion and they are in a crisis because the fighters have won and CMLL has lost this battle. Wagner said that he doesn’t care that CMLL has vetoed him because he is a freelancer and that him not working for them is their loss not his so he doesn’t really care.

Клип: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9i_Y9SaAHAo

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Дата: 7-ми декември 2008

Посещаемост: oколо 4500 (около 75% от капацитета на залата)


1) Dr. Markus & Gran Markus Jr. def. Bugambilia & Metal Boy

2) Esther Moreno & Martha Villalobos def. Ayako Hamada & Rossy Moreno

3) Black Spirit, Super Nova & Turbo def. Black Thunder, Cerebro Negro & X-Fly

4) Intocable, Rayman & Super Crazy def. Damian 666, Head Hunter II, Mr. Aguila

5) Cibernetico, Dr. Wagner Jr. & el Hijo del Perro Aguayo def. Head Hunter I, LA Park & Olimpico

Мain event-ът е бил "wild brawl", който е завършил с опити за outcheat-ване между Wagner & Park (Wagner е спечелил). След мача Cibernetico & Perro са предложили Perros del Mal тениска/членство на Wagner, но той я е скъсал и затова Perrito & Ciber са го пребили. Репортажите казват, че шоуто е било добро. Perro се надява на следващите шоута да има и американски кечисти.

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  • 2 weeks later...

December 16, Monuemental Monterrey

1) Dralion, Furor & Voltaje Negro def. Kaientai, Lord Byron & Nightmare

2) Luis Cirio, Manny Cirio & Tony Cirio def. Black Thunder, Enfermero & X-Fly

3) Diana La Cazadora & Esther Moreno def. Poly Star & Rossy Moreno

4) Damian 666 & Mr. Aguila def. Juventud Guerrera & Super Crazy

5) Cibernetico & el Hijo del Perro Aguayo def. Dr. Wagner Jr. & LA Park

6) el Hijo del Perro Aguayo vs. Cibernetico ended in a draw

Stipulation-ът при мач номер 5 е бил, че победителите в отборния мач ще се изправят един срещу друг в singles мач. Wagner & Park не се понасят, така че не работят заедно, прецакват се един друг и губят мача. Няма данни за посещаемостта, но пък отзивите от шоуто са добри. Между другото, Cibernetico никак не е бил харесван от публиката.

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  • 4 weeks later...

January 1st, Arena Neza

1) Fuerza Roja & Moto Cross vs. Dragon Xtream & Rey Neza ended in a draw

2) La Parkita & Mascarita de Oro def. Espectrito de Ultratumba I & Espectrito de Ultratumba II

3) Black Thunder, Hermano Muerte II & Hermano Muerte III b Black Spirit, Carta Brava & XXX

4) Damian 666, Scorpio Jr., Zumbido def. Villano III, Villano IV & Villano V

5) Hair vs. Mask: Cocolores def. Chacmol

6) Dr. Wagner Jr. & Super Crazy vs. Cibernetico & el Hijo del Perro Aguayo ended in a disqualification when Perro yanked Wagner's mask off.

Пълен sell-out на залата. Присъствието на The Villanos е странно, тъй като по принцип се бият главно за CMLL. Радвам се да видя Scorpio Jr. & Zumbido във федерацията.

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January 10th, Centro de Convenciones de Ciudad Madero

1. Guerrera Negra, Lince & Payaso Vagabundo beat Black Snake, Pandillera & Pastor Diabolico

2. Konami, Pesadilla & Violento Jack fought Las Aranas Maligna I y II, Black Master & Disturbio to a draw

3. Cerebro Negro, DJ Skull & Sadico defeated Bulldozer, Darling Boy & Yessi-K

4. Triangular de la Muerte: Scorpio Jr. & Zumbido beat Mr. Aguila & Damian 666

5. Triangular de la Muerte: Mr. Aguila & Damian 666 defeated Super Crazy & X-Fly

6. Hair vs. Hair: Super Crazy beat X-Fly

7. 3 Way Dance: Dr. Wagner Jr. defeated Perro Aguayo Jr. & Cibernetico by DQ when Doc had his mask ripped off by both men. Aguila & Damian then ran out to join the fun pounding on Doc until Super Crazy made the save.

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  • 8 months later...

Не бях пускал нищо в тази тема от известно време насам, защото не се случваше нищо кой знае какво около федерацията, а и изгубиха някои от топ звездите си. Сега, обаче, пак набират малко скорост и докараха нови попълнения. Ще видим докъде ще го докарат. Досега федерацията просто организираше indy шоута, но сега вече имат и (пробна) тв сделка. Долното шоу е първият им tv taping:

PdM, 10/11/2009, Centro Civico de Ecatepec

1. Black Spirit & Skayde Jr. def. Beta & Black Thunder

2. el Angel & Konami def. Pesadilla & Rage

3. Barba Roja, Hijo de Pirata Morgan & Pirata Morgan Jr. def. Hombre Bala, Skayde, Turbo

4. Cassandro & X-Fly def. Leo & Riviero

5. Celestial & Cosmico vs. Mini Talisman & Mr. Aguilita ended in a draw due to a double pin

6. Groon XXX, Hijo del Lizmark & Oriental def. Head Hunter I, Pirata Morgan & Super Nova

7. Tables, Ladders & Chairs Match: Mr. Aguila, Scorpio Jr. & Veneno def. Histeria, Mosco de la Merced & Psicosis

8. Damian 666, el Hijo del Perro Aguayo, Halloween def. Super Porky, El Alebrije & LA Park


The bleachers were over 75% full. Ringside was probably 50-60% full. Basically the more expensive the tickets, the less likely there were to be people in them.

They did backstage interviews between the matches, even the early ones, so the plan would seem to be for all of this to air.

Dr. Alfonso Morales was one of the announcers.

The big fued that they pushed was Park vs. Perro. During the match the crowd was clearly behind the Perros, but Park had quite a few supporters in the crowd too. He cut a heel promo cutting down the promotion the crowd before the match with Porky and Alebrije distancing themselves from his comments. Damian provided the rebuttal. For some reason this match had two referees. First fall was a brawl that lead to the Perros winning. Perro got busted open early and bleed a lot throughout the match. Second fall saw all of the usual spots these guys fit into their matches. Lots of ref shenanigans of course. Perro got a quick count from Tirantes after pulling off Park’s mask.

After the main event La Park was not happy with the loss and continued to beat on Perro demanding that he call his father out to the ring. Perro Sr. made his way to the ring and Park began badmouthing him while Perro remained down. Park started to push Perro Sr. around, even throwing a few punches before Perro Sr. broke out a discuss clothesline and droped Park. He, Damian, and Halloween then helped Perro to the back. Park eventually got up and got some more mic time while the ring is littered with trash around him. Staff eventually came out and made him go to the back where he attacked Perro while he was being attended to.

Tirantes refereed the last three matches.

Semimain saw Charly Manson run in and help out Mr. Aguila (X-Team reunited?) to set up a Aguila/Charly vs Histeria/Psicosis cage match with hair and mask on the line. Basically, Charly told the former Vipers (Histeria & Psicosis) that they weren’t extreme, he was extreme and Mr. Aguila was extreme, and challenged them to a revancha in a cage with masks and hair on the line.

Groon XXX was an unadvertised addition.

Cassandro pretty much stole his match and possibly the show too. Just a great performance by him, as usual. He even did a big dive off the light tower.

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  • 3 months later...

Доскоро нищо по-интересно не се случваше около федерацията на PdM. Просто си организираха indy шоута и за съжаление тв сделката им е с телевизия с не много добро покритие. Сега, обаче, има малко раздвижване. Perros del Mal обявиха, че са се съюзили с Todo X El Todo компанията на El Hijo Del Santo, Blue Demon Jr. & co. Тоест, двете indy компании с най-голяма звездна сила са в съюз и ще организират шоута заедно. Планът е да има шоута както в Мексико, така и извън Мексико. Ето card-ът за първото им общо шоу:

PdM, 01/31/2010, Sala de Arams Magdalena Mixhuca

1. ???

2. Cósmico & Mini Parkita vs. Mr. Aguilita & Talisman

3. Celestial, Hijo del Lizmark & Súper Nova vs. Pesadilla, Veneno & ???

4. Grond XXX, Hijo de Dr. Wagner Jr. & Oriental vs. Damián 666, Halloween & Mr. Águila

5. Super Libre [street Fight]: C. Manson vs. X-Fly

6. Main Event: El Hijo Del Santo & LA Park vs. Blue Demon Jr. & el Hijo del Perro Aguayo

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  • 3 weeks later...

Producciones Perros del Mal

January 31st, 2010

Sala de Arams Magdalena Mixhuca

Attendance: 5000+

Show was taped for TVC Deportes with the Tercera Caida crew. All of the matches except the opener and Super Libre were 2/3 falls.

1. Turbo def. Black Thunder - One fall match here which was as fun as you would expect from these two. Basically a nice quick match between these two to get the show going.

2. Minis Match: Mr. Aguilita & Talisman Jr. def. Cósmico & Mini Parkita - Pretty much a straight comedy bout here. A few decent spots, but nothing special. Crowd seemed OK with this, but it isn’t what I’m looking for in a Minis match.

3. Super Crazy, Pesadilla & Veneno def. Celestial, Hijo del Lizmark & Súper Nova - Super Crazy turned out to be the mystery partner on the rudo team. Pretty fun match overall. Celestial did a dive off the balcony. I think he might've hurt himself on that dive since right after it Crazy pinned him after a vicious powerbomb and he was helped to the back. Saw a stretcher head backstage immediately after the match.

4. Super Libre: Charly Manson vs. X-Fly ended in a no contest - OK, I’m not actually sure if this was a no contest or if Charly won. What I am sure of is that these matches are horrible to try to follow live, and even worse from the front row. The match was bloody and saw wooden crates, plastic crates, a cheese grater, guitar, chairs, and a car come into play. Lots of brawling everywhere including right in front of us to start the match. Match ended somewhere over by the car with the ref (Tirantes) counting to 20 from the turnbuckles in the ring. I have no idea if this means that neither wrestler could answer the count or if Charly was on his feet and they counted X-Fly down. Charly’s music played first to end the match for whatever that is worth. The only match of the night that probably would have been better from the bleachers. My wife and the woman next to us both felt this was a little too bloody for them to see from the front row.

5. Perros del Mal (Damián 666, Halloween & Mr. Águila) def. Grond XXX, Hijo de Dr. Wagner Jr. & Oriental - It was fun to see the Perros trio back together again. They all came out to Familia de TJ theme music which was nice, but they probably could have gotten the crowd more into it with the basic Perros theme. Aguila wore his old mask to the ring. And the Perros were right a couple of days ago when they pointed out that Wagner’s kid is green, Grond is awful, and Oriental is the only decent worker in the bunch. I will say this, Wagner’s kid is tall, looking like he might have a couple of inches on Grond. But he is skinny as hell and looks very young when his mask gets torn. Pretty much what you would expect here which was fun live, but who knows how it will come across on TV. Halloween attempts to put Oriental through the announce table, but it doesn’t work so well. Aguila and Wagner brawled into the crowd at one point very near us. They also squared off after the match, so maybe they will try to build something there. Damian pins Oriental for the final fall after pulling his mask off and getting the quick count from Tirantes.

6. El Hijo Del Santo & LA Park def. Blue Demon Jr. & el Hijo del Perro Aguayo via disqualification - Tension was teased between members of both teams of course most of the way through this of course. Santo and Demon opened the match up with some mat wrestling which was a nice change for a Perros show. Perro and Demon win the first fall with Demon over Park and Perro over Santo. Santo gets Perro in the second with the Camel Clutch while Park takes out Demon with a dive. Announce table comes into play in the third fall with Park trying several times to put Perro through it before succeeding on about the fourth attempt after getting it into the ring. Perro gets Santo with a low blow, Tirantes starts to count, stops at two and calls for the bell and the DQ. Perro and Demon argue, Perro suggests that they have a one fall match between the teams, but no one is interested. Park shakes hands with Santo (after giving him the finger to start the match) and suggests that Santo and Perro go one on one for one fall. Santo says not right now, but suggests that one day they will meet mascara contra caballera (mask vs. hair). Perro suggests that they change partners for one fall and go Perro/Park vs Santo/Demon. Santo and Demon agree and they pretend to start a match before Perro starts to walk out. Park finally leaves and Santo and Demon chase Perro around a little before everyone leaves the ring. Santo and Demon shake hands before leaving. Overall, it was fun to see these four in a match, and this was a good start and hopefully they can actually build toward something bigger. Even if they can’t build to the big cage match that they've been teasing for the end of 2010, they can probably square off in different combinations before winding up with a Perros vs Santo/Demon/Park at some point. They should be able to drag this out and keep it interesting for a while at least if everyone keeps playing nice and egos don't get in the way.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Това се очертава като най-голямото шоу в кратката история на компанията:

Promotion: Producciones Perros del Mal

Date: May 1st, 2010

Place: Tijuana, Mexico

Arena: Plaza de Toros La Monumental Tijuana (a 21,000 person bullring)

Main Event Tag Team Match

Blue Demon Jr. & El Hijo del Perro Aguayo vs. El Hijo Del Santo & LA Park

Hair vs. Hair Match

X-Fly vs. C. Manson

8-man Cage Match Where The Loser Will Lose His Mask/Hair

Oriental vs. Damián 666 vs. Hysteria vs. Lizmark Jr. vs. Alebrije vs. Halloween vs. Grond XXX vs. Mr. Águila

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  • 1 month later...

Компанията, която отговаря за PPV-тата на Dragon Gate USA сега започва да произвежда и lucha libre PPV-та под името "Viva La Lucha Libre". Планът е да има PPV-та в месеците, когато DGUSA нямат PPV, тоест 6 lucha PPV-та за годината. Повечето кечисти в първото PPV ще бъдат от федерацията на Perros del Mal. Ето ги и засега обявените мачове за дебютното PPV:

Producciones Perros del Mal/Viva La Lucha Libre PPV taping

May 2nd, 2010

Sala de Armas Magdalena Mixhuca, Distito Federal, Mexico

Main Event

El Hijo Del Santo & Marco Corleone vs. Blue Demon Jr. & el Hijo del Perro Aguayo

Extreme 5-Way War

Damián 666 vs. X-Fly vs. Charly Manson vs. Halloween vs. ???

Mano A Mano

Mr. Águila vs. TJP (TJ Perkins/Puma)

Tag Team Match

El Hijo de Rey Misterio & Grond XXX vs. Hijo del Lizmark & Oriental

Mixed Trios Match

Estrellita, Leo & Súper Nova vs. Medussa, Pesadilla & Ragde

NWA Mexican Lightheavyweight Title Match

Turbo © vs. Black Thunder

Latin Lover will wrestle on the show!

Plus, Sabu's return to PPV!

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  • 1 month later...

PPV Preview:

Междувременно, 7-8 човека напуснаха компанията (включително и един от членовете на PdM - Mr. Aguila) и се заврънаха в CMLL.

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  • 3 months later...

Едно от най-големите шоута на федерацията за тази година:

Producciones Perros del Mal

September 16th, 2010

Sala de Armas Magdalena Mixhuca, Distito Federal, Mexico

Perros del Mal (el Hijo del Perro Aguayo, Damián 666 & Halloween) vs. Booker T, Dr. Wagner Jr. & El Mesías

Hernandez, Super Crazy & X-Fly vs. Charlie Haas, Extreme Tiger & Jack Evans

Aerostar, Pimpinela Escarlata & Súper Fly vs. Bestia 666, Pesadilla & Ragde

Celestial & Jackie Haas vs. Jennifer Blake & Mini Chessman

Konamy vs el Ángel

1 more match

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  • 3 weeks later...

Booker T joins Perros del Mal!

Producciones Perros del Mal

September 16th, 2010

Sala de Arams Magdalena Mixhuca

1. Dinastía def. Low Rider

2. Black Fire def. Naruto

3. Jennifer Blake & Mini Chessman def. Celestial & Miss Jackie

4. Bestia 666, Pesadilla & Ragde def. Aerostar, Pimpinela Escarlata & Súper Fly

5. Hernandez, Super Crazy & X-Fly vs. Charlie Haas, Extreme Tiger & Jack Evans ended in a draw

6. el Hijo del Perro Aguayo, Damián 666 & Halloween def. Booker T, Dr. Wagner Jr. & El Mesías

Konnan showed up towards the end of the main event, offered Booker a spot in Los Perros del Mal and gave him an edecan (Linavis). While Wagner tried to convince Booker T not to take the deal, Perro beat Mesias to win the match. Booker turned on Dr. Wagner after the match, taking Wagner’s mask and joining the Perros.

Semifinal ended on a double pin. Super Crazy had Tiger up in the tapatia, leaned him forward, and both guys were down for three.

Bestia fouled Pimpi and Hijo de Tirantes fast counted a pin.

Celestial was hurt in his match.

This was Jackie Haas' first match in 4 years.

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