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WWC Lockout - 13 декември 2008


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Abdullah the Butcher's Retirement Match

Abdullah the Butcher vs. Balls Mahoney

WWC Tag Team Titles

Thunder & Lightning © vs. Team 3D

Ladder Match for the WWC Puerto Rican Title

Tommy Diablo © vs. BJ

Sabu vs. Steve Corino

Glamour Boy Shane vs. Charles Evans


Also announced for the show:



Elijah Burke

Armando Alejandro Estrada

Ariko (Zero-One Women's Champion)

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Grudge Match

"Mr. Ratings" Ray Gonzalez vs. El Bronco

Abdullah the Butcher's Retirement Match

Special guest referee: Carlos Colon

Abdullah the Butcher vs. Balls Mahoney (managed by Armando Alejandro Estrada)

WWC World Tag Team Title Match

Thunder & Lightning © vs. Team 3D

Carlito's Cabana with the WWE Tag Team Champions Carlito & Primo, plus e special guest

3-Way Hardcore Match

Sabu vs. Elijah Burke vs. "Mr. Wrestling 3" Steve Corino (managed by Jose Chaparro)

"Glamour Boy" Shane Sewell vs. Charles "The Hammer" Evans (managed by Chicky Starr)

Ladder Match For The WWC Puerto Rican Title

"Mr. Puerto Rico" Tommy Diablo © (managed by Avbriela) vs. "The Phenomenal" B.J.

4-way Match To Determine The #1 Contenders For The Tag Team Titles

Huracan Castillo & Rico Suave vs. Los Aereos vs. The Texas Outlaws (managed by El Profe) vs. Los Adorables (managed by Jesse The Latin Freebird)

"The Man Beast" Angel vs. El Profe

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WWC celebrated their last show of the year called "Lockout" Saturday night at the Ruben Rodriguez Coliseum in Bayamon, Puerto Rico in front of an estimated attendance of 2,000.

1. Angel beat El Profe with help from Mini Profe.

2. Huracаn Castillo & Rico Suave vs Texas Outlaws vs Los Adorables vs Los Aereos in a four-way to determine the No. 1 contenders for the tag titles. Castillo/Rico and the Texas Outlaws had a double pin finish so both Teams are No. 1 contenders.

3. BJ beat Tommy Diablo in a ladder match for the PR Title to become new champion.

4. Thunder & Lightning beat Team 3D by DQ after Armando Alejandro Estrada intervened. Team 3D hit a 3D on Thunder over a table after the match

A special award was given to Abdullah the Butcher. He the danced a bit after the ceremony.

5. Sabu beat Steve Corino and Elijah Burke in a hardcore three-way. Sabu and Corino bled during the match.

6. Shane Sewell beat Charles Evans (w/Chicky Starr) after he used Chicky's bat. Charles Evans then turned on Chicky Starr and Tommy Diablo and Steve Corino joined in.

Carlito's Cabana with Carlito and Primo: Guests were Fidel Sierra and Fantasy. Carlito mentioned that the Puerto Rican women are the prettiest of the world. He mentioned that he met a very beautiful woman the other day at a disco and her name was "Verona" (famous Puerto Rican cross dresser). Chaparro interrupted and called out Orlando Colon to demand that he convince the commission for the full time return of Bronco (only Orlando can do that since he is the one who won the retirement match). After Chaparro bad mouthed everyone, Fidel took off Chaparro's pants, Carlito spat an apple, and Primo threw Chaparro out of the ring.

7. Abdullah beat Ballls Mahoney (w/Armando Alejandro Estrada) by DQ with Carlos Colon as special referee. Balls bailed out of the match. Abby got mad at Carlos for "double crossing him" (calling the DQ); but danced with the fans anyway after the match.

8. Bronco beat Ray Gonzalez in the main event. After Gonzalez hit Bronco and the referee with a bat, a masked person then came to the ring and hit a chair shot on Ray, then Bronco pinned him for the win. After the match, Bronco told Ray that if he wants a rematch, it would have to be for Ray's Universal title.

WWC held their final 2009 event, LOCKOUT, at the Ruben Rodriguez Arena at Bayamon. Juan Rosario, of PRW, and Havoc, from Superestrellas WWC, reported the action as follow:

We have a report stating that there was 2000 fans, other one reported 4000.

1-Angel defeated Profe with help from Mini Profe, who passed a knux to Angel.

2-Rico Suave & Huracan Castillo and the team of the Texas Outlaws are now the top contenders for the Tag Team titles when they did a double pin against Los Aereos and Los Adorables. Bad Boy Bradley eliminated Los Adorables. Later Todd Dean eliminated Los Aereos. Then the confusing final came with the illegal men pinning both legal men, so the referee, to avoid further confrontation, told them that the match ended in a draw and then declared both teams as winners.

3-BJ defeated Tommy Diablo on a ladder match and won the Puerto Rican Title. At a moment of the match BJ applied a splash to the outside, but he landed wrong but thanks there were no bad situation and match continued. He landed his back part of the heat to the floor, and there was a wound, but he continued the match. Later there was a scaffold made of two ladders, and at the moment that he wanted to attack BJ on it, was Diablo who ended being hurt, so BJ took that advantage and pinned him to won the match and the title.

4-Thunder & Lightning defeated Team 3D by DQ when Armando Alejandro Estrada and Elijah Burke interfered. Before the match Estrada offered himself to manage Thunder & Lightning, so they asked the fans what they believe. The answer was a very loud NO. Final came when Team 3D where very disappointed of being unable to defeat the world champions and then Burke and Estrada interfered to help them. After the match Team 3D applied their move, the 3D, to Thunder on a table.

5-Shane The Glamour Boy defeated Charles Evans using Chicky Starr baseball bat. Evans turned on Starr, who was managing him, during the match.

There came the ceremony of Abdullah The Butcher retirement. Several wrestlers came and saluted him, as well Commissioners of the Puerto Rican Wrestling Commission. After the ceremony ended, Abby danced.

6-Sabu defeated Steve Corino & Elijah Burke on a Three Way Hardcore Match. Both Sabu and Corino bleed, due to the use of Sabu steel nail. Burke was very shy to wrestle, as he seemed to be scared and only entered when he saw opportunities to attack either Sabu or Corino. Sabu scored the victory with his tradional spot, using a chair to drop it against Corino, who was flat on a table.

There came Carlito’s Cabana. Both Carlito and Primo came in. Carlito said that Eddie had to change his name to Primo because WWE wanted to leave Eddie to honor Eddie Guerrero. Then began to speak regarding the Puerto Rican woman. Carlito mentioned that he meet one tall woman at a discothиque named Verona. (Verona is in real life a man, who is homosexual but looks, resembles and act as a woman, well known because ‘she’ have clothes stores and is a clothes designer, and is claimed that ‘she’ already’ did the sex change surgery, but that is not clear yet). Eddie had to reveal the reality of Verona to Carlito. They presented their guest, who ended being Fidel Sierra and Fantasy. Then came Jose Chaparro, who told them that this his his Cabana, and said he has invited a very special guest, and called out Orlando Colon. Orlando came in and Chaparro asked him to grant permission to let Bronco wrestle fulltime in WWC (as Bronco lost a retirement match to Orlando). Chaparro insulted Orlando, and then Fidel Sierra took Chaparro by surprise and lay down Chaparro’s pant, leaving him on underwear. Then Carlito, who was already eating an apple, spit it on Chaparro’s face and Primo attacked him as well.

7-On what was billed as his retirement match Abdullah The Butcher wrestled Balls Mahoney to a no contest. Well, the reality is that the match never took place on the ring and Mahoney was being attacked by Abdullah’s fork, so special referee Carlos Colon ordered the match to end as a no contest. Armando Alejandro Estrada came in to attack Abdullah, but Abdullah attacked him. After the match Abdullah The Butcher and Carlos Colon almost fought because Abdullah told him that the match must continue, but Carlos left to the dressing room. Abby’s manager gave the fans a very special THANK YOU, but said that Carlos Colon is a dog and then started dancing and left.

8-Bronco defeated Ray Gonzalez. Final came when Ray used a baseball bat against Bronco and against the referee, moment that saw a black dressed masked man and applied a chair shot to Ray. Then the masked man took the referee’s hand and did the count. After the match Bronco told Ray that if he wants a rematch, it must be for the Universal Title. During the match Ray used the figure 4 leg lock on Bronco, who managed to escape holding himself from the referee. Later Jose Chaparro throwed a baseball bat to Bronco, but Ray pushed Bronco out of the way and catches it

Stu Hart's son Smith Hart was backstage. He wrestled for WWC in 1978 with Bret Hart as team mate.

Btw, Big Daddy V и вероятно и други американски кечисти ще се бият за WWC на януарския им big event.

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