nWoHulkster Posted November 17, 2008 Share Posted November 17, 2008 Скорошната им поява в TNA ме подсети, че отдавна се каня да спомена нещо за ICP и тяхната федерация JCW. JCW попада в категорията "федерации, които могат да draw-ват значително по-големи публики от публиките на любимите на Интернет феновете инди федерации, но поради една или друга причина въобще не се радват на такъв интерес от страна на феновете в Интернет". Ето например миналата година главното им шоу за годината Bloodymania draw-на между 4000 и 6000 човека (чувал съм различни версии и затова пускам посещаемостта така). Не мисля, че има нужда да казвам що за успех е това що се отнася до indy кеча... Преди малко попаднах и на този пасаж от автобиографията на Terry Funk, където The Funker говори за ICP: ”Lawler approached me about doing the show earlier in 2004, when we both worked a show for the Insane Clown Posse. The Insane Clown Posse is a pair of rappers, Violent Jay and Shaggy 2 Dope, who paint their faces up like clowns. They're also completely insane and a couple of wrestling fans. They put out a videotape where they were commenting on old matches. One of the matches had me versus Abdullah the Butcher, and they kept knocking us and laughing at us. "Look at those two big goofs, acting like they're wrestling. Ha Ha Ha!" After I heard about that every time someone told me they were going to see the Insane Clown Posse, I said, "Tell them if I see them, I'm going to go ahead and kick their asses! Goofy bastards, knocking me on a tape and using it without my consent!" Of Course, I wouldn't have known the Insane Clown Posse from Adam and Eve, if I'd seen them on the street. I sure wasn't listening to their damn music! Finally, I got a call at the ranch from Sabu: "Terry, I've got the Insane Clown Posse here. They want to come and see you, but they don't know if you're mad at them or not". "Well," I said, "bring the sons of bitches out here." They had just finished a show in Corpus Christi, and their next one was in Houston, so they took their bus all the way from Corpus Christi to Amarillo, and then back down to Houston after they met me! I told you they were nuts! And so the Insane Clown Posse came into the house, and Vicki had some chili cooked up. They Sat down and ate a bowl of chili apiece and talked to me. They said they were sorry if I was upset over what they said on the tape, and we buried the hatchet. Then, Violent Jay said, "Terry, we want to leave you some money for using the tape of you." I said, "No, no, don't do that!" "Yes, Terry, we're going to leave it under this jar, on this counter here!" I kept telling them not to, but I walked into the next room before them. They followed me in, and told me they had to go. We said our goodbyes, and the Insane Clown Posse drove off in their bus. And I walked back into the other room, to get the money I knew they'd left. I have to tell you, I was excited. I was thinking, "Oh boy, I bet they left me twenty bucks, or maybe even forty," which would have just tickled mepink. I thought I'd have enough to pay for the chili, at least, and so I was really happy at the notion of having twenty bucks. I went in there, lifted up the jar....and there was four thousand dollarsthere! And so let me tell you people something right now-I love the Insane Clown Posse! The next retirement match I have, they're going to be in the semifinal! They're the greatest band in the world, and I have all of their records. Haven't got around to listening to them yet, but I have them here somewhere. Later, I got a call that they wanted me to work at a show they were putting on, and I went. And I was amazed. Vince McMahon could learn a thing or two from the Insane Clown Posse, and I'm not lying. Those boys run a better show, and a smarter one, than even WWE does. It was a four-day event, held outdoors, about 40 miles from the middle оf nowhere. They drew a total of about 11,000 people, and they were charging 180 bucks a pop, just to get in. And it's two guys! That's all it is! The Insane Clown Posse is a two-man outfit! I think of a posse as 20 idiots running around with rifles. But this was just two guy. It reminded me, in a way, of the show my father did, where his match with "Iron" Mike DiBiase was the only one on the card. They paid the people who worked for them a set amount, and then they split the lion's share of the proceeds, because they're the stars! Those two goofy bastards are two of the smartest people I've ever met! And it was the greatest place in the world to sell T-shirts. I had my Terry Funk T-shirts and was selling them when I wasn't wrestling. Well, those people were so smoked up on that marijuana, they didn't need much convincing. Someone would walk by and see me and say, "Hey, Terry, how are you doin?" I'd say, "Come on over here and buy a shirt." "Nah, Terry, I don't wanna buy a shirt." "Oh, come on and buy a shirt!" "No, I don't know, man." "Oh, come on and buy a damn shirt!" "Well, OK." I didn't even wear my own shirt to the ring. I left my vest, my chaps and all that crap. I wore my Juggalo T-shirt, with the Insane Clown Posse on the front. I like to think of myself as the honorary third member of the Insane Clown Posse now!” Пускам тази тема единствено с информативна цел. Хубаво е да се знае по нещичко за подобни федерации и кечисти, за които иначе рядко се говори из Интернет. :) Quote Link to comment
Mr.Perfect Posted November 17, 2008 Share Posted November 17, 2008 Оо да.Само веднъж съм гледал JCW и то беше точно Bloodymania 2007 oт което останах доста очарован.Предвид това че не съм много запознат с indy федерациите смея да кажа че тука имаше един доста стабилен card ,поне аз толкова големи кечисти в друга indy федерация не съм виждал. Quote [b]Team Take It :[/b] [b] "Dicks to Pussies"[/b] Link to comment
rawhide Posted November 17, 2008 Share Posted November 17, 2008 Да се каже, че съм фен на федерацията е силно казано, но все пак чета резултати от време на време.. Бду: Има ли някъде актуалния ростер на федерацията, защото от много време се опитамва да намеря, но все удрям на камък... Quote Link to comment
_slayer_ Posted November 17, 2008 Share Posted November 17, 2008 ^ Цък .Wikipedia знае всичко :) Quote Link to comment
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