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NWE (Nu-Wrestling Evolution)


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Хмм, добавили са още един event без да разбера.

Nu-Wrestling Evolution - "Summer Tour"


Toledo, Spain

- E-Clipse d. Brett Idol

- NWE Cruiserweight Title 3-Way Match: Juventud Guerrera d. Dark Dragon, Ultimo Dragon

- Sarah Jones d. Lizzy Valentine

- Black Pearl & Kishi d. John Heidenreich & Chris Mordesky

- Spartan 3000 b.C. (Matt Cross) d. Supernova

- Main Event: Nu-Wrestling Evolution World Title match: Orlando Jordan d. Vito

Nu-Wrestling Evolution - "Summer Tour"


Sevilla, Spain

- Jungle Pac d. Supernova

- Brett Idol d. Spade-O (Sabian)

- Ultimo Dragon d. Dark Dragon

- Black Pearl & Kishi d. John Heidenreich & Chris Mordesky

- NWE Cruiserweight Championship Match: Juventud Guerrera d. Spartan 3000 b.C. (Matt Cross)

- Sarah Jones d. Lizzy Valentine

- Main Event: Non Title Match: Orlando Jordan d. Vito

Освен това обявиха и следните шоута:

30 октомври - Oviedo

31 октомври - Logrono

1 ноември - Valladolid

2 ноември - Salamanca

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Много доволно! ;) Хората си набраха неимоверно стабилен star-power за една европейска федерация. А бтв вярно ли е, че ще имат турне в Източна Европа???


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А бтв вярно ли е, че ще имат турне в Източна Европа???

Вярно е, но май още не се знае за кои държави точно става дума.

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Promotion: Nu-Wrestling Evolution

Date: 25/06/08

Location: Barcelona, Spain

Attendance: 14 000+

- Dark Match: Ultimo Dragon Jr. d. Spade-O

- SuperNova d. Jungle PAC

- Mask vs. Mask Match: Ultimo Dragon d. Dark Dragon

- Black Pearl & Kishi d. Heidenreich & Chris Mordesky

- Fire Tables Match: Vampire Warrior d. Raven

- NWE Cruiser Championship Match: Juventud Guerrera © d. Spartan 3000 b.C.

- Mixed Singles Match: Vito d. Sarah Jones

- NWE Championship Match: The Ultimate Warrior d. Orlando Jordan © via Big Splash to win the title. (After the match, Ultimate Warrior said he had to make a decision about his future and so vacated the title to return in the States. The NWE Heavyweight Title will be on the line in a special tournament on the upcoming NWE show in Spain!)






Edited by nWoHulkster™
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Леле колко смешен изглежда Уориър... И шибания му мързел пак си каза думата - не можа да поостане за 2-3 месеца и да направи едно "весело" царуване с пояса... Нищо де, все пак се радвам, че се завърна поне за този мач, защото си е едно от големите имена на 90-те.


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Смешен - не, по-скоро възрастен. ;) Човека просто изчаква. Току виж се появило някое предложение.

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Екстра си е Warrior за годините си.

Беше пределно ясно, че ще спечели мача/титлата, но в същото време си беше и пределно ясно, че няма да почне да се бие активно отново. Дано да се навие и за още някой друг мач по-нататък. Има хляб в още няколко негови участия.

По-подробен репортаж:

It can only be described as the NWE show of the year. Another magnificent success in front of an audience of over 14 000, for the main part children, in a triumph of applause at the PAVELLO OLIMPICO of BADALONA .

The show opens with a dark match (not filmed) between the tiny Mini Dragon and the athletic Spade O, with the overwhelming victory of Dragon, in front of a cheering crowd.

It’s time for the television cameras to start filming the first match of the evening between Supernova and Jungle Pac.

A classic ”extra-terrestrial” entrance for the first and a ”jungle style” for the second, a truly enjoyable match for flyer technique fans. Incredible acrobatic moves both in and outside the ring for the two newcomers already tagged for international stardom by wrestling experts. It’s the Mexican Supernova who wins acclaim and triumphs despite the frustration of the young audience who openly supports Jungle Pac for his entertaining actions.

Next it’s time for another flying and technical match for Dark Dragon vs Ultimo Dragon. The match is a real ”mask vs mask”: whoever loses will have to reveal his true identity to the world by removing his mask. It’s a well balanced match, but at the end Ultimo’s experience won and the adversary is obliged to take away the mask. Big surprise of Ultimo Dragon to discover that his worst enemy is his brother. Big astonishment among the public, with the beginning of an history that for sure will impassion a lots the fans.

Third tv match, the tag team match between John Heidenreich and Chris Mordesky and Black Pearl and Kishi.

The challenge among the four heavy weight wrestlers is one again repeated on the NWE ring and once again the faces win. To underline the big love of the public for Kishi who was too much clapped, meanwhile he was entering in the venue accompanied by the classical pyros.

There were also a lot of posters drawn by kids for him.

The, ”dark” match of the evening between Vampire Warrior and Raven. This latter debuts in NWE with his hardcore style, with a Fire Tables Match: the person who can put the shoulder of the adversary on the fired table wins. Raven is going to do that, when he is stopped by the arrival of the giant E-Clipse and from Brett Idol who damp the flames on the table, in order to save their vampire friend from the defeat. After that the match inverts and the win goes to Vampire Warrior who parties always in a very disturbing way with his new friends.

After the intermission, the flying show returns with the challenge for the NWE cruiserweight title.

On the ring Spartan 3.000 b.C. and the actual champion Juventud Guerrera.

The entrance on the ring of the Spartan, accompanied by his epic music and flames, is thrilling; < very funny the arrival of Juventud who enters dancing and singing and saying hi to the public.

The public is in delirium for the acrobatics of the two protagonists of the ring, with fans who are divided to support one or the other wrestler.

After the tag team, another very funny match between the heel Sarah Jones and the face Vito, always dressed like a woman and acclaimed by the public. Sarah is as usual incorrect and she coats Lizzy Valentine, Vito’s friend, to intervene to help him, taking him the victory.

And now we are arrived at the main event of the evening, as to say the event that Ultimate Warrior’s fans have waited for the last ten years: the return of their champion on the ring.

On the arena screen the Madrid show images are transmitted with the challenge of Warrior to Orlando Jordan and the consequent preparations of the two wrestlers to the match: Warrior, as family man, is dedicated to a very hard training, surrounded by his familiars; Orlando, as man without values and dedicated to vices, trains always surrounded by many women and champagne.

The first to enter in the arena is Jordan , accompanied by his main lady Regina , under a fall of gold confetties that involves all the venue.

The entrance music plays and here we have the mythical warrior’s run. He, short and greyish hair, returns on the ring with a long and coloured jacket and with the draft of his unmistakable mask on his face, coloured this time of red and white.

He agitates the ropes and behind him an incredible draft of pyros is created.

Strong and technical match, with big movements from Warrior who, jumped on the ring pole, launches himself on Jordan from the third rope with a big splash.

After more than fifteen minutes of match, Warrior wins the NWE heavyweight title, but then, taken the microphone, he declares that he wants to make the title vacant. The belt will be put as win of a big tournament.

Репортажът е от жена от staff-a на NWE, така че може да се каже, че е нещо като официален репортаж.

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Гледах мача,в който Warrior печели титлата,мача беше доста слабичак,а също и формата на Warrior беше далеч от това,което беше преди доста по-тромав както и прецака някои движения.Въобще има още какво да се желае(нещо както при Неш) :) ,иначе съм доволен беше интересно да видя Ultimate Warrior отново на ринга :)

"Doin' what I want to do, When I want to do it."

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Promotion: Nu-Wrestling Evolution

Date: 26/06/08

Location: Zaragoza, Spain

Attendance: Over 8 000

- Spartan 3000 b.C. d. Supernova

- 3-Way Match: Vampire Warrior d. Vito, Raven

- Jungle PAC d. Spade-O

- 3 vs. 3 Tag Team Match: Heidenreich, Chris Mordesky & E-Clipse d. Kishi, Black Pearl & Mini Dragon

- Bikini Contest: Lizzy Valentine d. Sarah Jones

- Ultimo Dragon & Juventud Guerrera d. Dark Dragon & Brett Idol

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^ И на мен това ми направи впечатление.Вярно,че от доста години насам не е стъпвал на ринга,но ми се видя адски странно,че освен clothesline-и и block-ове Warrior почти не направи друга офанзива (Естествено не броя submission хватките) и победи с shoulder block,което беше леко смешно,но донякъде разбирам..,а и човека се постара при superplex-а :) .Иначе още от начало при entrance-а се видя,че накуцва.

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Promotion: Nu-Wrestling Evolution

Date: 27/06/08

Location: San Sebastian, Spain

- Ultimo Dragon d. Dark Dragon with help from Mini Dragon and Ultimo Dragon's son

- Vito d. Raven

- SuperNova d. Spade-O

- Juventud Guerrera d. Chris Mordesky via Dq

- Jungle PAC d. Spartan 3000 b.C.

- Mixed Tag Team Match: Lizzy Valentine & Black Pearl d. Sarah Jones & Heidenreich

- Main Event: Kishi vs Booker T: No contest due to the interference of Vampire Warrior, Brett Idol and E-Clipse

- Umpromtu Handicap Match: Kishi & Booker T d. Vampire Warrior, Brett Idol & E-Clipse

Promotion: Nu-Wrestling Evolution

Date: 28/06/08

Location: Bilbao, Spain

Attendance: 4 500

- Handicap Match: SuperNova & Mini Dragon d. Dark Dragon

- Vampire Warrior d. Vito after E-Clipse chokeslammed Vito

- 6 Man Tag Team Match: Pablo, Black Pearl & Kishi d. Chris Mordesky, Heidenreich & Orlando Jordan

- Ultimo Dragon d. Spartan 3000 b.C.

- Juventud Guerrera & Jungle PAC d. Spade-O & Brett Idol

- Sarah Jones d. Lizzy Valentine

- Main Event: Booker T d. Raven

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Toва съм пропуснал да го пусна. :)

Promotion: Nu-Wrestling Evolution

Date: 29/06/08

Location: Cordoba, Spain

- Mini Dragon & Supernova d. Dark Dragon

- Vampire Warrior (w/ E-Clipse) d. Vito

- Mixed Tag Team Match: Black Pearl & Lizzy Valentine (w/ Kishi) d. Heidenreich & Sarah Jones (w/ Orlando Jordan)

- Ultimo Dragon d. Spartan 3000 b.C. (aka Matt Cross)

- Jungle Pac & Juventud Guerrera d. Spade-O & Brett Idol

- Main Event: Booker T d. Raven, Chris Mordesky

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Promotion: Nu-Wrestling Evolution

Date: 10/07/2008

Location: Murcia, Spain

Attendance: 5 500

1. Supernova (accompanied by Mini Dragon) def. Spade-O

2. Vampire Warrior def. SJK

3. Vito def. Brett Idol

4. Kishi & Black Pearl def. Heidenreich & Chris Mordesky

5. Ultimo Dragon & Juventud Guerrera def. Dark Dragon & Spartan 3.000 b.C.

6. Annie Social def. Sarah Jones & Lizzy Valentine

7. Rob Van Dam def. Orlando Jordan (who was accompanied by Regina)

- During the match Jordan was helped by Spade-O and RVD by Juventud Guerrera.

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^Това значи ли, че RVD планува активно завръщане или просто е било колкото за едно шоу?

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^Това значи ли, че RVD планува активно завръщане или просто е било колкото за едно шоу?

Това е петият мач на RVD в NWE и вероятно ще има още през следващите дни. Това са си просто няколко участия за федерация, чиито график не изисква full-time посвещаване, така че не бих го нарекъл желание за активно завръщане, а смесица от услуга за приятел (Kishi), лека почивка в Испания и добро заплащане за малко на брой участия. :)

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По принцип ме домързява да ги пиша, но този път реших да не пускам само резултатите, а да пусна и малко подробности около мачовете. Не ги пускам на български, защото предпочитам да пиша на английски. :)

Promotion: Nu-Wrestling Evolution

Date: 11/07/2008

Location: Malaga, Spain

Attendance: 10 000+

The show started with Mini Dragon coming to the ring, welcoming everybody to the show and congratulating Spain on winning the 2008 football Euro Cup. He was interrupted by Dark Dragon who told the people to shut up, tried to speak in Spanish but then said he doesn't like Spain and all Spanish people are pieces of shit. Supernova charged the ring and the first match started.

1. Dark Dragon def. Supernova (with Mini Dragon) - Very good match, probably the best one from the show. There were some great highflying moves in that one. Dark Dragon won by powerbombing Supernova and pinning him with his feet on the ropes. After the match Supernova was complaining to the referee about what had happened which allowed Dark Dragon to attack Supernova but Supernova gained the advantage and nailed Dragon with a 619.

2. Vampire Warrior def. SJK - After some in-ring wrestling they ended up brawling through the crowd. The match ended with Vampire Warrior pinning SJK after a DDT.

3. Vito def. Spade-O - Comedy match which the crowd seemed to enjoy quite a bit. Whenever Spade-O would try to attack Vito would lift up his dress and show his panties which would freak Spade-0 out. The match ended up with Vito putting Spade-0's head under the dress and then giving him a stunner for the win.

4. Ultimo Dragon def. Spartan 3000 b.C - Dark Dragon came out before the match, took the mic and in perfect Spanish called his "brother" Ultimo Dragon a faggot. The match itself was a very good fast-paced match. Dark Dragon stayed at ringside for the duration of the match and was constantly trying to interfere. At one point Ultimo Dragon did an Asai moonsault onto Dark Dragon. The finish saw the referee get knocked down which allowed Spartan & Dark Dragon to take the advantage over Ultimo. Dark Dragon held Ultimo for Spartan to hit him with some object but Ultimo moved and Spartan ended up hitting Dark Dragon with the object. Ultimo then took advantage of all the confusion and pinned Spartan via a roll-up.

5. Juventud Guerrera def. Brett Idol - Entertaining match. Juvi won with the Juvi Driver.

6. Sarah Jones def. Annie Social & Lizzy Valentine - Sarah & Annie were the heels while Lizzy was the babyface. Sarah wins with a roll-up. The crowd was really dead for the match.

7. Kishi, Black Pearl & Rob Van Dam def. John Heidenreich, Chris Mordesky & Orlando Jordan - Fun match. Haidenreich is doing a military gimmick. Finish saw RVD hit Heidenreich with a Five-Star Frog Splash and then Kishi hit Heidenreich with Banzai Drop for the win.

The show ended with the typical "NWE Jam Session" where all the babyfaces dance in the ring as well do some of their singature moves on a couple of heels (Orlando Jordan & Dark Dragon in this case).

Финалът на шоуто

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Promotion: Nu-Wrestling Evolution

Date: 12/07/08

Location: Huelva, Spain

Mini Dragon & Supernova d. Dark Dragon

Vampire Warrior d. SJK

Vito d. Spade-O

Ultimo Dragon d. Spartan 3000 B.C

Juventud Guerrera d. Brett Idol

Sarah Jones d. Annie Social & Lizzy Valentine

Kishi, Black Pearl & Rob Van Dam d. John Heidenreich, Chris Mordesky & Orlando Jordan

Promotion: Nu-Wrestling Evolution - "Summer Tour"

Date: 13/07/08

Location: Palma de Mallorca, Spain

Attendance: 5 000+

Dark Dragon d. Mini Dragon & Supernova

Vampire Warrior d. SJK

Vito d. Spade-O

Ultimo Dragon d. Spartan 3000 B.C

Orlando Jordan d. Angelico

Sarah Jones d. Annie Social & Lizzy Valentine

Kishi, Black Pearl & Juventud Guerrera d. Brett Idol, Chris Mordesky & John Heidenreich

NWE ще направи дебюта си във Франция през октомври. Запланувани са две шоута. Точно както направиха в Италия & Испания, започват да навлизат на френския пазар заедно с едно ново френско кеч списание, което измежду статиите за WWE ще рекламира и NWE. Доскоро не бях чувал много за френския кеч пазар, но преди седмица-две едни най-обикновени 4 indy шоута направиха съответно 1000, 1500, 2500 и 2500 публики и то без почти никаква чужда звездна сила на тях (ъммм, освен ако не броите midcard мачовете с участието на Bryan Danielson & Chad Collyer за звездна сила) и това веднага ми хвана окото. Явно има пара в този кеч пазар и NWE за пореден път се насочват в правилна посока.

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Jean, Spain

- Dark Dragon d. Mini Dragon & Supernova

- Vampire Warrior d. SJK

- Vito d. Spade-O

- Ultimo Dragon d. Spartan 3000 B.C

- Orlando Jordan d. Angelico & El Nazareno

- Sarah Jones d. Annie Social

- Kishi, Black Pearl & Juventud Guerrera d. Brett Idol, Chris Mordesky & ???


Castellon, Spain

- Mini Dragon & Supernova d. Dark Dragon

- Vito d. Spade-O

- Kishi & Black Pearl d. Brett Idol & Chris Mordesky

- Juventud Guerrera d. SJK

- Ultimo Dragon d. Spartan 3000 B.C

- Sarah Jones d. Annie Social & Lizzy Valentine

- Orlando Jordan d. Rob Van Dam


Pontevedra, Spain

- Mini Dragon & Supernova d. Dark Dragon

- Vito d. Spade-O

- Kishi & Black Pearl d. SJK & Chris Mordesky

- Juventud Guerrera d. Angelico (w/ Annie Social)

- Ultimo Dragon d. Ubas

- Sarah Jones d. Lizzy Valentine

- Orlando Jordan d. Rob Van Dam

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  • 2 months later...

Следващата седмица започва поредното испанско турне на компанията. След това през декември се задава и турне във Франция. По принцип преди да дебютират в някой нов кеч пазар NWE използват едно кеч списание за реклама. Това списание вече започна да се издава в Белгия и Люксембург, а скоро и в Румъния, така че най-вероятно това са следващите пазари, към които NWE мислят да се насочат.

Преди няколко седмици NWE съобщиха следното:

After the unexpected and incredible comeback of Ultimate Warrior to the ring the NWE is already preparing another great surprise for its fans. The booking team has been hard at work for weeks negotiating with an international star a real wrestling legend! More details soon available online.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Promotion: Nu-Wrestling Evolution

Date: 26/10/08

Location: Pamplona, Spain

Attendance: 3 500

1. Ultimo Dragon d. Dark Dragon with the help of Little Dragon

2. Vito d. Darksoul

3. Vampire Warrior d. Sterling James Keenan

4. NWE Cruiserweight Championship 3-Way Match: Juventud Guerrera © d. Supernova & Jungle PAC

5. Sarah Jones d. Aurora

6. Kishi & Black Pearl d. Orlando Jordan & Chris Mordesky

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Иииииии .... Рикиши отново побеждава!!!

И аз да съм booker-a/един от booker-ите на компанията и аз ще побеждавам. :D

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