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NWE (Nu-Wrestling Evolution)


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Тема за италианската федерация NWE (Nu-Wrestling Evolution). Федерацията беше основана през 2005 и през 2005 & 2006 организираха шоута в Италия (и едно в Швейцария), като натрупаха доста голяма популярност в страната. След това имаха малка пауза и сега се завърнаха с това шоу в Испания:


Федерация: Nu-Wrestling Evolution

Дата: 19-ти април 2008

Място: Мадрид, Испания

Посещаемост: 15 000+ (sold out)

Black Pearl vs. Chris Masters - Победа за Black Pearl след като Masters се опитал да направи Masterlock, но Pearl се измъкнал и го туширал. Masters получил много голям pop при излизането си, а Pearl бил освиркан.

Tables мач: Savio Vega vs. Vampire Warrior (Gangrel) vs. Trent Acid - Gangrel направил суплекс на Trent през масата и така спечелил мача. След мача Savio се ядосал от загубата и отправил предизвикателство за flaming tables мач (не се знае точно за кога обаче)

Ladder мач за Cruiserweight титлата на NWE: Juventud Guerrera vs. PAC vs. Super Nova vs. Matt Cross - Мачът на вечерта и победа за Juvi (нов cruiserweight шампион). Ultimo Dragon е бил контузен и затова мястото му в този мач е било заето от Super Nova. Ultimo Dragon все пак е бил на шоуто и лично е обявил, че няма да се бие.

Vito vs. Heidenreich - Vito е бил облечен с рокля. Победа за Vito чрез DDT. Мачът бил много кратък - под 4 минути.

Orlando Jordan vs. jobber - Това трябваше да е мач за титлата на NWE, но шампионът Romeo Roselli е бил контузен. Естествено бърза победа за Jordan.

Церемония за награждаването на The Ultimate Warrior - Warrior е бил костюмиран. Имало е конфронтация между Orlando Jordan & The Warrior. Двамата са си разменили реплики по микрофона и се е стигнало до бой. В резултат на конфронтацията на 25-ти юни в Барселона The Ultimate Warrior ще се завърне на ринга и ще се изправи срещу Orlando Jordan.

Sarah Jones vs. Miss B. - Победа за Miss B.

Rikishi vs. Booker T (заедно със Sharmell) - Победа за Kishi. Booker е бил heel, а Kishi - babyface. Kishi е бил доста over.

= Vampiro, Raven, Sabu & Lacey Von Erich не са били на шоуто, въпреки че бяха рекламирани.



Edited by nWoHulkster™
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Kobester McField

това не съм го гледал никога,но виждам че има доста известни кечисти били преди време във WWE


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Добър update :) дано излезе в интернет не само с аматьорски клипчета

"Doin' what I want to do, When I want to do it."

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Резултатите от вчера:

Федерация: Nu-Wrestling Evolution

Дата: 20-ти април 2008

Място: Билбао, Испания

Посещаемост: 5 000+ (sold out)

1) Booker T & Ultimo Dragon def. Vito & Mad Dog

2) PAC def. Super Nova (придружаван от Mascarita Sagrada)

3) Black Pearl def. Heidenreich

4) Sarah Jones def. Miss B.

5) Tables match: Gangrel def. Savio Vega

6) NWE Cruiserweight Title: Juventud Guerrera © def. Matt Cross

7) Chris Masters def. Trent Acid

8) NWE World Heavyweight Title: Kishi def. Orlando Jordan © via DQ due to Jordan hitting Kishi with the title belt

Ето така изглежда летният график на федерацията:

12/06/2008 - Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (sold out)

13/06/2008 - Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (sold out)

14/06/2008 - Tenerife (sold out)

15/06/2008 - Tenerife

22/06/2008 - Prato (Italy)

25/06/2008 - Barcelona

26/06/2008 - Zaragoza

27/06/2006 - San Sebastian

28/06/2008 - Bilbao

29/06/2008 - Cordoba

10/07/2008 - Murcia

11/07/2008 - Malaga

12/07/2008 - Huelva

13/07/2008 - Palma de Mallorca

Досега следните хора са обявени като участници в лятното турне, но естествено това може да се промени във всеки един момент: Black Pearl, Kishi, Sabu, Chris Masters, PAC, Matt Cross, Sterling James Keenan, Big Vito, Orlando Jordan, Ultimo Dragon, Juventud Guerrera, Lacey Von Erich.

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Интересно е,че явно федерацията има доста голяма популярност в Испания,тъй като не е лесно да напълниш 15 000 зала и изобщо повечето ти шоута да са sold out.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Oще 8 шоута бяха добавени към лятното турне на федерацията, a пък шоуто в Италия отпадна. Графикът сега изглежда така:

12/06/2008 - Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (sold out)

13/06/2008 - Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (sold out)

14/06/2008 - Tenerife (sold out)

15/06/2008 - Tenerife (sold out)

20/06/2006 - Toledo

25/06/2008 - Barcelona (sold out) [завръщането на The Ultimate Warrior]

26/06/2008 - Zaragoza

27/06/2006 - San Sebastian

28/06/2008 - Bilbao

29/06/2008 - Cordoba

10/07/2008 - Murcia

11/07/2008 - Malaga (sold out)

12/07/2008 - Huelva

13/07/2008 - Palma de Mallorca

16/07/2008 - Motril

17/07/2008 - Puerto de Santa Maria

19/07/2008 - Castellon de la Plana

20/07/2008 - Pontevedra

24/07/2008 - Algeciras

26/07/2008 - Jaen

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RVD !!! Това ще се гледа ! RVD rulzzz :) Много се радвам, че ще се завърне. Определено ще вдигне рейтингите :)

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RVD ще участва на тези шоута:

12/06/2008 - Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (sold out)

13/06/2008 - Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (sold out)

14/06/2008 - Tenerife (sold out)

15/06/2008 - Tenerife (sold out)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Казвам го просто ей така като любопитен факт. Миналата седмица Orlando Jordan & The Ultimate Warrior са направили участия в две испански телевизионни шоута, за да hype-нат предстоящия им мач. ТВ рейтингът за участието на Jordan в едното от шоутата? 14.7% share! Тоест, 14.7% от всичките хора, които са гледали телевизия в този момент в Испания са гледали сегмента с Jordan. Надявам се, че няма нужда да споменавам за каква голяма гледаемост става дума...

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  • 2 weeks later...


It was a big event in front of a sold out arena, with more than 6,000 people. The show began as usual with extraordinary special effects.

First match: SJK vs SUPER NOVA (accompany on the ring by Little Dragon)

Very technical match; winner: Supernova


Winner: Ultimo Dragon

Once the match was finished, from the public Dark Dragon came out to hit Ultimo. Then he disappeared among the public.


Comedy and action match at the same time. Match ends for DQ since the intermission of the giant E Clipse who, covered by a mask, has jumped up on the ring and hit Vito. Vito has really tried to hit the giant in order to stop him, but E Clipse threw him on the carpet with a big boot and a chokeslam. Meanwhile Juventud Guerrera saw in a funny mood the scene, clapping.


A balanced match: at the beginning there was the heels’ supremacy, then the faces began to win, with the big support of the public who understood the dirty games of Heidenreich and Mordesky. All the four wrestlers fell out from the ring and the fight continued on the ground, becoming a real rumble with no rules. The referee has tried in vain to calm the situation and the match has ended in a DQ.


After the event break, girls on the ring. Big comments from the audience for the beauty of the brunette Sarah, the black hair Annie and the blonde Lizzy. Winner: the marvelous Lizzy.

Sixth match: SPARTAN 3000 B.C. (a.k.a. Matt Cross) vs. Brett Idol

Spectacular match, rich of flying movements, with a surprising Brett Idol, a new entry in NWE. Despite of that, the winner of the match is Spartan 3000 B.C.

MAIN EVENT: ORLANDO JORDAN vs. RVD (non-title match)

Orlando comes to the ring accompanied as usual by three marvellous girls and with his classic arrogance, speaking bad of The Ultimate Warrior and declaring that anybody in NWE roster is at his same level. At this point lights are turned off and on the big arena screen Warrior appears. People can see just half of his face, reflected in a mirror. Warrior attacks with his words Orlando , he begins to make up his face for creating his mythic mask, but then he becomes impatient and decides to send to fight one of his friends instead of him. In the arena the RVD’s music sounds and RVD enters among the delirium of the public.

A strong match with Orlando who sends as usual ahead against his adversary his bodyguard. But the bodyguard is thrown out from the ring by RVD. Then Jordan , on the ring, is knocked down by RVD who makes on him his Five Star Splash. The match ends in DQ.

There was big end for the event, as is the typical NWE style, with all the people in attendance partying.

Репортажът е превод от испански.


Edited by nWoHulkster™
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Warrior attacks with his words Orlando , he begins to make up his face for creating his mythic mask, but then he becomes impatient and decides to send to fight one of his friends instead of him.

Това ми се вижда глупаво...

Match ends for DQ since the intermission of the giant E Clipse who, covered by a mask

Кой е този E Clipse, повече информация..?

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Кратък репортаж. Не се разбира нищо за качеството на мачовете и за реакцията на публиката, както и кои кечисти са получили най-голям pop и кои най-голям heat. Струва ми се, че малко са прекалили с дисквалификациите на това шоу.

Posted Image

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There was the same big enthusiasm for the second show of NWE in Las Palmas of Gran Canaria.

There were seven matches full of surprises and accompanied by pyros and many special effects that has astonished the public.


The match has a lot of technical, athleticism and flying movements. The two wrestlers has made crazy the public with their acrobatics, in and out from the ring. Jungle Pac wins with luck against a very good adversary.

Second match: BRET IDOL vs. DARK DRAGON

Again an incredible match from Bret Idol who fights with power for all the match against the adversary. The Japanese Dark Dragon won.

Third match: VITO vs. E CLIPSE

The challenge made by E Clipse during the NWE show of the 12th June was accepted by Vito who, beloved by the public, received many attacks by the giant. E Clipse wins thanks to a big boot.


Juventud Guerrera enters in the arena singing his song in Spanish, which the crowd popped for. He had an incredible match, full of acrobatics. Juvi is in great shape after he has won the NWE cruiserweight title.

Fifth match: ULTIMO DRAGON vs. SPARTAN 3.000 B.C.

After the intermission, again big technicians in the ring for a very strong match. The match finishes in DQ. Meanwhile Juventud Guerrera runs into the backstage to help Ultimo Dragon. The situation is clear, the challenge has been created: in the next NWE event there will be a tag team match, Ultimo Dragon and Juventud Guerrera against Spartan 3.000 b. C. and Dark Dragon.


As in the match on 12 June, the public is completely hypnotized by the curves and the beauty of the girls. This time the dark hair and aggressive Annie Social wins.

MAIN EVENT (no title match):

Rob Van Dam enters in the arena, accompanied by pyro effects and from the claps of the public. He takes the microphone and, thanking all his fans, tells that he is waiting for a real adversary, after what people made him in the backstage. He challenges Orlando Jordan because he “is ROB VAN DAM”! When he is saying his name in the arena the music of Jordan sounds and he enters accompanied by his girls and his main female Regina, but this time without bodyguards. Instead of two guardians, this time he has with him John Heidenreich and Chris Mordesky who go in the ring to hit Rob Van Dam. More music hits in the arena and Kishi and Black Pearl run on the ring to help their friend. Strong match and with a lot of action, with the faces winning. Kishi did the Stink Face on Heidenreich and the faces rejoiced with the fans.

One thing is sure: Las Palmas will remember NWE for a long long time!

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Оооооо! Мощно! Rikishi закрива шоутоооо!

Дано някъде да се появи видео от този сегмент, все пак и РВД е бил там ;)


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Maлко снимки от 13-ти.

Chris Masters & Ultimo Dragoncito:


Brett Idol (от PWA на Booker T) vs. Dark Dragon:

Jungle PAC:

Jungle PAC vs. Super Nova:

E Clipse (Cyrus от федерацията на Booker T - PWA) vs. Vito:

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Има и още, но само тези двата ги бива горе-долу. Клипове от 12-ти:

Финалът на Rob Van Dam vs. Orlando Jordan

Entrance-ите на Vito & Juventud Guerrera

За самите резултати не съм сигурен, но нещата са изглеждали така:

6/15 NWE, Tenerife

1. Mini Dragon vs. Sabian (oт CZW) - кратък мач с high-flying изпълнения.

2. Jungle PAC vs. SJK - Отново, high-flying изпълнения, най-вече от PAC.

3. Vito vs. Brett Idol - комедиен мач.

4. Chris Mordesky vs. Super Nova - Heidenreich, Kishi & Black Pearl се намесват и става меле между тях тримата и Masters. Build-ва се Masters/Heidenreich vs. Kishi & Pearl вражда.

5. Женски мач

6. Ultimo Dragоn & Juventud Guerrera vs. Spartan 3.000 b. C. & Dark Dragon - доста high-flying изпълнения.

7. Rob Van Dam vs. Orlando Jordan - NWE Title, Lumberjack мач

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NWE, 6/14, Tenerife

First match: Dark Dragon & Spade-O (Sabian) vs Ultimo Dragon & Supernova

Winner: Ultimo Dragon & Supernova

Second match: Brett Idol vs E-Clipse

Winner: E-Clipse

Third match: tag team match: S.J.K. & Sarah Jones vs Vito & Lizzy Valentine

Winner: Vito & Lizzy Valentine

Forth match: Jungle Pac vs Spartan 3.000 b. C. vs Rob Van Dam

Winner: Rob Van Dam

Fifth match: Annie Social vs Mini Dragon

Winner: Mini Dragon

Sixth match: Main Event: 6 Men match: John Heidenreich, Chris Mordesky & Orlando Jordan vs Juventud Guerrera, Black Pearl & Kishi

Winner: Juventud Guerrera & Black Pearl & Kishi (Kishi pins Heidenreich)

NWE, 15 June 2008, Tenerife.

Dark Match: Mini Dragon vs Spade-O (Sabian) - Winner: Mini Dragon

First match: SJK vs Jungle Pac - Technical and acrobatic match with a Jungle Pac in the best shape of ever. He involves in his crazy actions his both the adversary and the referee. With his ”jungle” movements he conquers the match.

Second match: Brett Idol vs Vito - The blond and athletic Brett Idol against the ”beauty” of Vito for a very funny match. Vito forgets the bad moments he had lived with the giant E-Clipse and finally he returns to win.

Third match: Chris Mordesky vs Supernova (accompanied by Mini Dragon) - The heel Mordesky comes to the ring accompanied by a pyro show. He tries from the early beginning to stop his adversary in his lock and at the end he wins the match. But then he tries to hit again Supernova who is saved by the help of Mini Dragon. This action makes crazy Mordesky who is going to hit Little Dragon when Black Pearl arrives to save him. But this cause the entrance of Heidenreich to help his friend Mordesky and finally the arrival of Kishi too to join the face guys who wins and party on the ring.

Forth match: Dark Dragon & Spartan 3.000 b. C. vs Ultimo Dragon & Juventud Guerrera - After the intermission the match that was already pre-announced on Friday 12th in Las Palmas .Spartan 3.000 b.C. is accompanied on the ring by fire effects, meanwhile Dragon’s entrance is underlined by happy pyros. A very strong match, with no breath for the four protagonists. Juventud helps Dragon to pin and win the match on Spartan 3.000 b.C., but then the fight doesn’t stop and the quarrel last till to the backstage, out from the ring.

Fifth match: Bikini contest: Sarah Jones vs Annie Social vs Lizzy Valentine Strong and pure beauty on the ring. Tenerife public prefers the blonde curves and Lizzy Valentine wins among the claps of the audience, all dedicated to her.

Sixth match: Main event: Rob Van Dam vs Orlando Jordan - Van Dam accompanied by pyros, Jordan by confettis and his usual Regina. RVD takes the microphone establishing that their tonight match will be a lumberjack one. Jordan , scared, leaved the ring, but the music of Kishi and Black Pearl sounds in the arena: they come out and their music stop as soon as they touch Jordan . A very strong battle starts, till Regina helps Orlando to make his dirt game: meanwhile the referee is distracted Jordan hits RVD and win the match. But the public and the adversaries do not agree. All the roster is on the ring now: heels against faces. One to one all the heels are thrown down from the ring: only Jordan is on, hitting Mini Dragon in an angle of the ring. He doesn’t realize that all the faces are on the ring on his shoulder, meanwhile his bas crew is trying to advise him. He continues to hit Mini Dragon till he understands and see all the enemies around him. He begins to have a different mood with Mini Dragon, he tries to shake his hand, but the midget hits him on his intimacies and Orlando goes to the carpet. One by one all the members of the face crew make their own finisher to Jordan , with the public completely in delirious. The show ends with Kishi’s finisher on Jordan and the public partying.

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