BORKO_10 Posted January 12, 2008 Share Posted January 12, 2008 1. Kenny King and Jason Blade over Eddie Edwards and Pelle Primeau 2. Daizee Haze over Alexa Thatcher with the heart punch/minda trip combo. 3. Claudio Castagnoli beat Ruckus after the big swing and a european uppercut, I believe he caught him out of the moonsault legdrop. 4. Daniel Puder over Unknown Opponent with a leglock. 5. Bryan Danielson over Brent Albright with a triangle choke. "Great Match" 6. Kevin Steen over Necro Butcher after a Package Piledriver on a chair. "Brutal match" 7. Delirious over Sal Rinauro with the Cobra Stretch 8. Roderick Strong over El Generico with the Gibson Driver 9. Stevens beat Aries after a Doctor Bomb, the match ended in a DCOR, but was restarted. "great match" 10. ROH World Tag Team Champions Jimmy Jacobs & Tyler Black over Jay & Mark Briscoe and Jack Evans & Jigsaw and Brent Albright & BJ Whitmer A. Jigsaw and Jack Evans after an Albright half-nelson suplex. (Scramble Match) B. BJ Whitmer and Brent Albright after a Superfly Splash off a super high ladder by Mark onto BJ. (Whitmer and BJ both took out spikes during the No DQ match, they both spike the Briscoes, both are bleeding, lots of double teams) (No DQ Match) C. The Briscoes after a Contra Code from Jacobs and a Phoenix Splash from Tyler Black. "Great, great match" Ring of Honor debuted at Boston University in Boston, MA tonight with the following results: Pre-Show: *Mike Bennet defeated Rhett Titus with a sitout rock bottom. *Azrieal defeated. Ernie Osiris with a double stomp to the back of the head. Main Show: *YRR, Kenny King and Jason Blade defeated. Eddie Edwards and Pelle Primeau in a solid opening match. YRR then cut a promo on the Briscoes, who hit the ring and cleared it of the YRR. *Daizee Haze defeated Alexa Thatcher in a short back and forth match. There are a fair amount of a*****s here catcalling the women. *Claudio Castagnoli defeated Ruckus with an European uppercut. *Daniel Puder made his in-ring Ring of Honor debut, defeating Mike Bennet in a open challenge. Sweet N Sour, Inc.'s Larry Sweeney said no one could make Puder tap. This brought out Bryan Danielson, who challenged Puder, but Puder balked. Danielson called out Brent Albright to have their bout. *Bryan Danielson defeated Brent Albright in a fantastic match, but Albright would not shake Dragon's hand afterwards. *Kevin Steen defeated Necro Butcher in a fun plunder match. *Delirious defeated Sal Rinauro with a crossface submission. *Roderick Strong defeated El Generico. Generico was laid out by Albright and BJ Whitmer afterwards. Albright said he wasn't done with Bryan Danielson. *FIP champion Erik Stevens defeated Austin Aries in a fantastic match that is worth the price of the DVD when it's released. *ROH Tag Team champions The Age of the fall retained their belts in a fantastic Ultimate Endurance match. Evans and Jigsaw were eliminated first. The second fall saw BJ Whitmer get pinned under the No DQ stipulation. The final fall saw the Briscoes get pinned after a series of big spots and near falls. Quick Thoughts: *Great show with a near sellout crowd....Kevin Steen is really getting over with the ROH crowd...Brent Albright deserves a ton of credit for wrestling in two good to great matches tonight....ROH announced an April 11th return. Изглежда се е получило поредното страхотно шоу.Доста съм изненадан от чистата победа на Eric Stevens.Човека получава много сериозен push и съм много доволен от това,тъй като супер много ме кефи като образ и умения на ринга.Явно и ME е бил много добър,което не е изненада. Quote Link to comment
BORKO_10 Posted January 13, 2008 Author Share Posted January 13, 2008 ROH show report 1-12 Edison, NJ Est. Attendance 700 YRR def El Generico, Delerious, and Quackenbash. Daniel Puder submission challenge. 1000 bucks if you can last 1 minute. First jobber didn't last 35 seconds. Next one the same. Sweeney does not allow Claudio to participate. Historic event time. Sweeney crowns Hero and Sara Del Ray the first Intergender Tag Champs. They defeat another mixed tag team. Jigsaw, with Julius Smokes tapped out to Roderick Strong. Age of the Fall Jimmy Jacobs def. Jack Evans. Claudio Castignoli def. Austin Aries. Claudio challenges Puder for the 1 minute challenge and puts up 1000 bucks of his own money. Claudio lasts the minute but after Sweeey jumps off the top rope onto a chair that's on Claudio. Intermission. Shane Hagadorn and BJ whitmer def Bobby Dish and Eddie Edwards. Kevin Steen def Brent Albright. Erik Stevens def bryan Danielson in a great match. Briscoes def Age of the Fall. Crazy match. Jay was put though a table by Jacobs off a ladder. It was then 3 on 1. Jack Evans and Jigsaw finally came out to even things out. They brawled all over including the women. Necro was superplexed from the apron over the guardrail into the crowd area onto the cement floor in the sick bump of the night. Evens scored the pin on Jacobs. FUCK YEAH!Чиста победа за Stevens и над Danielson.Това наистина ме шокира.Явно Gabe има много сериозни намерения за това момче и си мисля,че ако продължава в този дух до 2 години може да го видим и като ROH World Champion. Quote Link to comment
TheUndertaker07 Posted January 14, 2008 Share Posted January 14, 2008 Ще се гледа 100%, но Драгън нещо почна да джоби доста често... Quote Link to comment
BORKO_10 Posted January 14, 2008 Author Share Posted January 14, 2008 Ще се гледа 100%, но Драгън нещо почна да джоби доста често... По-скоро бих казал Stevens започна да печели доста често.Много му се кефя,но от друга страна дали пък това не е преклаено избързан push? Quote Link to comment
shile Posted January 14, 2008 Share Posted January 14, 2008 Изглежда,че доста добри шоута са се получили особено за първото в Boston отзивите са много добри и ROH по перфектен начин са открили годината.Като резултати няма особени изненади освен победаta на Erick Stevens над Bryan Danielson.Беше ясно,че Stevens няма да загуби нито един от двата си мача през weekend-a,тъй като и в двата титлата на FIP бе заложена.Срещу Aries очаквах да спечели,но срещу Dragon най-логично бе мача да завърши без победител.Всъщност двата мача са се развили идентично,завършвайки с double countout,след което са били рестартирани и Stevens побеждава след doctor bomb.Адски push получава това момче,който не знам дали не е малко прибързан.В рамките на 2 седмици победи последователно Strong,Aries и Danielson.Все пак той е човекът,който намаза най-много покрай The Resilience и се изгради като звезда,затова случващото се може и да не се приеме като чак такава изненада,но като че ли се прибързва с тази серия от победи над топ звездите на компанията.А за Dragon,наистина много загуби му се насъбраха последните няколко месеца,но той и без друго е толкова over и това,че е jobnal на Jimmy Jacobs и Erick Stevens за да ги издигне,няма да му се отрази особено. Quote Link to comment
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